September 27, 2007
Winter Park - Room 221
Council Members Present: Karen Blondeau, Suzette Dohany, Jean Marie Fuhrman, Linda Hidek, Keith Houck, Susan Kelley, Joe Lynn Look, Michele McArdle, Ruth Prather, Erica Reynoso, Joyce Romano, Michael Shugg, Rose Watson, Chris Wettstein, Bill White
Council Members Absent: Lana Powell, Linda Vance, Kaye Walter, George Witta
Council Staff Present: Fiona Baxter, Helene Loiselle, Rita Moore
Guest: Jane Wiese
I. Welcome and Introductions
Co-Chair Suzette Dohany, convened the meeting and welcomed Joe Lynn Look as a new member representing East Campus Academic Deans. She also introduced Jane Wiese, who was present for the Learning Activity. In welcoming the Council to Winter Park, it was noted that Valencia’s Winter Park location has now been officially declared a Campus.
II. Action Item: Minutes of July 26, 2007, Meeting
Susan Kelley presented the minutes of the July 26, 2007 meeting. There were a couple of minor edits: one to the Minutes and one to Attachment C. The edited versions of these two documents will be sent out electronically.
Action: The Council approved by consensus the minutes of the July 26, 2007 meeting.
III. Learning Activity – Understanding Fund Accounting
Professor Jane Wiese provided an overview of fund accounting and shared basic concepts that can be helpful to those reviewing the college budget and financial reports. She provided handouts that explained selected fund accounting terminology and listed Valencia’s funds and sources of funding. She also shared a sample of Valencia’s state budget form.
She explained that the purpose of fund accounting is accountability to the organization that provided the funds, noting that it is usually associated with non-profit organizations and government
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September 27, 2007
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agencies. This accounting method identifies where the money comes from, what is done with it, and how much remains. She noted also that fund accounting is not intended to provide an overview, but rather it is designed to be “narrow,” in order to provide accountability to the source of the money in each fund. Because fund accounting is narrow, it presents problems in higher education because few people have the total picture. She stressed that under fund accounting, funds in separate accounts cannot be co-mingled. She noted that Valencia’s financial report is well done and is a very good example of a report following fund accounting guidelines.
IV. Report: 2007-08 Budget
Keith Houck provided an overview of the state budget situation and plans to work collaboratively to establish principles and make decisions this Fall, using a team that includes among its members those who serve on the Budget and Financial Advisory Group. Keith and Rose Watson will co-chair a meeting set for October 26.
Keith gave a detailed explanation of the Fund balance and the Quasi Endowment balance and indicated that these were the college’s “Safety Net” of reserve funds. The state legislature will be meeting in special session to discuss the percentage of the Florida colleges’ budget reduction to be implemented this year, possibly giving an indication of a projected reduction for 2008-09 as well.
V. Report: Planning Process Update
Suzette Dohany and Susan Kelley reported on the status of the work of the planning task forces. The strategic goals, strategic issues, BHAGs, and vision, values, and mission statements were submitted to the Board of Trustees on September 18. Susan mentioned that the Board was very interested in the process and in the measurable, results objectives, as it was important to them that we focus on results that can be measured. Work on writing objectives for each goal is underway by four Goals Teams. Several council members commented that they have heard very positive reports about the work being done by the Goals Teams.
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September 27, 2007
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VI. Council Learning Agenda for 2007-08
Suzette Dohany and Erica Reynoso reported on the work of their team to propose possible Learning Activities for the Council for 2007-08. Several books were proposed for the Council to read as well as a list of different subjects of interest, along with names of people who might be asked to make a presentation on those subjects at future meetings. Members were invited to indicate their choice of books and their choice of subjects and to return the selection sheet to Suzette at Mail Code 5-3 as soon as possible. She will present a final proposed list of activities at the October 25 Council meeting.
VII. Next Meeting Date and Time
Suzette announced that the next meeting is scheduled for October 25, 2007, at 2:30 at the Osceola Campus, 2-219B. Susan also mentioned that it is possible that the Council may not have to meet in December. She also indicated that the co-chairs would like to continue the tradition of having a holiday party for Council members at Susan Kelley’s home. Proposed dates were December 3 and December 5, and Susan asked members to email her with the date that would be best for them. A final decision will be made at the October 25 meeting.
The meeting adjourned at 5:00.