Make your voice count – 2017-18 student trustees elections

Student trustee candidate application/consent form

Student's name______

School ______

Student's home phone______

Email ______



Date of birth______

Twitter (if applicable): @______

I wish to declare my candidacy for the position of student trustee for the Peel District School Board. I understand the role and responsibilities of a student trustee as described in Peel board Policy #66.


Candidate's signatureDate

Campaign platform

Please list three commitments you will make to the students of Peel should you be elected student trustee. These are the same issues/promises you will make in your digital presentation/video.

1) ______


2) ______

3) ______

*Student’s campaign platforms will be posted to the Student Trustee section on .

Parent consent (required if candidate is less than 18 years of age)

I am the parent/guardian of ______and consent to the candidacy for the role of student trustee. I understand that as part of the campaign, my teen will:

  • submit a campaign video that will be posted on YouTube and I realize that the video will be removed following the campaign.


Parent/guardian signatureDate

Certification of eligibility (signed by school official)

I acknowledge that this student meets the eligibility criteria and can run for election as a student trustee candidate.


School official's signatureDate

By March 3, the following materials must be submitted to your staff representative:

  • the completed application and consent form, signed by a parent/guardian (if you are under the age of 18), and by a school official
  • completed informed consent with signature(s) from parent/guardian(s) of any individual who appears in your video
  • a USB key labeled with your name, or a Dropbox/Google Drive link, containing:
  • a digital photo of yourself (JPG)
  • a digital presentation or video* (WMV or MOV format) no longer than three minutes—this is your campaign message that will be uploaded to YouTube and for students to view
  • cover letter and resume

IMPORTANT NOTE: Each individual who appears in your video must have a parent/guardian read and sign the informed consent included in the student trustee package. Please photocopy the sheet if you have more individuals in your video than the space provided.

*Candidates have the option to have their campaign message filmed by a Peel board media support specialist. In this case, the video will be simple and will be edited only to ensure it flows and to add a title. If you are interested in this option, contact .