ProbusGrampound Surgery
Dispensary Information
Dispensary Opening Hours:Probus Grampound
Monday to Friday Mon, Tue & Fri 8.30am-12.30pm
8.30am-6.00pm Wed: 2.00pm-6.00pm
Thurs closed
Welcome to the Dispensary at ProbusGrampound Surgery. We would like to take this opportunity to introduce ourselves as a vital part of the General Practice team. The Dispensary liaises closely with the Doctors, Practice Nurse, Community Nurses, Receptionists and Administrators.
Dispensary facilities are available for patients who live more than one mile from achemist; you will be advised of your eligibility when you register as a patient.
Repeat prescriptions can be ordered quickly and easily through a variety of methods listed here:
By Hand:Prescription requests are made using the prescription counterfoil* provided with each prescription. Please clearly tick the items that are required and
state where you would like to collect your prescription. This slip can be placed in the post box provided just inside the main front doors at Probus or
Grampound Surgery during working hours, or placed in the post box outside either premises (on the right hand wall of front door at Probus) outside of working hours.
By Fax:Prescription requests are made using the prescription counterfoil* provided with each prescription. Please clearly tick the items that are required and
state where you would like your prescription to be collected. This slip can be faxed at any time of the day or night to Probus on 01726 883945.
By Internet:Patients can access the surgery website at near
The bottom of the home page, click the ‘order repeat medication’ link and follow the instructions. This service ensures the dispensary receives all the information it requires to process your request, and also automatically sends the patient an acknowledgement email so you know it has been safely received.
By Royal Mail:Prescription requests can be made using the prescription counterfoil*
provided with each prescription. Please tick the items that are required and
post to the Dispensary, Probus Surgery, Tregony Road, Probus, Cornwall, TR2
4JZ, clearly stating where you wish to collect your medication.
*if you have misplaced your prescription counterfoil, we can accept a written request to include name, date of birth and items required.
Main Receptions: Probus -01726 882745 & Grampound – 01726 882521
Probus Fax: 01726 883945
Monthly Prescriptions:
Please ensure that you do not run out of medication by ordering your repeat prescription in plenty of time. We require at least three working days’ notice (not including weekends or Bank Holidays). During busy periods, such as before or after Bank Holidays, we appreciate being given extra time. However, please do not over stock or “stock up” on medicines.
Co-ordination on Monthly Prescriptions:
The dispensers would welcome the opportunity to liaise with any patient to co-ordinate their medication so that they can all be ordered regularly once a month. Having various medications due at different times of the month is time-consuming for patients and their carers and often necessitates more than one request and trip to the surgery premises every month.
Delivery Service:
Regular dropping off points are made to Post Offices and local shops four times a week to the villages of Grampound Road, Ladock, Sticker, Summercourt, Tregony and Tresillian. You will need to provide cash or cheque in a sealed envelope with your requests (or have a valid pre-payment or exemption certificate) in order to use this service. In addition, a delivery service is available for patients who are housebound and have no relatives, friends or neighbours who can collect medication for them.
If you have any problems, queries or difficulties, or if you have accidentally run out of your medication, a dispenser will be available to offer advice and assistance. Please contact the dispensary through the usual surgery telephone numbers at Probus between the hours of 8.30am and 6pm.
Health Awareness:
We have a team of very experienced and fully qualified dispensers who liaise closely with other members of the Practice team, including the doctors and nurses. Healthy living advice is available upon request, along with a wide range of supportive literature and leaflets. The dispensary aims to ensure that all patients receive excellent patient care, including regular check-ups and regular tests as required by the doctor. Please respond to our requests to make an appointment. Failure to do so may result in us not being able to dispense your medication the next time you request it.
Queries & Questions:
If you have a query about any aspect of your medication or care, please ask a member of staff. If they do not know the answer, they will speak to the appropriate person and get back to you within a reasonable period of time.
Complaints and Suggestions:
We operate an in house complaints and suggestions system which aims to deal swiftly and thoroughly with any problems that may occur. It is designed to provide an explanation and an apology when appropriate. It gives details of what we will do to put the matter right and try to ensure it does not happen again. A complaint and suggestion pack can be collected from reception.
Helping you with your Medication:
The Dispensary is able to produce helpful ‘reminder’ charts for those patients who may be on a number of different medications. These charts can show when each tablet should be taken and can be provided free of charge on request.
Dispensary also sells ‘dosit’ boxes and pill cutters. The dosit boxes are plastic boxes with compartments for you to organise medication for a relative or yourself on a weekly basis with different compartments for different times of the day.
Updated: 10/04/17