Student NutritionAdvisoryCommittee

Terms ofReference

1. Mandate

Student Nutrition AdvisoryCommittee (S.N.A.C.)willbringstudent nutrition matters forward to

theTDSBthrough the Program and School Services Committee(P.S.S.C.),in order to build Healthy

Schools to enhancestudent well-being and achievement and build strongconfident members of society.

2. Membership

The followingmemberswillbevotingmembers of S.N.A.C.:

i.8-10 communityrepresentatives from variousorganizationswith a citywideperspective on student nutrition;

ii.4 Parents and 4 student representativesone fromeach quadrant if possible

iii.TwoBoard-appointed Trusteemembers to serveon S.N.A.C. committeeincludingone trusteeto co-chair who will co-chair with communityor parent chairs as selected bythe committee;

The followingmemberswillbenon-votingmembers ofS.N.A.C.

iv.TheDirector willdesignate staffas resourcepersons to S.N.A.C.;

v.TDSBCommitteeAssistant willserve as aresource(minutes, distribution of agendas, room reservation,post minutes on web-site, etc.)

vi.Theschedule of meetings for eachS.N.A.C. willbe establishedinadvanceand published;

3. Terms ofOffice

i.Theterm ofofficefor communitymembers oftheS.N.A.C. willbetwo (2)years; this

term will be renewable:

ii.Trustees willbedetermined bytheBoard’sannualorganization process;

iii.Staff will be assigned bythe Director;

iv.Parent and Student representatives will servea2year term where feasible



i.Should a positionon S.N.A.C. become vacant duringarepresentative’s term, a new representative will be elected or appointed,as applicable, at theearliest possible opportunitybythe appropriatebody, to servetherest of the term;

ii.Each position willbe re-elected orreplaced at thecompletion ofthe original term;

iii.Notices of resignation should besubmitted to theCo-Chairs with 48 hours’notice.

4. Selection/Election ofCommunity Co-Chairs

i.Theselection/election process forthecommunityco-chairs willbe conducted annuallyat the first meetingof theschoolyear;

ii.The election process willbe carried out bysimple majorityvote.

iii.Members will begiven notice2 weeks in advancewhen candidates mustbenominated for election at thenext meeting

5. Meetings

i.Meetings willbeheld4-6 times peryear or called bythe Co-Chair if needarises.

ii.Workgroups maybe called bythemembers ifrequired

iii.Agendas andnoticeof meetingsand minutes to becirculated byCommitteeAssistant no later than oneweek in advance.

iv.Meetingschedules to beorganized at times convenient to themajorityofmembers. v.Schedule ofmeetings forS.N.A.C. willbe establishedin advance and published.


6. Roles ofthe Members

i.Co-Chairs shall preside over meetings, workwith staff to develop ayearlyplan of priorities forthe committee, workwith staff to develop meeting agendas, participate in discussions, and provideinformation on a matter under discussion and vote.

ii.General members attendallmeetings andbringforth student nutrition items forward to the attention of S.N.A.C.

iii.Notifycommitteeif theyareunableto attend meetings

iv.General member’s participation at meeting willbe reviewedwhen attendanceincludes 3


7. Decisionmaking

i.When votes arenecessary,asimplemajoritywillbesufficient.

8. Quorum

i. A quorum of themembers is half thetotal number of sittingmembers plus one, rounded down.

16 members divided by2=8 plus 1=quorum is 9

17 members divided by2=8.5 plus 1 =9.5, rounded down =quorum is 9 ii. Onetrusteemustbepresent to meet quorum

9. Convene Meeting

i. TheChair should convenethe meetingas soonas quorum ofthe members is present, butnot

beforethescheduled start time.Ifaquorum is not present within 15 minutes of thescheduled start time, the meetingiscancelled. At that point, the members present could hold an informal meetingfor discussion purposes onlyand minutes will notbe recorded. Theagendawillbe carried over to thenext scheduled meeting.

ii. All meetings shallbeopen to public observersand shallbeheld at alocation that is accessible to thepublic.

10. Communicating Advice to theBoardorStaff

i. S.N.A.C. willprovide adviceto theBoard in the form of formal recommendations approved by

S.N.A.C. and presented in a committee report, orfeedback expressed in aseparatedocument or recorded in theminutes ofits meetings.

ii. Adviceto theBoard mayentail:a request madeforadelegation at the appropriate standing committee, or acommittee reportmaybepresented to the appropriate standingcommittee, or both.

iii. S.N.A.C. maydirect adviceto senior staff,either on request or independently, wheresuch matteris appropriate forstaff attention.

iv. S.N.A.C. to send agenda and minutes to P.S.S.C. as an update.

11. Reviewof Terms ofReference

i. S.N.A.C. willreview the Terms ofReferenceannually.


Board PolicyP.023 SCS:Parent and CommunityInvolvement

Operational ProcedurePR. 558 SCS: Procedure7.0, CommunityAdvisoryCommittees