RFP SHF2014-01

Electronic Monitoring Services

And Case Management Program

City and County of San Francisco

Request for Proposals for

Electronic Monitoring Services and Case Management Program

RFP #SHF2014-01

Date issued: Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Pre-proposal conference: Wednesday, October 30, 2013 10:00 a.m.

Submission of Final Proposer Questions Wednesday, November 6, 2013, 2:00 p m.

Submission of Final Answers to Questions Thursday, November 7, 2013, 2:00 p m.

Proposal Due Date: Friday, November 8, 2013 2:00 p m.

Request for Proposals for Electronic Monitoring Services and Case Management Program



I. Introduction and Schedule 1

II. Scope of Work 2

III. Submission Requirements 11

IV. Evaluation and Selection Criteria 13

V. Pre-proposal conference and Contract award 17

VI. Terms and Conditions for Receipt of Proposals 17

VII. Contract Requirements 22

VIII. Protest Procedures 24


A. CMD Attachment 2: Requirements for Architecture, Engineering and Professional Services Contracts, for contacts $50,000 and over document (separate document). Proposers must submit the following forms:

Form 2A CMD Contract Participation form

Form 2B CMD “Good Faith” Outreach Requirements form

Form 3 CMD Non-discrimination Affidavit

Form 5 CMD Employment form

The following form may be required, depending on the circumstances:

Form 4 Joint Venture Participation Schedule

B. Standard Forms: Listing and Internet addresses of Forms related to B-1

Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification, to Business Tax

Declaration, and to Chapters 12B and 12C, and 14B of the

S.F. Administrative Code.

C. Agreement for Professional Services (form P-500) separate document

Request for Proposals for

Electronic Monitoring Services

And Case Management Program

I.  Introduction and Schedule

a. General

The City and County of San Francisco Sheriff’s Department (“SFSD”) seeks responses to a Request for Proposal for an Electronic Monitoring/Home Detention Service and Case Management Program for the San Francisco City and County Jails. The Department estimates 1250-1500 detainee-participants will go through the program per year, with an average of 250-300 participating at any one time. On average, detainees participate in the program between four and six months. The maximum length of time for participants is one year.

The Agreement period shall have an anticipated original term of three (3) years. The term of the Agreement is the period from award execution date, approximately March 1, 2014 through the last day of the month of a thirty-six consecutive month period. In addition, the Sheriff shall have two options to extend the term for a period of a year each, by mutual agreement and in writing. In the event such extension right is exercised, all terms and conditions, requirements and specifications of the Agreement shall remain the same and apply during the renewal term. The maximum contract period is not anticipated to be more than five (5) years. Should the contract reach five full years, the contract may continue for a short period to allow for a smooth transition to a new contract.

b. Schedule

The anticipated schedule for selecting a consultant is:

Proposal Phase Date

RFP is issued by the City Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Mandatory Pre-proposal conference Wednesday, October 30, 2013, 10am

Deadline for submission of written questions

or requests for clarification Wednesday, November 6, 2013, 2pm

Answers to final questions Thursday, November 7, 2013, 2pm

Proposal due date Friday, November 8, 2013, 2pm

Proposer orientation for 24 hour equipment demo Tuesday, Nov. 19, 2013, 9:30 am.

Proposers’ presentation and demo documentation Wednesday, Nov. 20, 2013, 9:30am.

P-590 (12-12) October 16, 2013

RFP SHF2014-01

Electronic Monitoring Services

And Case Management Program

II. Scope of Work

The Scope of Work is to be used as a general guide and is not intended to be a complete list of all work necessary to complete the project.

The following work tasks are assumed necessary to an electronic monitoring service and case management program. Proposing teams may suggest a modified scope as part of their proposal.

Case Management Requirements

a.  Referrals

The San Francisco Sheriff’s Department (SFSD), the Courts, or the detainee’s attorney will make referrals. SFSD will screen all referrals and determine which detainees can be safely supervised via electronic monitoring. The Sheriff’s Department may allow out-of-county participants to be monitored, provided they meet the Sheriff’s criteria.

b. Orientation and Equipment Installations

The Sheriff’s Department will notify the Contractor regarding a detainee’s impending participation in the City’s Electronic Monitoring (EM) program.

The Contractor will orient and activate the EM equipment on the day SFSD notifies the Contractor that a detainee will participate in the EM program. The Contractor will orient the detainee and will install the EM equipment at the Sheriff’s facilities at 70 Oak Grove or 930 Bryant, or at an SFSD predetermined location. As part of the orientation process, the Contractor will provide participants with a first-week schedule during the EM equipment installation.

Following installation, the Contractor will confirm that the EM equipment is activated and operational and will notify SFSD electronically, in writing. The Contractor will ensure that all EM equipment is activated and operational the same day it is installed.

c. Initial Assessment

Once the SFSD has determined that a detainee can be safely supervised via electronic monitoring, the Contractor will complete an initial assessment of each program participant prior to the date EM equipment is scheduled for installment. The contractor will provide to SFSD an electronic participant assessment file that contains, at minimum:

1) Program application

2) List and schedule of approved activities

3) Verification of employment and/or proof of education class enrollment and school schedule, as appropriate

4) List of all verified sources of income

5) Verification of participation in a church, synagogue, mosque or other spiritual activity, as appropriate

6) Program goals to include treatment plans

7) All special needs

8) Approved payment plan and payment schedule.

d. Case File

The Contractor will create and maintain an electronic case file for each participant. Such file shall contain detailed information from the participant’s initial assessment, program activities, employment, out-of-residence movement, and all other relevant activities. The case file will include the following:

1) Participant’s schedule

2) Start date

3) Projected end date

4) Detailed information on participant’s program activities

5) All important addresses

6) Contact phone numbers

7) All program violations to date, if any

8) Restrictions such as, but not limited to: “exclusion zones”, curfews, travel

9) Sanctions Imposed

Contractor will note all updates to participants’ schedules and contact information in the electronic master list within 24 hours of the schedule or contact information change. Contractor will provide all files to the SFSD upon request.

e. Client Monitoring

The Contractor shall provide a full time Site Manager to supervise contractor staff and coordinate efforts with SFSD staff. The Site Manager may mange up to ten (10) clients at one time and shall provide technical expertise during violation hearings and enforcement actions, attend monthly staff meetings, and liaison between SFSD and other agencies. Further, the Site Manager shall provide continuous training for all SFSD Community Programs and Contractor staff on all participant tracking software and EM devices. The Site Manager will be the point of communication between the Contractor and the SFSD for billing purposes and will collect payment and resolve any discrepancies that may occur. The Site Manager will work at an SFSD site such as 70 Oak Grove or the Women’s Resource Center (WRC).

The Contractor shall provide Case Manager(s) at a ratio of 1 Case Manager to every 35 clients enrolled in EM and provide the following case management services with each participant:

• Office Meetings - Contractor will employ a Case Manager/s who will meet with each program participant at an SFSD site such as 70 Oak Grove or the Women’s Resource Center (WRC) at least once every 30 days. At this meeting, the Case Manager will review and verify the participant’s activities during the previous period and will inspect the EM equipment and verify it is operational and securely attached to the participant’s ankle. The Contractor will submit a complete report of all Office Meetings by the deadline specified, if requested by the SFSD or Courts.

• Employment/School Verification – Each 30 days Contractor will collect a copy of the program participant’s latest paycheck stub to confirm their employment status. A copy of the pay check stub will be submitted to the participant’s case file. Contractor will collect a copy of the program participant’s most recent school registration form, class schedule, and upon completion of the school term, will collect a copy of their report card and will submit this information to the participant’s case file.

• Urinalysis and Drug and Alcohol Screening - The Contractor will collect a urine sample or saliva swab drug test from each participant at least once every 30 days and will test the sample for marijuana, heroin, amphetamine, PCP and cocaine via a Substance Abuse Screening Device such as Redi-Cup. The Contractor will test blood alcohol content at least once every 30 days via Portable Alcohol Screening Device (PAS) or Breathalyzer, as determined by SFSD. All urine samples, saliva swab tests, and blood alcohol tests will be administered at no cost to SFSD. The Department will determine whether the Contractor will collect a urine sample or saliva swab drug test. Contractor will promptly carry out any additional testing orders requested by a Judge, or by the SFSD. If test results are appealed, the Contractor will provide a lab test at no additional cost to the SFSD. The Contractor will provide all test results to the SFSD immediately in writing or within seven (7) days of receipt if more conclusive analysis is needed. Contractor will record all test results in the participant’s case file.

• 24-Hour Monitoring - The Contractor will monitor all EM participants 24 hours a day, seven (7) days a week. One time per week, the Contractor will provide SFSD with an electronic master list of all individuals participating in the EM program. The list will contain participant name, participant violations, case manager name and contact information. The Contractor will notify SFSD via email and by phone, as soon as possible but no later than one hour after a participant has been Absent Without Official Leave (AWOL), or an alarm goes off due to tampering, dead battery, or a cut bracelet and there is no communication with the participant. The Contractor will provide an electronic written report of all AWOL incidents the next business day and a final written summary report within 24 hours of resolution. The Contractor must have a 24 hour technical support center that can be accessed by the SFSD 24 hours a day, seven (7) days a week, 365 days a year to provide a safety net of technical support during exigent circumstances.

• Meetings and Access - The Contractor will participate in meetings with the SFSD Community Programs and Command staff as required.

• Training - The Contractor will train all SFSD Community Programs staff in the use of equipment and monitoring techniques.

• Reports - The Contractor will submit written reports, as requested, and in the format determined, by the SFSD Community Programs staff.

General Requirements

• Invoicing - Contractor will submit invoices in the format required by SFSD for the previous month’s service by the 15th day of the current month, and must contain all necessary documentation to verify validity. Invoices must state, but may not be limited to the following:

o Client’s name

o Individual services provided with the corresponding charge per service

o Number of days client participated per service.

• Contractor and Contractor Employee Requirements - All Contractor employees working in the jail will maintain current jail clearance and will participate in the San Francisco Sheriff’s Department Jail Clearance Orientation Training. All Contractor employees must be able to participate in field enforcement and compliance activities with appropriate personal protection equipment.

• Lost Units – Contractor will incorporate inventory shrinkage due to lost or damaged devices into total contract pricing and will indicate the number of devices that may be replaced without cost to SFSD in the response.

Equipment Requirements

1) GPS (Active, Passive, Optional HMU via Landline or Cellular):

• Must be capable of producing mapping displays and reports that include participant location, zone violations, tampering & battery status.

• Must have capability to determine if a participant has violated a zone/schedule that is associated with an area on a map. System must allow for up to 100 of these schedules.

• Must allow areas to be designated as areas where participant a) should be, b) should not be, or c) optional.

• Must allow an agency to break out caseloads by branch and case manager.

• Must allow caseworker to include notes related to system generated alerts. Notes should be capable of being attached to alert.

• Must allow caseworker to determine reporting intervals.

• Must be FCC certified one-piece/single-body-attached devices housing the receiver and transmitter into a single unit. All participant equipment (except a charging cable) must be included in a 1-piece, ankle attached device and must report all information exclusively through the cellular network. Must be as small and inconspicuous as possible - Dimensions shall be no larger than approximately 4.5” x 2.5” x 1.5” eight and four tenths (8.4) ounces or must be consistent in size and weight with the latest industry standards.

. • All devices must provide alternative location tracking using the cellular network in the absence of GPS at no additional cost.

• All devices must attach to the participant with either a reusable or field replaceable strap that is adjustable to fit the participant and attaches at the handle. Contractor shall replace reusable straps once every year at no additional cost or shall provide six (6) disposable straps per unit per year at no additional cost.

• All devices shall be capable of being attached to the participant with the fewest pieces possible.

• All devices shall be capable of being attached to the participant so that efforts to tamper with or remove the bracelet are obvious upon visual inspection and provide immediate tamper detection and alert reporting.

• All devices shall remain in “tamper” until a Case Worker has inspected the device and cleared the alert. In the event a tamper does occur, the device shall not terminate the signal, shut down, or “reset” itself in any way.