Cincinnati, Ohio


Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time


After Masses – Welcoming Sunday, “Café”

8:45-10:15 am – Catechesis of the Good Shepherd,

“Parish Office Basement”

10:00-11:00 am – Jr. High Religious Education, “Chapel”

1:00 pm – Baptism Program, “Parish Office Basement”

3:00-6:00 pm – Robotics, “Café”


5:00 pm - Cafeteria Closed for Election Day Set-up

7:00-8:00 pm – Cub Scouts, “Art Room”

8:00 pm – Development, “Chapel”


Cafeteria Closed – Election Day

7:00 pm – Education Commission, “Chapel”

7:00-8:00 pm – Daisy Meeting, “Art Room”


9:15, 10:30 am, & 4:00 pm – Music Together, “Parish

Office Upstairs

3:00-4:30 pm – Daisy Meeting, “Café”


10:00 am – Music Together, “Parish Office Upstairs”

10:00 am – Catechesis of the Good Shepherd,

“Parish Office Basement”

4:30-6:00 pm – Catechesis of the Good Shepherd,

“Parish Office Upstairs and Downstairs”

7:00 pm – RCIA, “Chapel”


3:00-5:00 pm – 4th Grade Girl Scouts, “Art Room”


Please call the Parish Office before scheduling an event


Proverbs 31: 10-13, 19-20, 30-31 1 Thessalonians 5: 1-6

Matthew 25: 14-30

Saturday, November 12, 2011 4:30 PM

Lectors: Ed & Nancy Ciarniello, Ed Ciarniello

Servers: Brendan Daley, Jack Garry, Haley & Dalton Knoffer

Eucharistic Ministers: Suzanne Macke, Steve & Mary Ann Klonne, Dick & Josh Meirose, Rick Rushing, Amanda & Jack Sheeran, Helen Vollman, Nita Toennis

Sunday, November 13, 2011 9:00 AM

Lectors: Eric Bertelsen, Mary Gene Kling, Beth Gunderson

Servers: Eleanor DuMont, Megan Glass, Nick & Dominic Hagerty

Eucharistic Ministers: Cassidy Steele, Michael Yarbrough, Dave & John Hermann, Judy Parsons, Wayne & Jan Chapman, Nicole Dapper, Darlene Casey, Robert Preston

Sunday, November 13, 2011 11:00 AM

Lectors: Tom Donelan, Mary Lennard, Michael Mohr

Servers: Kelly Harper, Divya Kumar, Garrett Longeway, Will Jackson

Eucharistic Ministers: Jason & Thomas Darrah, Claire Benken, Lynn McDonald, Alex & Sara Woroncow, Ali Wilkens, Allen Wright, Bea Souder, Mary Lennard

You are asked to remember in your prayers those who are housebound and ill, especially Ryan Anders, Kris Egbers Andrew, Bill Bach, Laura Bain, Charles Benhase, Isabelle Bongey, Dottie Brinker, Patricia Cain, Dan Casey, Sr. Carol DeFiore, Kathy Derrick, Marie Donovan, Jackie Goetz, Ruth Grossi, Lillian Hansel, Bob Hatfield, Rose Hedberg, Kathy Kelly, Ted Knidle, Elena Maio, Ron Miller, Joe Obermeyer, Ruth Oenbrink, Randy & Rhoda Rupp, Kathy Scarberry, Sandra Schwartz, Mary Ellen Spaite, Joe Speaks, Edward Timmer, Anderson Turner, Martha Udry, Pauline Villari, Joe Wessel, Vera Wettenkamp and Mary Beth Wuebker. Please remember those who have died, especially Patricia Silber.

October 30, 2011

Offerings $8,592.00

Budget 11,800.00

Over (under) Budget (3,208.00)

Year to Date 178,830.00

Year to Date Budget 212,400.00

Over (under) Budget (33,570.00)

St. Vincent de Paul 755.95

Thank you

Sunday: 9:00 am – For the People

Sunday: 11:00 am – Florence Tierney

Monday: 8:15 am – Shut-Ins

Tuesday: 8:15 am – Deceased Parishioners

Wednesday: 8:15 am – Celebrant Intentions

Thursday: 8:15 am – Peggy Mahaney

(Birthday Remembrance)

Friday: 8:15 am – For those serving in the Military

Saturday: 4:30 pm – Giuseppe Longo

Next Sunday’s Outreach Collection will be going to our St. Vincent de Paul Society.

Advent Family Gathering: Families, couples, individuals are invited to come to Nativity School cafeteria on Sunday, November 20th, noon-2:00 pm, for a simple lunch, prayer, and making of an Advent wreath. Registrations are required. A $10 donation per family is requested for supplies and food. Contact Sr. Janet with any questions.

Rite of Christian Initiation News: On Sunday, November 13th we will celebrate the Rite of Welcoming of RCIA Candidates Douglas Brown and Jason Moser. At the same time we will continue to pray for Deborah Casey, and Brian and Jennifer Clark who are preparing for the sacrament of Confirmation.

PWC’s Prepare Affair is scheduled for Saturday, November 12th at 8:30 am till lunch. Because we have not had enough volunteers we will not have our own group. Therefore, no matter what I might have said to you, you will have to register for yourself on line if you would like to work with us Go to the Volunteer tab, and then choose, “I don’t know who my crew leader is” and in the note area please put that you are from Nativity. Please also email St. Janet at so that we might be able to plan transportation.

THE NATIVITY CHRISTMAS TREE SALE NEEDS YOU!! It is never too early to be getting in the Christmas Spirit! Christmas Trees will be delivered on Friday, November 25th at 9:00 am. Come and work off that Thanksgiving Dinner by helping to unload and stack trees (High School Students…great opportunity for Community Service hours.) Good time, good people, good exercise and good food afterwards. We also need many volunteers to sell trees starting Saturday, November 26th. Get a group of your friends and work a shift…or two…or three together. It takes over 500 man hours for a successful sale! Please welcome our new chairs Lamont Taylor and Pete Mello. If you have any questions or too volunteer, please contact Mark Reese Home #841-0173, Cell #382-7214 or by email at or Bill Beyersdofer at 984-6611.

Mark your calendars for “Advent Evening for Women” to be held on Wednesday, November 30th at 6:00 pm in the School cafeteria.

From the Catholic Schools Office…Tuition Giveaway! The Catholic Schools Office will give away $17,500 in tuition credits and prizes to current and prospective families. To register go to You have until noon on Friday, February 23, 2012 to enter.

Annual Fund Dollars at Work!

In the mid 1980’s Nativity began replacing the original windows in our school building. Through the generosity of all who participated in the 2010 Annual Fund, we are able to complete the last 16 windows in school, as well as replacement windows for the parish office building. This work will begin November 2nd and take approximately 2 weeks to complete. The installation of these windows will save energy costs and add to the comfort of staff and students alike. We are grateful to all who support Nativity in so many ways and we remain A Great Place to Be, Lighting the Way to the Future.

Thanks to all who have donated so far. We are up to $9,405.00, or 9.4 percent of our goal, with 4 percent of all Nativity households participating. Several people have asked what the suggested donation amount to the Annual Fund should be. In past years we have had donations ranging from $10 to $10,000. Last year’s average amount was $323, but any amount will help us reach our goal. What we really hope to do this year is raise the participation level. Only 26 percent of Nativity members donated last year. Raising that figure is much more important than any amount guidelines. Please remember that Bangkok Bistro in East Hyde Park will donate 10% of dinner orders from Nativity families, dine-in or take out, to the Annual Fund on Thursday, November 10th. Dinner is served 5:00-10:00 pm. Please help us reach our goal.

Calling on all Our Mothers of Sorrows Graduates: We are having a class reunion for all classes on Friday, November 25th at St. Bernard Municipal Center, from 6:00 pm until midnight. Please bring drinks, snacks and appetizers. For more information please call Nancy Pierce Hollmann at 641-2522 or Barb Scheffer Bleser at 260-6497.

Pew Cleaning Crew: Caring for Nativity’s worship space has always been a St. Ann’s priority. Join the “bucket brigade” and help us wet and wipe down the pews on Friday, November 11th and Friday, November 18th at 9:15 am. BYOB (bring your own bucket.) Please contact Meg Muething with any questions at 478-9948.

St. Cecilia Parish in Oakley will host its annual Thanksgiving Dinner for anyone who would like to share the holiday with others. The dinner will be available from noon until 2:00 pm on Thursday, November 24th in the school cafeteria. Admission is free and open to all ages. Transportation to the meal and meal delivery are available are by calling Margie at 232-0266. All requests for meal delivery must be made by 5:00 pm on Monday, November 21st. If you would like to volunteer, please contact Dan at 631-3174. If you can donate and roast a turkey, please call Delores at 871-4191.

Attention Lectors: The 2012 Lector Workbooks are available for pick-up in the Sacristy. Thank you!

Thank you, thank you to all who attended, sponsored, worked and donated to our golf outing October 15th at Losantiville. Because of everyone’s generosity we reached our goal of $10,000 for the “Give Back the Gift Education Fund.” Our project is to continue offering partial scholarships and help to renovate a classroom.

~Please remember Nativity in your will~