F 168


'Lokmangal', 1501, Shivajinagar, Pune 411005.




The Branch Manager



Dear Sir,

I/My son/daughter/ward Shri./Kum. ______

is undergoing ______his/her studies for ______degree/

desire to prosecute

diploma at ______Institute/University at

______I request for that purpose a loan of Rs. ______

(Rupees ______)

I agree to abide by your rules and regulations regarding such loans as existing or as may be changed from time to time.

I am giving hereunder information in respect of myself, my family members, the Proposed sureties and declare that the particulars given hereunder are true and correct to the best of my belief. In case the same are subsequently found to be incorrect or in case the ward ./ student does not continue / prosecute his studies successfully or commits breach of any of Bank's rules or any installment remains in arrears, the bank shall be at liberty to recall the loan immediately and / or stop further disbursements of loan amounts as its discretion.

Yours faithfully,


Name ______Age ______

Address ______

Financial standing of the applicant

Where applicant is in service Where applicant has his business / profession etc.

1) Serving as / Designation : _____ 1) Nature of business ______

Name of the office : ______and address of shop / ______

Address of office : ______office etc. ______

2) Basic salary per month : Rs. ____ 2) His own capital investment

Total emoluments : Rs. ______in the business Rs. ______

Basic salary and other allowances 3) Annual sales as per

after deducting Provident balance sheet Rs. ______

Fund and Income Tax Rs. ______4) If assesable to

3) Income of wife (if employed) : Income tax paid, Rs. ______

Per month net Rs. ______5) Annual sales tax,

if paid Rs. ______

4) Income of other earning 6) Total profit of the

family members net Rs. ______business Rs. ______

Total monthly income Rs. ______7) Business loan and

Total annual Income liabilities etc. Rs. ______

of the family Rs. ______(Please append a copy of

the latest Balance Sheet)

5) Interest, dividend / etc. 8) Income by way of interest,

annual income (net) Rs. ______dividend etc. Rs. ______

6) Income from landed property, 9) Income from landed

House rent. etc. after deducting property / house rent

Taxes and charges etc. Rs. ______taxes, charges Rs. ______

7) Total annual income Rs. ______10) Income of other earning

family members Rs. ______

8) Life policy, if any. Rs. ______11) Total annual income Rs. ______

Particulars of other earning family Particulars

members of Income from immovable property

1) Name ______1) If house property address :

monthly ______

Relation ______Age earnings Municipal / Survey No. ______

Market value Rs. ______

2) Name ______2) If agricultural land :

monthly Survey No. ______

Relation ______Age earnings Market value Rs. ______

3) Name ______Income from landed property


Relation ______Age earnings Rent excluding taxes Rs. ______

Agricultural Income less

other expenses Rs. ______

Total Income Rs. ______

Details of house-hold expenditure Particulars about dependents

(on monthly basis) Name Relation Age

1) House hold expenditure

excluding house rent Rs. ______1) ______

2) House rent. Rs. ______2) ______

3) Insurance premium

Installment Rs. ______3) ______

4) Loan Installment. Rs. ______4) ______

5) Other. Rs. ______

Total : Rs. ______5) ______

Information about old loans Repayment plan for the loan applied

1) Original loan amount Rs. for Installment Rs. ______

2) Date of Loan taken. Rs. periodicity ( Monthly / Quarterly etc. )

3) Installment amount. Rs. years

4) Period of repayment Rs. Source of repayment ______

5) Total repayment Security for loan ______

to date Rs.

6) Security for loan Whether the borrower, if emplo- 7) Balance of loan to be yed, is willing to register a mandate

repaid Rs. with the present employer to deduct

installment from his salary and remit

directly to the Bank ?

Whether the borrower is agreeable

to assign life policy for the amount of

loan ______

Particulars regarding surety
Name ______Address ______

If employed : If doing business :

Nature of business ______

Emoluments less Providend Fun Own capital investment

and income tax deduction Rs. in the business Rs. ______

Income from interest. Annual sales as per B/S. Rs. ______

dividend etc. Rs. ______Net profit for the year. Rs. ______

Income by way of house rent House rent (less taxes) Rs. ______

less taxes Rs. ______Agricultural income

Agricultural Income (less C/RL expenses) Rs. ______

less C/RL expenses Rs. ______Income tax if paid, and the

assessment year for which

assessment is complete Rs. ______

Total Income Rs. ______Total Income Rs. ______

Particulars of the student

Name ______Age ______

Detailed Information about education and qualifications etc.

Particulars from S,S,C, to degree Examination /
University / College
Class / Marks

Expenses of the proposed educational course

Name of the course______

Fees Rs.______

Period ______

Expenditure on books Rs.______

Instruments etc. Rs.______

Boarding expenses Rs.______

Other expenses Rs.______

Total expenses. Rs.______

Signature of the Applicants