Forensics Science Elective Course Outline

Mr. V. Underwood

Email: oll’s School Web page:


Dear Parents and Students,

Welcome to Toll’s Forensics Science course. This is a semester long elective course with students from different cores and different grades. This class is an activities based class, where each student will work as part of a 3-4 student team.

Since this is an activities based course, your grade will primarily depend upon class participation and cooperation. Excessive absences will adversely affect your grade in this class. We will be learning how to read and compare many different types of forensic evidence left at the scene of a mock crime and to use this evidence to solve the crime.

We will be using various types of multimedia; computers, videos, books, etc. to obtain information about forensics science and being a criminalist. As a culminating activity each student will work in a team to solve a mock crime.

Class Rules:

  1. Be on time.
  2. Be prepared to learn.
  3. Be respectful.
  4. Be quiet and attentive.
  5. No electronic devices.
  6. Do not eat, drink or chew any substance in class.
  7. Do not groom yourself in class.
  8. Be safe in class, No pushing, shoving, hitting or running in class.
  9. Obey all school behavior and dress codes.

Required Materials:

  1. A 2-3 inch 3 ring binder (dedicated to this class only!)
  2. A spiral notebook or loose leaf paper
  3. Pencils, either wooden or mechanical with extra lead and erasers
  4. Pens, dark ink

Optional Supplies:

  1. Colored Pencils, pens or markers
  2. Pencil sharpener
  3. Highlighter(s)
  4. Ruler (metric)
  5. Stapler
  6. Hole Punch
  7. Scissors
  8. Glue or tape
  9. Calculator

Course Assessments:

  1. Participation/Attendance – 15%
  2. Homework/Classwork – 20%
  3. Lab work – 20%
  4. Forensics Binder – 20%
  5. Final Crime Presentation – 25%
  6. Extra Credit – no more than 10% of your total grade
  7. Late / missing work – will be accepted at 50% of the original grade unless your work is late because of a verified absence.

Grading Scale:

A+ ------120--101%

A ------100---90%

B ------89---80%

C ------79---68%

D ------67—50%

Fail ------49----0%

Student Name ______

Parent Signature ______