For WHATSOEVERthings were WRITTEN AFORETIME[the originals] were written FOR OURlearning, that WE through patience and comfort of the SCRIPTURES[implies possession of the things written aforetime] might have hope. --Romans 15:4

Whatsoever Things

Thank God that the scriptures, which were written AFORETIME, are still the preserved scriptures in some form or other—TODAY––NOW. Unfortunately, our most scholarly friends, unlike Paul, are unwilling to count some other things as DUNG,hence denying themselves the benefits of real patience, comfort, and hope fromREALscriptures that are POSSESSED NOW. Certainly, it is not necessary to run to the Greek to determine what the word "whatsoever" means in the above passage. It means here that “whatsoever” scripture that was written up to that point. We are dealing with real and tangible and specific scripture, rather than with vague, nebulous, nonspecific, and mystical nonsense. No doubt, the disciples of Jehoiakim would use their penknives to cut out the undesired and unpalatable portions of Holy Writ (a spring board off Spurgeon’s words), wanting nothing to do with suchCERTAINTYthat King James Bible believers enjoy.

Were Written

How wonderful it is that the little popelings, who would correct our KJB Bible, agree with us that all these real, tangible, inspired scriptures were ONCE written––the ORIGINAL AUTOGRAPHS. Nevertheless, how and why would they trust the present non inspired, non originals to PROVEthat there really were inspired Originals that were written aforetime? Would you believe, Chancellor Jones, the second "were written" refers to the same things as theFIRST "were written?" Inspired, infallible, inerrant scripture! Academic, my dear Professor Kutilek! Things equal to the same thing are equal to each other. Notice, however, that those originals, which were written aforetime, continued and remained PRESERVEDfor OURcomfort, patience, and learning in some form or other. The B-I-B-L-E that’s the Book for me! Hallelujah! Thank you Jesus! Praise de Lawd! Does I have a witness, Professor Minton?


Yes, the originals "were" once written, indeed, and they were settled once and for all in heaven (Ps. 119:89), despite those who would try to unsettle them. Bless your heart Editor Sumner, Doctor Hymers, Evangelist Hudson, Book Seller Bobby Ross, Professors Kutilek and Minton, for you’ve made quite a discovery. This is what you have been trying to tell us . . . right? Yes, the originals were written aforetime. Nevertheless, the Originals are stillwritten and still SAITH. Hey, check that out in the Greek and Hebrew; the originals that SAITH were written “aforetime.” The inspired scriptures have NOT EXPIRED.Paul dictated inspired scripture himself, leaving no confusion about the antiquity of the things to which he referred. He was not discussing contemporary writings; he really was talking about the originals, which were written aforetime, but he implied that they still had them––the originals. Paul did indeed dictate inspired scripture for Tertius to pen (Rom. 16:22). Still, this poses an interesting problem to those who are hung up on “initial inspiration only.” Were the spoken words inspired? Did uninspired Tertius pen them correctly? Were the penned words of Tertius inspired? Did he have to add to or correct Paul’s words? You say, "Both the spoken and written words were inspired." Aha! "Double inspiration!" We caught you, you little rascal, Bobby Jones! Is it possible that Hotdog Hymers or Editor Sumner can grasp this deep concept and miracle of both inspiration and preservation? How can we benefit from the original AUTOGRAPHS, which were written aforetime––NOW? Through our English Bible, which is in our possession and can be understood by us? That, indeed, is the additional miracle, the supernatural miracle of preservation.

Aforetime Scriptures for Our Learning

But the "Originals Autographs were NOTwritten for OUR learning or we would have them. Guess what was written for OURlearning? Inspired, infallible, inerrant Scripture? Of course, what other kind of scripture is there? Oh? You say that the King James Bible is both scripture ANDthe word of God only in a colloquial sense? Or the technical sense? Yeah! Uh huh! Tsk! Tsk! Here comes the rub, Professor Minton. Whatsoever things (all the scriptures that were written) were written "for OURlearning” or at least, some of our learning. Clear, readable, and understandable scripture! You have nothing to worry about, Farmer Smith. “We’ve come this far by faith . . . dee da dum dee dum.”At least this gets us up until the time of the Roman saints, centuries after the Autographs were written. Why not nineteen more centuries of preserved originals that continue and that remain? "What do you prefer, PURE PRESERVES or SUGAR ADDED JAM? CHS’ Farmer Smith knows the difference between getting preserves as opposed to getting into the jam!

Aforetime Scriptures Were Holy, Inspired, and Preserved

And that from a child thou hast known the HOLYScriptures . . . All scripture IS GIVEN . . . by inspiration of God . . . --2 Tim. 3:15 - 17

May it be understood that Timothy did not have access to the “original AUTOGRAPHS?” Nevertheless, Timothy did have access to theHOLY scriptures. This is the highest term/adjective ever used by God to describe His word. Neither Timothy, nor Paul, nor Christ had access to the “original manuscripts” from a human point of view. Neither did Paul, nor Timothy, nor Christ use the language of equivocation as “in the originals” or “a better rendering should be thus and such” or “in the original Aramaic,” or “it is the closest to the originals,” and so forth.

To say that Christ or the apostles considered the scriptures that they possessed to be partly true and partly in error, uninspired, fallible, errant, and etc., would be unsupportable slander. ALL scripture and only ALLscripture is given by inspiration of God. Man’s word is neither scripture nor God’s word; only inspired scripture are both scripture and God’s word.Even the liberal, modernistic RSV does not say that all scripture “WAS given” by inspiration. The supposedly more conservative RV (counterpart to the ASV) doesn’t say “WAS given” but does corrupt the passage to say, “EVERYscripture given by inspiration is profitable . . .” and thus relegates inspired scripture to the past and implies the existence of uninspired scripture (an oxymoron) that is to be relegated to the present.

For the RV to be consistent, implying that inspired scripture is no longer, it should have said “and WAS profitable,” but could they get away with that 100 years ago? Of course not! The Authorized Bible is consistent in this matter, scripture that ISGIVEN by inspiration, ISinspired, IS profitable, and does not lose its supernatural qualities or LIFE (quick and powerful) though the passing of time.

The standard, college, theological definition of the word “inspiration” emphasizes the antiquity of the “scripture originals” rather than the “quality” of the presently possessed scripture. This definition concerns itself only with the “transmission” of the scripture and counts transmission and inspiration as synonymous terms without any evidence. According to this standard definition, Xeroxed copies of the “original manuscripts” could not be “inspired” or the copies which Timothy possessed.

If a piece of an original manuscript were torn from the original scroll and lost and then re supplied from a copy, it also would not be considered “inspired” by such a definition. If the term “inspiration” is synonymous with “initial transmission,” then, the scriptures were no longer inspired after one week or even one day. In fact, they ceased to be inspired moments after they were placed on the prophet’s parchment. It is not that we have a quarrel with the fact that the scriptures were given by God to men in certain periods of time; the Bible constantly affirms this. However, the sacred white cow term, “originals,” in relation to earth is a misnomer! The originals are settled in heaven and are still there (Psa. 119:89)! As for transmission, to the dismay of Bible Correctors, there are at least six different means of transmitting the “inspired” scriptures to earth:

1. Paul dictated scripture to a scribe (Rom. 1:1 with Rom. 16:22)

2. Paul wrote scripture with his own hand (1 Cor. 16:21)

3. Tertius, the scribe, added inspired words to Paul’s words (Rom. 16:22)

4. Destroyed scripture was recreated with additional words (Jer. 36:22 with 36:32)

5. An ass was used to transmit inspired Scripture (Num. 22:28-30)

6. An apostate prophet was used to transmit inspired Scripture (Num. 23:19, 21-24; 28:2-9)

The character of the instrument, which God uses to transmit His word, has nothing to do with inspiration. The instrument is not inspired; only the scripture is said to be inspired. The supernatural quality of Scripture has existed from the moment that it was given unto this present time. It IS ALIVE and ISNOW a LIVING discerner,according to Hebrews 4:12. Our “inspired” scripture has NOT “EXPIRED!” That which “is” written, and in our possession, is more sure than that which was spoken according to 2 Peter 1:18 - 2l.

Aforetime “HOLY” Scripture IS Profitable and Instructs

. . .IS PROFITABLE for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness . . . –2Tim 3:16

Note that the passage doesn’t say “WASprofitable” but says that all Scripture “IS profitable.” It does not say that “PART of the scripture is profitable”; for ALL scripture is profitable. The most casual observer must recognize that the “original manuscripts” are not profitable to us, for they are not even available to us. No one living has ever seen them; no one living has ever met someone who has seen them. Only what WE HAVE in our possession is profitable for doctrine, reproof, correction, and for instruction in righteousness and not what we do not have. The counterfeits, in our possession, which teach that Elhanan killed Goliath (ASV) and which teach that Saul reigned dot, dot, dot years (N.S.R.B.) and which teach that salvation is to be gained (Open Bible - 2 Tim. 2:10) and which remove the blood in Colossians 1:14 (almost all early MV’s) are easily eliminated from the running. The real scripture will reprove and correct such modern bible corruptions and perversions.The word of God is true, or it is not the word of God (Psa. 119:160); the words of the Lord are pure words, or they are not the words of the Lord (Psa. 12:6); the scripture cannot be broken, or it is not the scripture (John 10:35); the scripture is both HOLY and inspired, or it is not the scripture (2 Tim. 3:16). It must be all these to be profitable!

Aforetime Holy Scripture Makes the Man of God Perfect

. . .that the man of God may be perfect . . . --2 Tim. 3:17

Only a complete and perfect Bible can make the man of God complete and perfect. Paul prophesied that which is perfect would come, the word of God. Whatever may be meant by the word “PERFECT,” it follows that the word is able to impart some of its attributes to the man of God. Counterfeits, which are in error or incomplete, will impart their corruptions to those who use them. The Good News Bible produces Jesus Freaks and Hippy Christians. The RSV produces liberals and modernists. The ASV produces fundamentalists who do not know where their Bible is!

Aforetime Holy Scripture Throughly Furnishes

. . .THROUGHLY FURNISHED unto all good works . . . --2 Tim. 3:17

A complete, inerrant, inspired Bible will throughly furnish the man of God unto all good works. The man of God has not been promised that Strong’s Concordance, W.E. Vine’s Dictionary, or history will throughly furnish him. He has not been promised that from a course in Hebrew, Greek, nor textual criticism, which willNOTget that job done.

What Then?

He that HATH[possession] my word, let him speak itFAITHFULLY . . . -- Jer. 23:28.

You have to possess the faithful word to speak it faithfully. We have it! We have the inspired scripture in English, the King James Bible. The scriptures, which God gave to man, are said to have deteriorated and to have disappeared from the face of the earth. We are prepared to concede that for the paper and ink but not for the “words” that are “spirit” and that are “life” (John 6:63)! Let us SPEAK(in English—not in Greek) them faithfully . . . that is . . . those of us that POSSESS them! Either you have PURE PRESERVES or you are in a BIG JAM(even with the sugar added)!

--by Herb Evans