Unit 6 Rocks

Overview - The rock cycle, which is continual in nature, explains the formation of minerals and rocks. Fossils provide evidence of constant environmental change.


Students will investigate the scientific view of how the earth’s surface is formed.

Investigate the contribution of minerals to rock composition.

Classify rocks by their process of formation.

Describe how fossils show evidence of the changing surface and climate of the Earth.

Students will describe various sources of energy and with their uses and conservation.

Identify renewable and nonrenewable resources.

Students will investigate the scientific view of how the earth’s surface is formed.

Compare and contrast the Earth’s crust, mantle, and core including temperature, density,

and composition.

Describe processes that change rocks and the surface of the earth.

Explain the effects of physical processes (plate tectonics, erosion, deposition, volcanic

eruption, gravity) on geological features including oceans (composition, currents, and


Questions - Students will be asked to answer these questions throughout this unit of study.

#1 How are rocks formed?

#2 How are rocks classified?

#3 How can rocks change from one type to another?

#4 Is the rock cycle really a cycle? Explain your answer.

#5 How are rocks used by 6th graders?


1. Rocks and minerals are not the same thing.

2. Rocks are composed of minerals which are naturally existing chemical compounds.

3. Rocks and minerals are naturally occurring substances that are usually crystalline and solid

4. Rocks are classified based on how they formed and their mineral composition.

5. Rocks can be distinguished into many different types, based on their origins and compositions.

6. List five ways we use rocks and minerals in our everyday life. Toothpaste, cars, toilets, computers, and phones.

7. What are the three main types of rocks? Igneous, Metamorphic, and Sedimentary.


8. Sedimentary rocks form by cementation and compaction.

9. Sedimentary rocks are formed by the ongoing deposition of rocks and other sediments that are cemented together.

10. Usually after burial, deposited sediment undergoes lithification (the processes that turn sediment into a rock).

11. Lithification includes cementation and compaction.

12. Coal is a black, sedimentary rock that is formed from cementation and compaction.

13. Limestone, shale, and sandstone are all examples of sedimentary rock.

14. Sediment from weathered rock is transported and deposited elsewhere such as at the beach, or in a delta, or in the deep sea.

15. Sedimentary rocks are the most abundant rock on Earth’s Surface.


16. Igneous rocks are formed from molten rocks that has cooled and hardened.

17. Magma (or Lava) cool and crystallize to form igneous rock.

18. There are two types of Igneous Rock. Intrusive and Extrusive

19. Extrusive Igneous Rock is formed from lava, which is on the surface.

20. Intrusive Igneous Rock is formed from magma, which is below the surface.

21. What is the difference between magma and lava? Lava is on the earth surface and magma is below.

22. Molten rock that flows on the surface of the Earth is lava.

23. Molten rock that is below the surface of the Earth is Magma.

24. Where are many Igneous Rocks found? Divergent boundaries and volcanoes.

25. Igneous rocks are dominated by silicate minerals.

26. Molten rock with lower amounts of silica flows faster than molten rock with higher amounts of silica.

27. If lava has more silica, it will move slower than lava with less silica.

28. Igneous rock undergoes weathering (or breakdown) to form sediment.

29. Of the three types of rocks, igneous rocks are the hardest.

30. The Stone Mountain granite is a relatively small granite pluton that covers an area less than a county in size.

31. Stone Mountain is made of granite and is an igneous rock.


32. Metamorphic rocks are formed by heat and pressure.

33. As the metamorphic rock is buried more deeply, temperatures and pressures continue to rise.

34. If the temperature becomes hot enough, a metamorphic rock will melt. The molten rock is called magma.

35. Large amounts of metamorphic rocks are usually found underneath large mountain chains.

36. A magma intrusion will heat up the surrounding rocks and form new metamorphic rocks.

37. Small amounts of metamorphic rocks are usually found near magma intrusions.

38. If the sedimentary rock is buried deep in the crust under more and more sediment, often due to plate tectonic movements, the heat and pressure causes metamorphism to occur. This transforms the sedimentary rock into a metamorphic rock

39. Igneous rocks can undergo metamorphism (as a result of heat and pressure) to form metamorphic rocks.


40. Rocks at the Earth’s surface weather, forming sediments that are buried. These sediments are compacted, heated, and often recrystallized into new rock.

41. The rock cycle explains how one rock type can be transformed into another.

42. The Rock Cycle is continuous; it never ends.

43. Any rock type can undergo weathering to form sediment.

44. Igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks undergo weathering.

45. The beginning of the rock cycle is not possible to identify because it is a never ending cycle.

46. Fill in the Rock Cycle below:


47. A fossil is a remnant or trace of an organism from the past, such as a skeleton or leaf imprint.

48. Fossils are embedded and preserved in the earth's crust.

49. A Trace Fossil is a fossil of a footprint, trail, burrow, or other trace of an animal rather than of the animal itself

50. A footprint of an ancient animal in a rock is called a trace fossil.

51. Large animals occasionally became trapped in tar and become a fossil.

52. Fossils, the remains of organisms preserved in sedimentary rocks, are part of the evidence scientists use to infer changing conditions at the Earth’s surface through time.

53. Oil and Natural Gas are formed from ocean plankton that died millions of years ago.

54. Coal, Natural Gas, and Oil are all examples of fossil fuels.

55. Petrified wood is a fossil.

56. Petrified wood forms when water with natural minerals slowly fills the pores of wood. Over thousands of years the wood slowly decomposes leaving behind the minerals from the water. The minerals harden and form a rock that looks exactly like the original wood.

57. How much wood is actually located in petrified wood? 0%.

58. The geologic column is how geologists have organized the entire history of the Earth in chronological order.

59. Superposition states that older layers of rock are below younger layers of rock.

60. Radiometric dating is how geologists determine the age of rocks by measuring the decay of atoms.

61. Radiometric dating is the most accurate way to date rocks and fossils.


62. Caves form from slightly acidic ground water slowly seeping through slightly basic rocks underground. The acid slowly caused the rock to dissolve and wash away.

63. Caves often form where ancient seas once existed. The seashells left behind for millions of years form limestone and this rock reacts with acids in rain water to form large underground caves.

64. Caves have rock structures that look like giant icicles called stalactites and stalagmites.

65. Stalactites form on the ceilings of caves.

66. Stalagmites form on the ground of caves.

67. How do stalagmites and stalactites grow? Water that has natural minerals floating inside slowly drip from the ceilings of caves. Over thousands of years the minerals slowly harden.