Answer Key
Write the vocabulary word in the box that has the matching definition on EACH row.
Wave Mechanical Wave Transverse Wave Longitudinal WaveCompression Rarefaction
The part of a longitudinal wave where the particles of the medium are far apart.Rarefaction / A wave that moves the medium in a direction perpendicular to the direction in which the wave travels.
Transverse Wave / A disturbance that transfers energy from place to place.
Wave / A wave that requires a medium through which to travel.
Mechanical Wave / A wave that moves a medium in a direction parallel to the direction in which the wave travels.
Longitudinal Wave / The part of a longitudinal wave where the particles of the medium are close together.
The part of a longitudinal wave where the particles of the medium are close together.
Compression / A wave that moves a medium in a direction parallel to the direction in which the wave travels.
Longitudinal Wave / A wave that requires a medium through which to travel.
Mechanical Wave / A disturbance that transfers energy from place to place.
Wave / A wave that moves the medium in a direction perpendicular to the direction in which the wave travels.
Transverse Wave / The part of a longitudinal wave where the particles of the medium are far apart.
A disturbance that transfers energy from place to place.
Wave / A wave that moves the medium in a direction perpendicular to the direction in which the wave travels.
Transverse Wave / The part of a longitudinal wave where the particles of the medium are far apart.
Rarefaction / A wave that requires a medium through which to travel.
Mechanical Wave / The part of a longitudinal wave where the particles of the medium are close together.
Compression / A wave that moves a medium in a direction parallel to the direction in which the wave travels.
Longitudinal Wave
A wave that moves a medium in a direction parallel to the direction in which the wave travels.
Longitudinal Wave / The part of a longitudinal wave where the particles of the medium are close together.
Compression / A disturbance that transfers energy from place to place.
Wave / A wave that moves the medium in a direction perpendicular to the direction in which the wave travels.
Transverse Wave / The part of a longitudinal wave where the particles of the medium are far apart.
Rarefaction / A wave that requires a medium through which to travel.
Mechanical Wave
A wave that requires a medium through which to travel.
Mechanical Wave / A disturbance that transfers energy from place to place.
Wave / The part of a longitudinal wave where the particles of the medium are far apart.
Rarefaction / The part of a longitudinal wave where the particles of the medium are close together.
Compression / A wave that moves a medium in a direction parallel to the direction in which the wave travels.
Longitudinal Wave / A wave that moves the medium in a direction perpendicular to the direction in which the wave travels.
Transverse Wave
Answer Key
Reflection Refraction Diffraction Interference Resonance Pitch
Perception of the frequency of a sound.Pitch / The bending of waves as they move around a barrier or pass through an opening.
Diffraction / The increase in the amplitude of a vibration that occurs when external vibrations match an object’s natural frequency.
Resonance / The bending of waves as they enter a new medium at an angle.
Refraction / The bouncing back of an object or wave when it hits a surface through which it cannot pass.
Reflection / The interaction between waves that meet.
The interaction between waves that meet.
Interference / The bouncing back of an object or wave when it hits a surface through which it cannot pass.
Reflection / The bending of waves as they enter a new medium at an angle.
Refraction / The increase in the amplitude of a vibration that occurs when external vibrations match an object’s natural frequency.
Resonance / The bending of waves as they move around a barrier or pass through an opening.
Diffraction / Perception of the frequency of a sound.
The increase in the amplitude of a vibration that occurs when external vibrations match an object’s natural frequency.
Resonance / Perception of the frequency of a sound.
Pitch / The bending of waves as they move around a barrier or pass through an opening.
Diffraction / The interaction between waves that meet.
Interference / The bouncing back of an object or wave when it hits a surface through which it cannot pass.
Reflection / The bending of waves as they enter a new medium at an angle.
The bending of waves as they move around a barrier or pass through an opening.
Diffraction / The increase in the amplitude of a vibration that occurs when external vibrations match an object’s natural frequency.
Resonance / The interaction between waves that meet.
Interference / Perception of the frequency of a sound.
Pitch / The bending of waves as they enter a new medium at an angle.
Refraction / The bouncing back of an object or wave when it hits a surface through which it cannot pass.
The bouncing back of an object or wave when it hits a surface through which it cannot pass.
Reflection / The bending of waves as they enter a new medium at an angle.
Refraction / Perception of the frequency of a sound.
Pitch / The interaction between waves that meet.
Interference / The increase in the amplitude of a vibration that occurs when external vibrations match an object’s natural frequency.
Resonance / The bending of waves as they move around a barrier or pass through and opening.
Voltage Resistance Series Parallel ConductorInsulator
A material through which charges cannot easily flow.Insulator / An electric circuit with multiple paths.
Parallel / A material through which charges can easily flow.
Conductor / The difference in electrical potential energy between two places in a circuit.
Voltage / The measurement of how difficult it is for charges to flow through a material.
Resistance / An electric circuit with a single path.
An electric circuit with a single path.
Series / The measurement of how difficult it is for charges to flow through a material.
Resistance / The difference in electrical potential energy between two places in a circuit.
Voltage / A material through which charges can easily flow.
Conductor / An electric circuit with multiple paths.
Parallel / A material through which charges cannot easily flow.
The difference in electrical potential energy between two places in a circuit.
Voltage / A material through which charges cannot easily flow.
Insulator / A material through which charges can easily flow.
Conductor / An electric circuit with a single path.
Series / The measurement of how difficult it is for charges to flow through a material.
Resistance / An electric circuit with multiple paths.
An electric circuit with multiple paths.
Parallel / A material through which charges can easily flow.
Conductor / The measurement of how difficult it is for charges to flow through a material.
Resistance / The difference in electrical potential energy between two places in a circuit.
Voltage / A material through which charges cannot easily flow.
Insulator / An electric circuit with a single path.
The measurement of how difficult it is for charges to flow through a material.
Resistance / The difference in electrical potential energy between two places in a circuit
Voltage / A material through which charges cannot easily flow.
Insulator / A material through which charges can easily flow.
Conductor / A negatively charge particle, the carrier of electricity within solids.
Electron / An electric circuit with multiple paths.
Electricity Electron Electric Current Electric Charge Battery Friction
A device that can convert chemical energy into electrical energy.Battery / The physical property responsible for electric force.
Electric Charge / The continuous flow of charge, usually from the movement of negatively charged particles.
Electric Current / A form of energy resulting from the existence of charged particles (such as electrons or protons).
Electricity / The resistance that one surface or object encounters when moving over or through another material.
Friction / A negatively charge particle, the carrier of electricity within solids.
A negatively charge particle, the carrier of electricity within solids.
Electron / The resistance that one surface or object encounters when moving over or through another material.
Friction / A form of energy resulting from the existence of charged particles (such as electrons or protons).
Electricity / The physical property responsible for electric force.
Electric Charge / The continuous flow of charge, usually from the movement of negatively charged particles.
Electric Current / A device that can convert chemical energy into electrical energy.
The resistance that one surface or object encounters when moving over or through another material.
Friction / A form of energy resulting from the existence of charged particles (such as electrons or protons).
Electricity / A negatively charge particle, the carrier of electricity within solids.
Electron / The continuous flow of charge, usually from the movement of negatively charged particles.
Electric Current / A device that can convert chemical energy into electrical energy.
Battery / The physical property responsible for electric force.
Electric Charge
A form of energy resulting from the existence of charged particles (such as electrons or protons).
Electricity / A negatively charge particle, the carrier of electricity within solids.
Electron / The continuous flow of charge, usually from the movement of negatively charged particles.
Electric Current / A device that can convert chemical energy into electrical energy.
Battery / The physical property responsible for electric force.
Electric Charge / The resistance that one surface or object encounters when moving over or through another material.
The continuous flow of charge, usually from the movement of negatively charged particles.
Electric Current / A device that can convert chemical energy into electrical energy.
Battery / The physical property responsible for electric force.
Electric Charge / The resistance that one surface or object encounters when moving over or through another material.
Friction / A negatively charge particle, the carrier of electricity within solids.
Electron / A form of energy resulting from the existence of charged particles (such as electrons or protons).