
Critical Infrastructure Protection Committee

September 18, 2012 | 1:00 p.m.–5:00 p.m. (CST)

September 19, 2012 | 8:00 a.m.–Noon (CST)

Hyatt Regency at the Arch

315 Chestnut Street

St. Louis, MO 63102


NERC Sponsored Training – “Cyber Vulnerability Assessment Workshop”

By: Encari

September 18, 2012 | 7:30 a.m.–Noon (CST)

Room: Grand Ballroom AB

Critical Infrastructure Protection Meeting

September 18, 2012 | 1:00 p.m.–5:00 p.m. (CST)

September 19, 2012 | 8:00 a.m.–Noon (CST)

Room: Regency EF

Welcome and Introductions – CIPC Chair Chuck Abell

NERC Antitrust Compliance Guidelines and Public Meeting Announcement*


1.  Administrative – CIPC Secretary, Bob Canada

a.  Arrangements – Emergency Precautions and Convenience

b.  Announcement of Quorum

c.  CIPC Roster

d.  CIPC Charter

f.  Parliamentary Procedures – In the absence of specific provisions in this manual, all committee meetings shall be conducted in accordance with the most recent edition of Robert’s Rules of Order in all cases to which they are applicable.

2.  Consent Agenda – Chair Chuck Abell

a.  Draft Minutes of June 20-21, 2012 CIPC Meeting

b. Committee Membership Appointments and Changes

TRE Jim Brenton ERCOT

TRE David Grubbs City of Garland

TRE James Grimshaw * CPS Energy


FRCC Carter Manucy * Florida Municipal

FRCC Darren Myers Progress

MRO Marc Child Great River

MRO Paul Crist LES

MRO Rick Liljegren MN Power

NPCC Mike Puscas NU

NPCC John Lim ConEd

NPCC Benoit Tardif HQ

RFC Larry Bugh RFC

RFC Kent Kujala Detroit

RFC Jeff Fuller DPL

SERC Chuck Abell Ameren

SERC Carl Eng Dominion

SERC Tommy Clark SMEPA

SPP John Breckenridge KCPL

SPP Allen Klassen Westar

SPP Robert McClanahan AECC

WECC Scott Bordenkircher APS

WECC Robert Matthews PGE


APPA David Godfrey TMPA

APPA Nathan Mitchell APPA

CEA Chris McColm Manitoba

CEA Ross Johnson Capital Power

NRECA Robert Richhart Hoosier

NRECA David Revill * Georgia Transmission

ing N *Denotes new representatives

3.  Chair’s Remarks – Chair Abell

a.  Reports

1.  SCCG Meeting June 27, 2012

2.  ESCC Meeting July 17, 2012

3.  BOT Meeting August 16, 2012

b.  CIPC 2012 Work Plan Status and Goals – Strategic Plan Posted at : CIPC Strategic Plan

4.  Remarks – Matt Blizard, NERC, Director of Critical Infrastructure Protection

5.  Reliability Issues Steering Committee (RISC) Overview – Andy Rodriquez, NERC Staff

6.  ES-ISAC Update, Task Force Portal – Tim Roxey, NERC Staff

7.  Electricity Subsector Cybersecurity Capability Maturity Model (ES-C2M2) –
Mathew Light, Department of Energy (DOE)

8.  Coordinated Action Plan & Joint Steering Group Status Report- Stuart Brindley, NERC Consultant

9.  Sabotage & Disturbance Reporting (EOP-004-2) SDT – Bob Canada, NERC Staff

10.  Subcommittee Chairs, Subgroups and Remarks – Chair Abell

11.  Operating Security Subcommittee – Chair Carl Eng

Electricity Sector Information Sharing TF Status Report – Chair Stephen Diebold

ESISTF Charter

Charter approved by CIPC June 20, 2012

HILF Implementation TF Status Report – Chair Bill Muston
HILFTF Charter

Charter approved by CIPC June 20, 2012

12.  Policy Subcommittee, Chair Nathan Mitchell

BES Security Metrics WG Status Report – Vice Chair Gustav Hoyer

Charter approved by CIPC June 20, 2012

Personnel Security Clearances TF Status Report – Chair Jim Brenton
PSCTF Charter

Charter approved by CIPC June 20, 2012

Compliance Enforcement and Input WG – Paul Crist, Chair

CEIWG Charter

Charter posted for comments and submitted for CIPC approval

13.  Cyber Security Subcommittee – Chair Marc Child

Control Systems Security WG Status Report – Chair Mark Engels

CSSWG Charter

Cyber Attack TF Status Report – Chair Mark Engels
CATTF Charter

Charter approved by CIPC June 20, 2012

Cyber Security Analysis WG Status Report – Chair Eric Warakomski

CSAWG Charter

Charter posted for comments and submitted for CIPC approval

14.  Physical Security Subcommittee – Chair David Grubbs

Protecting Sensitive Information Guideline TF Status Report – Chair Nathan Mitchell

PSI Guideline
Guideline approved by CIPC June 20, 2012

Physical Security Guideline TF – Chair John Breckenridge

Physical Security Guideline

Guideline approved by CIPC June 20, 2012

Physical Security Analysis WG Status Report – Chair Ross Johnson

PSAWG Charter

Charter approved by CIPC June 20, 2012

15.  Grid Security Conference: GridSecCon Registration Link – Brian Harrell, NERC Staff

16.  Cyber Security Standards Update – Scott Mix and Steve Noess, NERC Staff

a.  Version 4 Order & Implementation Dates

b.  Version 5 Ballot Status and Steps Forward

c.  Interpretation Team (IDT) Update

d.  Sufficiency Review Program (SRP)

17.  Compliance Operations – Mike Moon, NERC Staff

a.  CIP Compliance Application Notices

b.  RSAWs

c.  Internal Controls in CIP V5

18.  Legislative Update – Nathan Mitchell, APPA

19.  Agency Updates:

a.  Federal Energy Regulatory Commission – Robert Chambers

b.  Department of Homeland Security – Cathy Eade

c.  Department of Energy – Matt Light

1.  Risk Management Process (RMP)

2.  Capability Maturity Model (CMM)

Closing Items

21.  Follow-up Items and Future Actions – Chair Chuck Abell (Action/Discussion)

22.  Future Meeting Schedule:

Meeting Dates / Time / Type / Location / Hotel
September 17 / 5PM – 7PM (CST) / CIPC Executive Committee / St. Louis, MO / Hyatt Regency at the Arch : Sterling 4
September 18 / 7:30 AM – Noon (CST) / Cyber Workshop / St. Louis, MO / Hyatt Regency at the Arch : Grand AB
October 17-18 / 8:00AM to 5:00PM (PDT) / Grid Security Conference (GridSecCon) / San Diego, CA / San Diego Marriott Del Mar
December 12 / 7:30AM – Noon (Eastern) / DHS Classified Briefing / Atlanta, GA / Facility TBD
December 12 / 1PM – 5PM (Eastern) / CIPC Meeting / Atlanta, GA / Westin Buckhead Atlanta
December 13 / 8AM – Noon (Eastern) / CIPC Meeting / Atlanta, GA / Westin Buckhead Atlanta
March 5, 2013 / 7:30AM – Noon (MDT) / Physical Security Workshop / Albuquerque, NM / Hyatt Regency Albuquerque
March 5, 2013 / 1PM – 5PM (MDT) / CIPC Meeting / Albuquerque, NM / Hyatt Regency Albuquerque
March 6, 2013 / 8AM – Noon (MDT) / CIPC Meeting / Albuquerque, NM / Hyatt Regency Albuquerque
June 2013 / 7:30AM – Noon / Cyber Security Workshop / TBD / TBD
June 2013 / 1PM – 5PM / CIPC Meeting / TBD / TBD
June 2013 / 8AM – Noon / CIPC Meeting / TBD / TBD
September 17, 2013 / 7:30AM – Noon (MDT) / Physical Security Workshop / Denver, CO / Hyatt Regency Denver Tech Center
September 17, 2013 / 1PM – 5PM (MDT) / CIPC Meeting / Denver, CO / Hyatt Regency Denver Tech Center
September 18, 2013 / 8AM – Noon (MDT) / CIPC Meeting / Denver, CO / Hyatt Regency Denver Tech Center
December 10, 2013 / 1PM – 5PM (Eastern) / Physical Security Workshop / Atlanta, GA / Westin Buckhead Atlanta
December 111, 2013 / 8AM – Noon (Eastern) / CIPC Meeting / Atlanta, GA / Westin Buckhead Atlanta

23.  Meeting Adjournment

Motion by: Time: