a. USE OF ENGLISH 50 points

I. Read the following text and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each space. There is a model (0) at the beginning: (15 x 1p= 15 points)


0. A for B among C in D between

The relationship 0……D……. birds and human beings goes back a very 1…………. way – in fact, for thousands of years. Birds have always 2…………. us with food, but people have only been 3…………. in bird-watching since the late 1700s. In the following century, the 4…………. of birds became popular, although in those days it really only 5…………. collecting birds’ eggs. Rich collectors often 6…………. use of their contacts in other countries, 7…………. for eggs and birds to be sent to them. 8…………. the end of the century, people began to realise that birds 9…………. protection. Many people now watched 10…………. birds, helped by cheaper equipment for watching them at 11…………. distance.

As cars became more common, increasing 12…………. of bird-watchers started travelling from place to place 13…………. the country to see birds that were unknown in their 14…………. area. And in the 1960s, cheap air travel 15…………. people to go abroad to watch birds.

1. A long B wide C deep D broad

2. A provided B given C offered D delivered

3. A curious B fond C keen D interested

4. A search B study C exploration D enquiry

5. A contained B added C involved D included

6. A made B brought C kept D took

7. A requesting B insisting C asking D demanding

8. A Towards B Into C Through D Over

9. A wished B needed C asked D provided

10. A alive B lively C living D life

11. A an B few C many D a

12. A quantities B amounts C totals D numbers

13. A against B between C around D beside

14. A own B owl C owe D ours

15. A confirmed B encouraged C promised D excited

II.  Fill in with one word only: (10 x 1p = 10 points)

History Festival

To celebrate Huntingdon’s rich history, the Town Council 1…… arranged a History Festival for 2…… weekend of 26-27 June, when you’ll 3…… able to step back 4…… time and experience life in the Middle Ages. Among the 5…… activities, you can learn dances and get advice 6…… the fashions of the period. 7…… will be a historical market, and local clubs and other organisations will have 8…… own stalls.

There is no charge for admission to the festival, which 9…… expected to attract thousands of people 10…… from the town and from further away.

III.  Use the words in capitals at the end of each of the following sentences in order to form a new word that fits suitably in the blank space. (10 x 1p = 10 points)

1. Sarah lives in a nice ……………… in Los Angeles. NEIGHBOUR

2. The ………………….. became famous thanks to an idea. INVENT

3. Tom is a successful athlete in spite of his physical ………………. ABLE

4. You probably didn’t ……………… understand my statement. FULL

5. Her grandmother is a very ……………… person. TALK

6. You can always count on my …………….. FRIEND

7. The ……………… will take into consideration our demands. GOVERN

8. ………………. Tim failed his exam the first time he took it. FORTUNATE

9. Maybe we should ……………… our technique. MODERN

10. He was afraid to swim because of the …………….. of the water. DEEP

IV.  Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given. (5 x 2 p = 10 points)

1. The last time I saw him was in December. SINCE

I ………………………………………… December.

2.  People say Tom doesn’t help them as much as Sam does. MORE

People say Sam is ………………………………………… Tom.

3. It was so tiring that she fainted. IF

She ………………………………………… it hadn’t been so tiring.

4. We advise passengers to take care of their personal belongings. ADVISED

Passengers ……………………………………………. care of their personal belongings.

5. Jack was too short to reach the upper shelves. ENOUGH

Jack wasn’t ………………………………………… the upper shelves.

V.  Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form: (5 x 1p = 5 points)

Last night I 1.…………….(decide) to call Paul to see what he 2…………… (do). Still in his office in the town centre, he told me that he 3………………. (finish) working on a project in a few minutes and then go home. ”Relax”, he said, “I 4………………… (call) you as soon as I 5……………….. (get) home”.


You are planning a trip around Europe for the summer holiday. Write a letter to your friend inviting him/ her to join you. Mention three possible destinations, reasons for your choice and activities you could do there. Write your letter in 120-150 words.


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USE OF ENGLISH 50 points

  1. 15 x 1 point = 15 points

1. A 2. A 3. D 4. B 5. C 6. A 7. C 8. A 9.B 10. C 11. D 12.D 13. C

14. A 15. B

  1. 10 x 1 point = 10 points
  1. has
  2. the
  3. be
  4. in
  5. many/ numerous/ various
  6. about
  7. there
  8. their
  9. is
  10. both
  1. 10 x 1 point = 10 points
  1. neighbourhood
  2. inventor
  3. disability/ disabilities
  4. fully
  5. talkative
  6. friendship
  7. government
  8. unfortunately
  9. modernise
  10. depth
  1. 5 x 2 points = 10 points
  1. I have not (haven’t) seen him // since
  2. more helpful // than
  3. would not (wouldn’t) have fainted // if
  4. are advised // to take
  5. tall enough // to reach
  1. 5 x 1 point = 5 points
  1. decided
  2. was doing
  3. would finish
  4. will/ ‘ll call
  5. get


Informal letter

-  task achievement

-  organisation and cohesion

-  vocabulary

-  structures

-  effect on target reader