You and your Mob will be allocated 2 other Mobs to contact. For each contact you need to follow the steps below.
1Fill out the Mob Hop Challenge Participating Mob form and return to you RC Joey Scouts. This will be forwarded onto Branch. Branch will allocate 2 Mobs in other Regions.
2 You can create a Passport with space for each Joey Scout to record interesting information and space to put a stamp/sticker when each contact is completed.
3When you receive your Mob contact details, use the Information Profile (IP) form enclosed, or write them giving the same details. You will need a separate form for each Mob you correspond with.
4There are two Challenges you need to do.
5Challenge No 1 is on the IP and must be completed before you send off the form. You and your Mob answer as many of the categories in the first challenge as possible.
6Write down some suggestions for the Challenge No2 that could be shared with the other Mob, even though you are many kilometres apart. Consider a theme and activities that are relevant and fun for both Mobs. In co-operation, the 2 JSLs can make and run the same program, or tailor to suit your own Mob.
7Swap details, photos, programs etc as part of the Challenge. Issue a sticker/stamp to each Joey Scout for their passport.
8Try to do Challenge No2 at the same time that your contact Mob is doing theirs. Don’t forget to let your new buddy Mob know how you went by sending some photos and a Thanks card.
9Contact your own friendly RCJS with information about each inter-Mob challenge activity and you can receive a certificate to record your joint Mob activities. The certificate will be available via your RCJS. To keep printing costs down, the certificate is downloadable. It can be framed or laminated for your Mob to keep as a permanent memento.
10Remember to swap you Group District/Region badges with your contact Mob as participatory rewards. Arrange this between Leaders, so that both Mobs receive badges of similar value and quantity.
11Don’t forget – you need to fill out the Information Profile and Challenge No 1 & 2 for each contact with a new Mob. Hopefully the Leaders will meet in person at the State Konara in 2014!!
12Have fun and share your experiences with the other Joey Scout Leaders at District, Region and Branch gatherings.
13Please purchase your Mob Hop Challenge badges through your RCJS. They are priced at $2 each so that every participating Joey Scout and Leader can gain a badge.
14This Mob Hop Challenge is time-limited to Term 3 and 4 2013 only. If you need more time to complete, please talk with your RCJS. Delaying the programs could mean that the badges sell out before you get around to buying them.