The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Office of Human Resources
Appointment Type: / Temporary Employee / Offered to:Position ID: / Hourly Pay Rate:
Department Name: / School of Information and Library Science / Effective Date:
Department Number: / 3701 / Supervisor:
In order to be employed with the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
as a Temporary Staff (SPA) Employee,you must agree to the following conditions of employment:
- I understand that any offer of employment is conditional pending the completion of the University’s required criminal conviction check. I understand a criminal conviction in and of itself does not disqualify me from employment at the University. I understand that in the event a criminal conviction record is discovered where I had not listed it on the employment application, I may be disqualified from employment in this position, and any other position at the University, for falsification of the employment application. I also understand that due to the nature of some criminal convictions, employment in certain positions at the University may be unavailable to me. I understand that in the event that thirty (30) calendar days have elapsed since the initiation of my criminal convictions check with the University’s Department of Public Safety, I may be allowed to begin work at the University with the understanding that my employment offer may be rescinded if the criminal convictions check when received discloses information that affects my selection. I understand that before a final decision would be made to rescind my appointment, I would have the opportunity to provide any exculpatory or explanatory information.
- Federal law requires each new employee to complete the “Employee Information and Verification” section of the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (Form I-9) and to submit certain original documents for examination in order to verify and certify identification and employment eligibility. In compliance with N.C. law, the University verifies each individual's legal status or authorization to work in the United States after hiring the individual using the Department of Homeland Security’s E-VerifyProgram. I understand that my employment will be terminated if I fail to comply with the employment authorization requirements or if it is determined that I am not authorized to work in the United States.
- State policy requires each Permanent Staff employee to be at least 18 years of age, and State law requires the University
to have these individuals indicate their compliance with the Federal Military Selective Service Act. Initial the appropriate response below.
______(initial) I certify that I am required to be and have registered with Selective Service, OR
______(initial) I certify that I am exempt from registering with Selective Service, OR
______(initial) I certify that I am required to be and have NOT registered with Selective Service.
I understand that if I am not registered but am required to be, I MUST do so no later than 30 days from the appointment date indicated on this document in order to stay employed at the University. I understand that failure to comply with the registration requirement bars a person from State employment. - I understand I am required to provide my Social Security Number so the University can satisfy its income-reporting and withholding obligations under North Carolina and federal laws. Unless this sentence is marked through and initialed by me, I voluntarily permit the use of my social security number for internal record keeping and information management operations. However, I understand
I have been randomly assigned the personal identification number (PID) indicated
on this document, which the University will use instead whenever possible. - I understand that the University requires all presently-hired employees to be paid by direct deposit into a bank or credit union account, and that pay stubs will be provided to me electronically through the University’s E-pay program. In order
to satisfy this requirement, I understand I must either present a deposit slip or voided check during my assigned Job Offer Acceptance Session or submit the direct payroll deposit authorization (Form PR-8) to the University Payroll Department
by the end of my first work week. My signature below certifies I understand I will not receive a paycheck from the University until the appropriate payroll forms have been completed and submitted. - I understand that the rules governing my work schedule, meal and break periods, time records, pay day, wage-hour status (for overtime purposes), and the policies covering equal employment opportunity, reporting an on-the-job injury, workplace violence, illegal drugs in the workplace, and other policies as listed on the “Certification of Review of Relevant Employment Policies” have been provided to me by a department representative.
- I authorize the University to withhold from my final paycheck the cost of any keys, uniforms, or other State-owned property
I fail to return when my appointment ends. I also authorize the University to withhold from my final paycheck the amount
of any other debt I owe to the University, subject to Wage-Hour requirements.
Employee’s Initials: / Human Resources Rep Initials:
(continued on next page)
- I understand that I am required to comply with the University’s Department of Environment, Health and Safety (EH&S) policies
and procedures regarding vaccinations, medical surveillance or other required safety training within the first 10 days of my employment. I further understand that if my position places me in a healthcare environment or if my duties involve healthcare,
I also must complete the items outlined in the "EHS Conditions of Employment" document in accordance to the time frames
and frequency specified. I understand that this document will be provided to me by my appointing department and that if I do
not receive this document and my position places me in a healthcare environment or my duties involve healthcare, I can find information regarding these policies and procedures on the web at: or from my supervisor, my departmental Human Resources Facilitator or Manager, or by contacting EH&S by telephone at 919-962-5507. - I understand that to comply with University policy, if my position’s duties include engaging in University healthcare activities,
I must disclose to my Department Head, Dean, Division Chief, the Office of Human Resources Employee & Management
Relations Division or the Chair of the University’s AIDS Task Force if I am currently, or later become, infected with either
the HIV or the Hepatitis B viruses. - I understand that the University follows a “Smoke Free” policy and that smoking is not allowed within 100 feet of all University facilities, both on and off campus. I also understand that smoking in state-owned vehicles is also prohibited.
- I understand that the only employee benefit programs in which I am eligible to participate are the voluntary 403(b) supplemental retirement and/or U.S. savings bonds programs.
- I understand that my appointment is for a period of twelve calendar months or less, if retained, from the date of my first work day
at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (University) and that if I work for the University for 1500 hours or more within
a 12-month period, my appointment must be terminated (effective no later than the last day of that 12-month period). I understand that I will not be eligible to be re-hired by the University in a temporary capacity for a minimum period of 31 days after the date
my appointment was terminated. - (initials) For retirees only. I understand that State policy allows me, as a retiree, to work longer than twelve consecutive months regardless of the number of hours I work, and that my initials beside this condition certify that I am retired, am not available for (or seeking) permanent work, and have benefits (like health insurance) through my retirement plan.
- I understand that in the event that I accept a permanent position with another North Carolina state agency or with another University department, I must inform my hiring department and terminate my temporary appointment.
Employee’s Signature / Date / Human Resources Representative Signature / Date
Rev. (11-10-2008)Equal Opportunity EmployerPage 1 of 2