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World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-07)
Geneva, 22 October - 16 November 2007 /
PLENARY MEETING / Addendum 25 to Document 10-E
30 August 2007
Original: English
european COMMON proposals for
the work of the conference
part 25
Agenda item 7.2

7.2 to recommend to the Council items for inclusion in the agenda for the next WRC, and to give its views on the preliminary agenda for the subsequent conference and on possible agenda items for future conferences, taking into account Resolution803 (WRC03)


Agenda item 7.2 requests WRC07 to recommend to the Council items for inclusion in the agenda for the next WRC, and to give its view on the preliminary agenda for the subsequent Conference and on possible agenda items for future conferences, taking into account Resolution 803 (WRC03).

The European proposals for the Agenda for WRC11 builds upon some of the preliminary agenda items contained in Resolution 803 (WRC03), agenda items consequential to European Common Proposals for this Conference as well as proposals for the consideration of new topics.

On a general basis, all proposed agenda itemS have to be considered under the general principle to take due regard to the requirements of existing and future services in the bands under consideration in a view of not putting undue constraints on existing services.

On this basis, Europe proposes that WRC07 suppresses Resolution 803 (WRC03) and adopts Resolution [EUR/10A25/2] as the basis for the provisional agenda for WRC11 for adoption by the Council.

SUP EUR/10A25/1


Preliminary agenda for the 2010 World
Radiocommunication Conference

ADD EUR/10A25/2


Agenda for the 2011 World Radiocommunication Conference

The World Radiocommunication Conference (Geneva, 2007),


a) that, in accordance with No.118 of the Convention, the general scope of the agenda for a world radiocommunication conference should be established four to six years in advance and a final agenda shall be established by the Council two years before the conference;

b) Article13 of the Constitution relating to the competence and scheduling of world radiocommunication conferences and Article 7 of the Convention relating to their agendas;

c) the relevant Resolutions and Recommendations of previous world administrative radio conferences (WARCs) and world radiocommunication conferences (WRCs),


a) that this Conference has identified a number of urgent issues requiring further examination by WRC11;

b) that, in preparing this agenda, many items proposed by administrations could not be included and have had to be deferred to future conference agendas,


to recommend to the Council that a world radiocommunication conference be held in 2011 for a period of four weeks, with the following agenda:

1 on the basis of proposals from administrations and the Report of the Conference Preparatory Meeting, taking account of the results of WRC07, and with due regard to the requirements of existing and future services in the bands under consideration, to consider and take appropriate action with respect to the following items:

1.1 requests from administrations to delete their country footnotes or to have their country name deleted from footnotes, if no longer required, in accordance with Resolution26 (Rev.WRC97);

1.2 to consider the adequacy of the protection provided to passive services by No.5.565 in the light of planned applications for passive services between 275GHz and 3000GHz taking into account the result of ITUR studies in accordance with Resolution950 (Rev.WRC07) and take appropriate action if required;

1.3 to review the appropriateness of the international regulatory framework in accordance with Resolution951 (Rev.WRC07) and take appropriate action;

1.4 to consider results of ITUR studies in accordance with Resolution222 (Rev.WRC07) to ensure spectrum availability and protection for the aeronautical mobilesatellite (R) service, and to take appropriate action on this subject, while retaining the generic allocation for the mobilesatellite service;

1.5 to consider the progress of ITUR studies concerning the technical and regulatory issues relative to the fixed service in the frequency bands above 71GHz up to 238GHz, taking into account Resolutions731 (WRC2000) and 732 (WRC2000);

1.6 to consider worldwide primary allocation to the mobile service except aeronautical mobile (R) in the band 138144MHz;

1.7 to consider spectrum requirements and possible spectrum allocations to support remotely controlled air operation as well as payload radiocommunication applications of unmanned aerial systems based on the results of ITUR studies, in accordance with Resolution[EUR/10A25/6 UAS] (WRC07);

1.8 to consider the needs of the meteorological aids service in the frequency range below 20kHz and take appropriate action, in accordance with Resolution[EUR/10A25/7] (WRC07);

1.9 to review the progress made regarding the development of new AM(R)S systems and the decisions made by WRC07 concerning these AM(R)S systems, in accordance with Resolution[EUR/10A25/8] (WRC07);

1.10 to consider an allocation to the amateur service in the range 5054MHz in Region1;

1.11 to consider a primary allocation of up to 500MHz to the space research service in the band 22.55-23.55 GHz (Earthtospace);

1.12 to consider the existing allocation to the meteorological satellite service in the band 7750-7850MHz with a view to extending this allocation by up to 100MHz limited to nongeostationary meteorological satellites in the spacetoEarth direction to provide up to a maximum of 200MHz of contiguous spectrum;

1.13 to consider a secondary allocation to the amateur service in parts of the frequency band 415-526.5kHz;

1.14 to consider possible additional allocations to the mobile-satellite services in accordance with Resolution[EUR/10A25/9] (WRC07);

1.15 to consider, in accordance with Resolution[EUR/10A25/10] (WRC07), the adequacy and possible improvement of the regulatory status and recognition of the increasingly essential role of Earth observation carried out in the Earth exploration-satellite service (active and passive), the meteorological-satellite service, the meteorological aids service and the radiolocation service;

1.16 to consider the results of ITUR studies regarding the use of the band 14521492MHz by nonGSO BSS networks in accordance with Resolution[EUR/10A25/11] (WRC07) and to consider appropriate technical and regulatory provisions for nonGSO BSS networks using this band;

1.17 to consider spectrum requirements and a global allocation to support cognitive radio systems in the context of heterogeneous radio networks environment, based on the results of ITUR studies, in accordance with Resolution[EUR/10A25/12] (WRC07);

1.18 to consider requirements for new applications in the radiolocation service and review allocations or regulatory provisions for implementation of the radiolocation service in the 30300MHz frequency range band, specifically in the 150173MHz frequency band;

1.19 to consider possible revision or suppression of Article58 of the Radio Regulations;

1.20 to consider possible changes in response to Resolution86 (Rev.Marrakesh, 2002) of the Plenipotentiary Conference – Advance publication, coordination, notification and recording procedures for frequency assignments pertaining to satellite networks, in accordance with Resolution86 (WRC03);

1.21 to consider allocations to the mobile service in the band 470862MHz taking into account the current and planned use of this band by services to which this band is allocated, and to consider the need for the identification of a subband for IMT, in accordance with Resolution[EUR/10A4/17 – UHF] (WRC07);

2 to examine the revised ITUR Recommendations incorporated by reference in the Radio Regulations communicated by the Radiocommunication Assembly, in accordance with Resolution28 (Rev.WRC03), and to decide whether or not to update the corresponding references in the Radio Regulations, in accordance with principles contained in the Annex to Resolution27 (Rev.WRC03);

3 to consider such consequential changes and amendments to the Radio Regulations as may be necessitated by the decisions of the Conference;

4 in accordance with Resolution95 (Rev.WRC03), to review the Resolutions and Recommendations of previous conferences with a view to their possible revision, replacement or abrogation;

5 to review, and take appropriate action on, the Report from the Radiocommunication Assembly submitted in accordance with Nos.135 and136 of the Convention;

6 to identify those items requiring urgent action by the Radiocommunication Study Groups in preparation for the next world radiocommunication conference;

7 in accordance with Article7 of the Convention:

7.1 to consider and approve the Report of the Director of the Radiocommunication Bureau:

– on the activities of the Radiocommunication Sector since WRC07;

– on any difficulties or inconsistencies encountered in the application of the Radio Regulations; and

7.2 to recommend to the Council items for inclusion in the agenda for the next WRC, and to give its views on the preliminary agenda for the subsequent conference and on possible agenda items for future conferences,

further resolves

to activate the Conference Preparatory Meeting and the Special Committee on Regulatory/ Procedural Matters,

invites the Council

to finalize the agenda and arrange for the convening of WRC11, and to initiate as soon as possible the necessary consultation with Member States,

instructs the Director of the Radiocommunication Bureau

to make the necessary arrangements to convene meetings of the Conference Preparatory Meeting1 and to prepare a report to WRC11,

instructs the SecretaryGeneral

to communicate this Resolution to the international and regional organizations concerned.

Note by the Secretariat:The templates relating to the above proposals for agenda items can be found in Annexes1 to 18 to this addendum.

Proposed Agenda item / Related Annex / Proposed Agenda item / Related Annex
1.2 / 1 / 1.11 / 10
1.3 / 2 / 1.12 / 11
1.4 / 3 / 1.13 / 12
1.5 / 4 / 1.14 / 13
1.6 / 5 / 1.15 / 14
1.7 / 6 / 1.16 / 15
1.8 / 7 / 1.17 / 16
1.9 / 8 / 1.18 / 17
1.10 / 9 / 1.19 / 18

MOD EUR/10A25/3

RESOLUTION 950 (Rev.WRC-037)

Consideration of the use of the frequencies
between 275 and 3000 GHz

The World Radiocommunication Conference (Geneva, 20037),


a) that, in the Table of Frequency Allocations, frequency bands above 275 GHz are not allocated;

b) that, notwithstanding considering a), No.5.565 makes provision for the use of the frequency band 275-1000 GHz for the development of various passive services and all other services and recognizes the need to conduct further experimentation and research;

c) that No.5.565 also makes provision for the protection of passive services until such time as the Table of Frequency Allocations may be extended;

d) that, in addition to the spectral lines identified by No.5.565, research activities in the bands above 275 GHz may yield other spectral lines of interest, such as those listed in Recommendation ITURRA.314;

e) that within various Radiocommunication Study Groups, studies on systems between 275and 3000GHz, including system characteristics of suitable applications, are being considered;

f) that the present use of the bands between 275 and 3000 GHz is mainly related to the passive services, however, with anticipated technology development, the bands may become increasingly important for suitable active service applications;

g) that sharing studies in ITUR among passive services and all other services operating in frequencies between 275 and 3000GHz have not been completed,;

h) that the lack of use to date by the various active services indicates a general consideration of frequency allocations above 275GHz may be premature;

i) that making allocations in bands above 275GHz without evidence for mature technical developments and availability of funding is not considered to be an efficient use of this spectrum as it may compromise potential further applications,


a) that propagation characteristics at frequencies above 275 GHz, such as atmospheric absorption and scattering, have a significant impact on the performance of both active and passive systems and need to be studied;

b) that it is necessary to investigate further the potential uses of the bands between 275 and 3000GHz by suitable applications,


a) that significant infrastructure investments are being made under international collaboration for the use of these bands between 275 and 3000 GHz, for example, the Atacama Large Millimetre Array (ALMA), a facility under construction that will provide new insights on the structure of the universe;

b) that Radiocommunication Bureau Circular Letter CR/137 identified additional information for the Bureau to record characteristics of active and passive sensors for Earth exploration-satellite service and space research service satellites, in frequency bands below 275GHz,

further noting

a) that a process and format similar to that provided in noting b) could be used to record systems operating in the 275 to 3000GHz band;

b) that recording active and passive systems operating in the 275 to 3000 GHz band will provide information until the date when it is determined that changes to the Radio Regulations are needed,


1 to consider at WRC101 frequency allocations adequacy of the protection provided to passive services by No.5.565 in the light of planned applications for passive services between 275GHz and 3000GHz taking into account the result of the ITU-R studies and take appropriate action if required;

2 that administrations may submit for inclusion in the Master International Frequency Register details on systems which operate between 275 and 3000 GHz and which may be recorded by the Radiocommunication Bureau under Nos.8.4, 11.8 and11.12,

invites ITUR

to conduct the necessary studies in time for consideration by WRC101 with a view to the modification of No.5.565 or the possible extension of the Table of Frequency Allocations above 275GHz, including advice on the applications suitable for such bands,

instructs the Director of the Radiocommunication Bureau

to accept submissions referred to in resolves 2, and to record them in the Master International Frequency Register.

MOD EUR/10A25/4

RESOLUTION 951 (Rev.WRC-037)

Options to improveImproving the international spectrum
regulatory framework

The World Radiocommunication Conference (Geneva,20037),


a) that spectrum is a finite resource and there is a continued increase in demand for radiocommunications;

b) that the current technological environment is substantively different from the one when the current allocation principles were established;

bc) that there is also an increasing number and diversity of applications that need to be accommodated in the radio spectrum;

d) that while, in general terms, the current regulatory framework does not provide for inter-operability of stations belonging to different radiocommunication services, technological developments are increasingly resulting in applications that encompass operational aspects from more than one service, which leads to increasing requirements for inter-operability between stations in different services;