Lady Eaton College Cabinet
October 16, 2016

Present: Jessica Randall, Jessica Collinson, Claire Sanders, Ann-Majella McKelvie, Bailey Howell, Brandon Remmelgas, Maryam Rashid, Erik Bak, Hamza Khattak, Gytha Chapman, Marissa Storey, William Logan, Beth Bekele, Ethel Nalule, Emily Beaudin, Annie Howell, Megan Baker

Absent: Scott MacDonald

Regrets: John Bruyea, Grace Bourgeois

1.  Call to Order

·  Meeting is called to order at 4:06pm.

2.  Speakers Remarks

·  Welcome new members. Raise your hand when you want to speak. Refrain from side conversations and using cell phones. If I nod to you while your hand is up you can put it down.

3.  Approval of Agenda

·  Claire motions to approve the agenda, seconded by Gytha.

·  Discussion: Add Ratify By-elections under Previous Business

·  Motion is unanimously passed.

4.  Approval of Minutes

·  Claire motions to approve the minutes, seconded by Brandon

·  Discussion:

·  Maryam sent in regrets, she wasn’t absent.

·  4 abstentions, motion is unanimously passed.

5.  Presentations

·  StephanieMuehlethaler - Director of Colleges

·  Been here for 6 months, still trying to figure stuff out. Champlain 206 if you wanna chat. Thanks so much to exec for having me.

6.  Prime Minister’s Report – Jessica Randall

·  [Welcome to New Members and Introductions] Welcome to new members. I tend to assume people know what I’m talking about so if I say something you don’t understand please let me know. There is an updated contact list in the office.

·  [President’s Meeting] There have been a few meetings since our last cabinet meeting. The Trent Grad Student Association was discussing the Chamber of Commerce joining with them. Discussed the I Am Well app; Great app for mental health and the TCSA is helping fund it. Suggest downloading it. Discussed the three minute thesis. Done by Grad students. Looking at having undergrad students from three minute paper come. Gzowski elections have been ratified and their Fall college weekend is coming up in November. Champlain elections will have been ratified by now as well. Harvest weekend was this weekend. Lots of alumni celebrations 50th anniversary of Champlain. Oct 18 Trent Health Services Open House. Ribbon cutting 4:30pm.

·  TCSA voting has closed. Pumpkin patch event sent two buses rather than one. Semi annual general meeting is taking place. Quorum of 20 is really important. There will be prizes for people who show up. TCSA launching Friendship Bench. Launch date: Nov 7 2:30-4pm. Champlain Great Hall. Really important event to Trent and Mental health awareness/suicide prevention. Would be great if a lot of us could come out. Gzowski college updates: one member short of a full cabinet. Looking to fill that position by appointment. Earn your stripes Nov 1st.OC is making constitutional amendments now. Nona discussed the 14 million dollar Bata Library project plan. Research Innovation. A lot of it is Structural (HVAC, windows). Going to be creating student hubs. Starting ASAP. Blocking off College space for around exam time. Questions we talked about: looking at bringing a domestic violence campaign to Trent. Talked about how to promote it and get info out. Ideas: panel talk, poster campaign, suggested Take back the night walk. Something like that would be good. Maybe downtown Pete or across Trent Campus. Just ideas at this point. Any ideas let me know. Email me later. New Director of FPHL has been Released. Her name is Dawn she starts tomorrow. Discussed events for alumni and past staff. How to keep them involved with students. Oct 23 – event commemorating Charlie Wenjack 7pm in Wenjack.

·  [Meeting with Lindsay] Claire and I met with Lindsay at the beginning of October. Mostly talked about the Annex which I’ll discuss later. The Ashley Fellow is in LEC this year. Collaborating with Sociology department. Stevie Jackson. Happening Mid to late January. As more events come about I’ll keep you guys posted.

·  [Off Campus BBQ] Tonight 6-8pm Traill College.

·  [Cabinet Training] Reminder: November 4, 4-7pm OC. Discussed a social event afterwards at Rileys with the other cabinets. Will be a reward at the end of Training. Two workshop options at a time.

·  [LEC Annex] Don Ashley and Vinny met with myself, Robyn and Lindsay. Bounced ideas off of each other how to get them more involved. LEC Annex students are off campus but considered in residence students. They don’t have bulletin boards so reaching out to the Dons is the best way to reach them. Thinking about adding an LEC Annex Position on Cabinet in March at the AGM.

·  [Cabinet Check In’s] Claire and I have met with everyone on Cabinet. Common thing we noticed: event attendance Please send someone a message if you wont make it to their event. If you can’t make an office hour please try and get someone to cover it. Email is the best way to Reach Megan Baker and get posters to the Dons. They are happy to help.

7.  Deputy Prime Minister’s Report - Claire Sanders

·  [Events Planning]

·  Culture Day Thurs Oct 20 12-3pm Tables in LEC and OC. Wear something from your culture

·  Beth is going to try a Trent Nature Guide with the Dons. There is a club that goes for Hikes so will try and collab. Scavenger hunt.

·  Erik is planning an Academic Skills Workshop similar to Take the University Challenge. Also planning a peer editing session.

·  Ethel is planning a Yoga night in November

·  Haley – Paint Night end of November

·  Beth – Ask students what they think about global issues and make a movie out of it

·  College office doesn’t have much happening right now but they have a meeting tomorrow.

·  Maryam planning a TUNA weaving night in the PIT. Chinese/Asian Art

·  Also planning to create a Passport – if you go to the most cultural events you will win a pizza party for your section.

·  William is planning a pool night at Riley’s

·  John and Scott are planning Dodge ball November 26 during Festive College weekend

·  Megan trying to collab with dons on educational events

·  [CASSC] Nona mentioned some books in Bata would be removed. Stuff that is already available online. Sexual Violence policy needs to be investigated. Done before Jan 1st. We have had an increase in funding for making campus safer. Means an increase in cameras but only sent to security. Self defense training for women has been opened. Men can attend as well. Gender neutral blurb put on the posters. Traill has their new cabinet. Retention committee working on improvements to make students want to stay. Two issue based committees are Mental Health (Bailey) and Accessibility (Grace). Housing Conference. Oct 21-23 Looking at Changing Residence application. Co-curricular record looking to add skill based learning. If you want to add things from previous years you need to email them. There is a database being launched for volunteer opportunities. Colleges survey put out soon. Deadline for pan colleges funding on Friday. All college heads are going to put events on one calendar.

·  Changes to Ancillary Fees – Oshawa changed to Durham, Housing and food moved to a diff protocol. Residence council will meet and do the budget and finance and then bring that back to CASSC to be approved. Adding housing and residential meal plan fees. Main changes were rewording. CPI not always available when calculating increases.

·  [Clothing Order] LEC clothing order until November 1st. Cabinet clothing will be put out this week. Waiting for a confirmation on price. Light blue Cabinet logo on the back, front will be position and year. $5 extra for your name on the sleeve.

8.  Previous Business

·  Need to Ratify bi-elections as elections are done.

·  Jessica motioned to ratify the result of the LEC Bi-election, seconded by Claire. Motion is unanimously passed.

9.  New Business

Senior Minister of Finance - Hamza Khattak

·  [Budget Update]

·  Not much has been spent yet.

·  It is okay to go over your budget but it needs to be approved by cabinet to take it out of another line.

10.  Position Reports

Senior Senator - Emily Beaudin

·  [Senate Report] Leo made remarks about what was happening at provincial level. Funding formula that was previously put on hold is now hoping to be done this year/ before next elections. This is how the government pays each university. Quarterly system. In the past it was per student basis. If a university experiences decreases in students the budget wont be affected. Will probably have a negative impact on Trent but not that bad. Will be able to negotiate to accommodate growth. Financial aid changes – free tuition. If the combined income of both parents is less than $50,000 you get free tuition. Financial aid is managed differently. When you apply for university you need to apply for OSAP at the same time. The reason for this is because on OUAC you will see tuition fees to give you a better idea of what you will be paying. Net tuition is what you will see on OUAC. When highschools teach students how to apply they will also teach them how to apply to OSAP. Changes to Pension. Two liability issues: 4.6 mil into this already, but there is a solvency liability that makes the uni pay another 11.9 million. Gov. willing to split this in half but that isn’t good enough. Going back and forth. Jointly paid pension plan. No solvency liability with this. Going over what they are going to do but shouldn’t be a probable,. Student centre going well. On budget, on time. Open in Sept. Undergraduate committee report. 4 articulation agreements. A lot of them have to do with our new Trent education indigenous program – link with other colleges. Fleming – Business Account diploma program can enter Trent Business Admin with advanced standing. 10 credits toward 20 credit. Georgian College (average 75%) who quality can enter Trent B Ed …. Graduate committee report – Durham Master Program PHD programs take the course.
Next meeting Nov 15.

TCSA Commissioner - Brandon Remmelgas

·  [TCSA Report] Sept 25 meeting – Annex pathway is open, lights installed end of Oct. Student Centre third floor Entrepreneurship centre will be in the new library changes. Considerations for Academic Advisor/Counsellor there. Alaine meeting with Trent U Card office about printing. Can no longer add small amounts of money on them. Live streaming emergency poles are NOT happening. Wanted Bata to fly the LGBTQ Flag. Apparently against policy. Working to abolish it if possible. Halal options in LEC from 11:30-1:30 – 5-7pm. TCSA holding Culture not Costume event around Halloween. Exec strategic plan available on the TCSA website. Going to be updating that soon since we have a new VP. Environment Talks with the UN.

·  Oct 16 meeting – sexual violence policy we got a women’s safety grant. One proposal is to fix emergency poles on campus. Not sure how much the poles are actually being used. Security cameras on campus are still being discussed. Deadline is Friday. Dog de-stress day Nov 18. Vice presidents all do tabling. Students Like the united food system. Issues with nonrefundable meal plans/expiring after two years. VP campaigns and equity – chalked names on the bridge last week were missing/murdered indigenous women in Canada. Upcoming Map of accessibly/gender neutral washrooms. AGM coming up. TCSA constitution is in three parts. Please go, lots of bi-laws need to be updating. Purely administrative changes. Approved our first draft budget. TCSA budget has 622 lines. Available on TCSA website. The TCSA has $2000 for each Cabinet. If there is a big event we want to do we can apply for that funding. No issues with elections. Seasoned spoon is looking for volunteers Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.

·  [Co-Curricular] Opportunity directory – search for available positions by learning goals. If you want to add something it needs to be done by July or contact Joanna Hart. Added a rep from career services. Intuitive addition. If you are part of a student group that is done you can email the co-curricular record and have it fixed

11.  Closed Session

·  Bailey motions to go into Closed Session, seconded by Erik. Motion is unanimously passed. Cabinet enters Closed Session at 5:34pm.

·  Jess motioned to leave Closed Session, seconded by Emily. Motion is unanimously passed. Cabinet leaves Closed Session at 5:45pm.

12.  Correspondence

·  Email from Yik Yak, Cabinet Rep Yik Yak Official Page. Great idea but I don’t think we should act on it this year.

13.  Questions from the Public

·  No questions from the public.

14.  Any Other Business

·  Roberts Rules – New Members. Will send out the Rules to All of Cabinet. Any questions Contact Jess or Claire.

·  Food sign up – in office

15.  Adjournment

·  Claire motions to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Haley, Motion unanimously passed. Meeting ended at 5:49pm.