Minutes from Nov16th, 2017
Key PersonnelPresident / Dan DelGallo / X / Director (Boys) / Jackie Samalus / X
Vice President / Stacey Kroninger / Director (Girls) / Paul Murphy
Secretary / Rich Dixon / X / Field Coordinator / Charles Kuchenbrod
Treasurer / Troy Milbrandt / X / Facilities, Director / Shawn Bosco
Registrar / Nina Gravlin / X / Referee Coordinator / Becky Sielman / X
Coaching Director / Rick Orluk / Website / Ken Mouning / X
X represents present at meeting
Coaches/Managers Present
Meeting Minutes:
1.Minutes from Oct19th meeting tabled for next meeting:
- All Previous board members approved. New Secretary Josh Adams approved for next year
- Action is to revise Bylaws on meetings for Board of Directors as well as what level of participation is needed by Teams at upcoming board meetings
3. Fall Spring Season:
- CT Cup updates. Only one team advanced past first round of CT Cup
- Team overviews: no fines related to CJSAas all teams entered scores
- Nina to send out form to parents after the holidays to help gauge conflicts and playing interest
- New sandwich boards are completed.
4. Facilities:
- Fall clean-up went well. Was completed in 1 – 2 hrs. Nets are still on Field 2 for winter and spring.
- Will need paint for the spring season
- Should also begin getting sponsors for banners that will be hung up in spring season startup
5.Referees and Fields Coordination:
- Good numbers for refs at games. Only 1 instance where there was 1 referee for a U9 game
- Becky to send out to 7th and 8th grade class reminder on certification course for refs coming in December
- 3 referees can do HS age games for spring season
- 0 reports of bad spectators
- Feedback from the centers was excellent. Gave both good and bad comments on the ARs assigned with them with goal to improve performance
- Owen Plourde was honored as Referee of the year by CJSA.
6.Treasurer’s Report:
- Insurance renewal will be same policy as last year. Reviewed and approved by board
- Jan meeting will discuss payments in spring for those not able to participate in full season. Right now handled on a case by case basis. Will need to put together some guidelines for this
- One referee lost check. Will reissue check and split cost of reissuance with referee
- Need to determine if significant impact of new field layout on paint for lines
- Capital Ideas: Suggestion of another shed in place of metal containers on back fields
- Need to send out to the treasurers. Any team with a bank account will be assessed a $2 fee for inactivity by the bank. Troy to follow up
7.Policies and Procedures:
- Games cancelled by Thursday night for weekend games no payment to referees
- Policy on other game cancellations. Need to address field conditions so facilities director needs to be able to cancel
- When coaches cancel they need to call the referees. Becky should make sure we have cell phone info for referees as well as home phones. Need to update contact information
8. Other Business:
- No meeting in December
- Becky to host Holiday party. Time and date to be determined