
Communities Zone Executive Committee


There will be a meeting of the Communities Zone Executive Committee on the 24th March 2016 in the Ian King Meeting Room at 1:00pm. In order to ensure the meeting is kept to time please ensure all attached papers are read in advance. Apologies should be emailed to .


1.1 Members Present

Lauren Marriott LM VP Communities

Andrew Kinnell AK Union President

Lea Barbett LB Environment & Ethics Officer (Co-opted)

Scott MacKay SM Clubs & Societies Officer

Jess Logan JL Student Representative

Anni Rahtu AR International Students Officer

1.2 In Attendance

1.3 Observers

Alban Dickson AD Student Activities & Volunteer Coordinator

1.4 Apologies

Kieran Daly KD Media Officer

Callum Derrick CD Student Representative

Hollie Irvine HI Communities Officer

Rachael Kinnaird RK Club President

Megan Milne MM Club President

Anuraag Mukhia AM Student Representative

1.5 Absent without Apologies



Minutes from previous meetings are available online.



LM Congratulations to Lea Barbett, Kieran Daly and other part-time officers on their recent election for 2016/17. There are still vacancies for an International Officer. Welcome to new sabbatical officers, Heather Marr and Jamie Grant who will be sitting on this committee next year.


6.1 7th April – Clubs Ball

6.2 21st April – Volunteer Awards

6.3 14th April – Clubs Academy, following 1st April AGM deadline

6.4 7th June – Last day in office for 2015-16 sabbatical team.

6.5 LB 14th April – Film screening in Venue

6.6 SM SUPS trip to Aberdeen 26th/27th March

6.7 KD Brig working on new content for next week


7.1 LM Emphasis on Elections, Clubs Ball and Volunteer Awards. Working solidly on events which begin in 2 weeks’ time. Recently took University Court on a tour of the Union’s facilities, showcasing the Green & Blue space. Also met with Media International societies ahead of applicant days in April, encourage them to speak to new societies on the 9th and 16th April.

7.2 LM Clubs Ball features, such as wave projectors which looked good during a test in the venue. Currently contacting societies to offer to help them. Also working with Midichlorians to help them increase their membership, including uniform expenses, and overseeing AGM elections with Lauren Marriott. Jess Logan is joining in the SUPS elections and I intend to return to this committee next year as an elected member.

7.3 No report

7.4 LB The current entire handover to volunteers for the future of the Green & Blue space is underway. Revolve accreditation has been postponed until next semester. Bottle tax campaign took place yesterday, met with Andrew Kinnell as well.

LM Also Clare is moving on to a new post.

7.5 AR Took part in an internal audit for international students, attended the International Society AGM yesterday which wasn’t well attended. Observed difficulties in using club funds, need for clear rules on what can be spent on what activities.

LM Met with Jack Mitchell yesterday. Clubs funds cannot be released for an event until income has arrived.

AR Bigger clubs have good funds, different to the situation of smaller ones.

SM Clubs can pay 100% for any event relating to their aims, 60% otherwise, but individual contributions are required before funds can be taken out. One rule for one club I required.

LM Communicate this to clubs, as long as it won’t result in a club being overdrawn.

SM The lower risk of booking refundable rates should also be considered.

7.6 KD AGMs are taking place this week and next. Lucy McLellan has stepped down as editor of Brig, so a new position will step in immediately. There may be a paper before the end of the semester and AirTV are holding the ATVAS in May.


8.1  Clubs & Societies Constitution(s)

All to be passed in principle ahead of the next Communities Zone Executive Meeting.

8.1.1  University of Stirling Barnardo’s

Passed in principle. 6 in favour, 0 against, 0 abstentions.

8.1.2  University of Stirling Sociology Society

LM This outlines a name change, for a more departmental base. Potential receives more support from University staff.

SM I agree, and like the changes.

Passed in principle. 6 in favour, 0 against, 0 abstentions.

8.1.3  University of Stirling Volunteering Society

LM This has outlined the aims for the Awards system and a new publicity officer role. Simron has put in a lot of effort and thought to this.

Passed in principle. 6 in favour, 0 against, 0 abstentions.

8.1.4  University of Stirling Doctor Who Society

LM A lot of fandom societies, all of which have a great sense of community.

SM Does this conflict with SHAZAM?

LM There is no direct reference to Doctor Who in their constitution. In America, we learned that there are a lot of clubs with similar aims, so even slight overlapping isn’t necessarily a bad thing. This group wouldn’t be starting until September.

Passed in principle. 6 in favour, 0 against, 0 abstentions.

8.2  Club Grant Applications

8.2.1  University of Stirling Midichlorian Lightsaber Academy

LM This is primarily for buying lightsabers.

AR Why are they buying 15?

LB I understand they need these to help promote the club

LM I have issues with the numbers and lack of fundraising.

KD Come back when they have 10 members, Focus on having members this semester, like what Football Manager Society did.

LM I suggest we shelves this until next semester. Recommendation to have a meeting before September.

SM I can discuss this with him. If they get 10 members they can reapply.

Agreed in principle to not pass. 6 in favour, 0 against, 0 abstentions.

8.3  Clubs Ball

LM This is now 2 weeks away. Thanks to the shortlisting committee. The event will be black tie, such as suits and evening wear. Wave projectors and other decorations have been sourced, as well as balloons and wine for the tables. A double bass and pianist have also been sourced. We are also requesting any vintage luggage cases. SM is collecting photos for a slideshow. You have all received sponsorship letters for raffle prizes too.

AR What types of prizes?

LM Anything would be well received.

LM Clubs Academy will be held in lecture theatres and then in Venue for lunch, which will in turn host later workshops.



10.1 13th April (Wednesday, 13:00-15:00)

10.2 27th April (Wednesday, 13:00-15:00)