Assessment 2- The Whiskey Rebellion-An Editorial

Write an editorial for the newspaper from the perspective of either the federal government, the Whiskey “Rebels”, or a neutral party (someone who sees both sides). An editorial is an article that expresses someone’s personal views and opinions about a subject, issue, or topic. Be sure to include the following:

·  A clear position or viewpoint.

·  Provide three relevant and clear reasons of support for your position.

·  Elaborate on your reasons using explanations, details, examples, quotes, data, personal experiences, or expert opinions.

·  You should have a clear beginning, middle, and end.

·  Ideas should be clearly and logically organized.

·  Include strong and specific language choices that enhance your position.

·  Be sure to use language conventions (grammar, spelling, punctuation) that will help the reader to understand your piece.

The Whiskey Rebellion: Scoring Rubric for Editorial

Criteria / Excellent
5 points / Very Good
4 points / Good
3 points / Fair
2 points / Poor
1-0 points
Content / Clearly states 3 or more positions with elaborate detail supporting the federal government, the Whiskey Rebels or neutral party on the causes and justification for the Whiskey Rebellion. / Clearly states 3 positions with good detail supporting the federal government, the Whiskey Rebels or neutral party on the causes and justification for the Whiskey Rebellion. / States 2 positions with some detail supporting either the federal government, the Whiskey Rebels or neural party on the causes and justification for the Whiskey Rebellion. / States 1 position with little detail supporting either the federal government, Whiskey rebels, or neutral party on the causes and justification for the Whiskey Rebellion. / States minimal or no position with any detail supporting either the federal government, Whiskey rebels, or neutral party on the causes and justification for the Whiskey Rebellion.
Organization / Uses an effective organizational strategy that enhances the essay. / Uses an organizational structure that supports the writing purpose. / Attempts to use an organization structure. / May attempt to use an organizational structure. / Uses no organizational structure, or may be too brief to demonstrate an organizational structure.
Language and Style / Uses precise word choice and evocative language. Demonstrates careful attention to audience’s understanding and interest. / Demonstrates an awareness of audience’s understanding and interest. / Demonstrates little awareness of audience’s understanding and interest. / Demonstrates no attention to audience’s understanding and interest. / Awareness of audience is usually not apparent.
Conventions / Evidence of control.
No errors exist in grammar, mechanics, usage, and sentence formation that interfere with meaning. / Sufficient control.
A few errors noted in grammar, mechanics, usage, and sentence formation that interfere with meaning. / Some control.
Several errors existing in grammar, mechanics, usage and sentence formation that interfere with meaning. / Significant weaknesses in control of grammar, mechanics, usage, and sentence formation that interfere with meaning. / Severe weaknesses in control of grammar, mechanics, usage, and sentence formation that interfere with meaning.