Crossover Ceremony
Chief (Tom):Guide, will you search the trail and find the Webelos ready to receive this high honor, and bring them before me?
(A Webelos Den Leader, acting as Guide, gets the Webelos from their assembly area.)
Chief:Let us now open our ring as we accept these Webelos and guide them as they cross over into Boy Scouting.
Medicine Man (Diamond):We now call upon the Great Spirit for his blessing on these young men. May these scouts always strive to attain the highest ideals, here in this ring. Be their strength and guide. Help them to follow a straight trail in their future, and never for any reason wander from their path, and protect them for many moons to come.
Chief: (To Webelos) So you are the ones who have made your way to the top and have received the Arrow of Light. This is good. Your den leaders have prepared you well.
(Pause) Medicine Man, will you tell them the Legend?
Medicine Man:Many moons ago, Chief Akela of the Webelos led his tribe to greatness. He knew that he would not live forever, so one spring night he told the tribal council: If our tribe is to remain strong, we must teach our boys the way of the brave. The council agreed, so the next day Akela gathered the boys of the tribe and said to them: You, my sons, hold the future of our tribe. If our tribe is to remain strong, you must learn from the Bobcat the lore of tracking and trailing. Then you must learn form the Wolf the secrets of from the stealth and cunning, and finally from the Bear the language of the land and the secret names of trees. Only them can you become a brave and understand the true meaning of the Webelos: (pause) “We’ll be loyal scouts” and our tribe will remain strong.
Chief:Chief Akela was the son of the Sun spirit who lights the sky. It was he who blazed the trail over which you have just traveled, the trail of Cub Scouting.
(Tiger pad)You may remember the green meadow where the Bobcat lives. It was here that I first began to watch you as you began your journey. There were more of you then, but the trail was not for those who lacked courage.
(Wolf pad)You moved on to the rolling hills of the Wolf where you learned to live up to the Cub Scout Promise and the Law of the Pack.
(Bear pad)Now you entered the domain of the Bear. When you reached the top of this steep, forested hillside, you learned the true meaning of “Webelos”. (
(Web 2 pad)All that remained was one rocky hillside and you could see your goal: the totem of the great Chief Akela: the Arrow of Light.
Here you now stand, having reached your goal, but looking skyward again, you realize that goal was but a foothill and ahead of you stands a shining mountain, the Mountain of Boy Scouting.
Will the parents of the following Webelos scouts please come forward and stand behind them.
Jackson Bernard
Kevin Carbone
David Salmon
Matthew Simcoe
Trent Lusby
Bobby Carey
Justin Machleit
Troup Ackerman
Kevin Krider
Tyler Ballew
Jesse Inglima
Schuyler Osthoff
Parents, without your guidance, no boy could have ever achieved such a high rank. You have prepared them well. They will need your continued support as they follow the Trail of Boy Scouting.
Medicine Man:Before you become a Boy Scout, you must seal your plans to continue onward, up this trail. Raise your right hand in the Scout sign and say with me the Scout Oath and Law.
(Repeat the scout Oath & Law, while other boys take their place along the path)
Scout Oath:
On my honor, I will do my best
To do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law;
To help other people at all times;
To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight.
Scout Law
A Scout is:
and Reverent.
Guide:Parents, please take your seats, so that these Scouts may continue along their trail of scouting.
Chief:As all of you know, this ceremony marks the end of a journey. But as this journey ends, another is just beginning. Here, at the summit of Cub Scouting, you have the start of a new trail. The Trail of Boy Scouting.
Medicine Man:But the trail will be long and difficult. You must keep the spirit of Akela strong within each of you. It will give you strength and guidance as you ascend onward.
Guide:The time has come for you to begin on the new trail, to join the clan of warriors, the Boy Scout Troop. Each of you shall now cross the bridge and be welcomed by the members of your new troop. This is a trip you must make alone. Only after you have been welcomed by your new troop may you return to escort your parents across.
As night is a bridge between each day, let this bridge, for each of you, lead to the fellowship of Scouting.
Chief: (call each boy to cross the bridge by troop number, the Guide will lead the line of boys to the bridge. At one end of the bridge, the Cubmaster & Assistants will remove the Webelos epaulets, neckerchief and hat. They will also present a Boy Scout Handbook to each scout. At the other end of the bridge, the Boy Scout Troop will present new epaulets, a neckerchief, and hat. Once the boy receives these, the will cross back over the bridge to bring his parents over.)
Troop 10Troop 69 Troop 429
Jackson BernardTrent LusbyBobby Carey
Kevin CarboneTroup Ackerman
David SalmonKevin Krider
Matthew Simcoe*Justin Machleit
Troop 205
Tyler Ballew*Justin will not be at
Jesse Inglima crossover but will be
Schuyler Osthoffcrossing over to Troop 429
Chief:I congratulate you on your achievements. Having finished the work for which we were called to do, we now depart this gathering of the tribe. Before we go, I would remind you to keep Akela’s spirit alive. Let it ignite a spark that you will fan into fire as you grow. (pause) Now I challenge you: Look carefully, circling the top of the shining mountains, (gesture as if to indicate) the coveted Eagle.