The Students’ Union

Officers Committee

Date: 31/01/17 Location:SU Offices Chair for Meeting: Stewart Sands

  1. Welcome and Apologies

SS welcomed everyone to the meeting.

Present:HV, MR, CR, AB, JM, FF


  1. Minutes of the Last Meeting


  1. Matters Arising/Action Points

S&S partnership with Children’s University. E-mail went out to all Captains and Presidents on 31.01.17. KB will update on responses at next meeting.

CR asked what STaR Awards are and HV explained that there are awards for staff and students who have a positive impact on the student experience at QMU. SS asked if full and part time officers can be nominated and both can be.

  1. Sabbatical Reports


  • QMU Round 2 made it a very busy week
  • Meetings with QMU
  • Preparation for Trustee meeting next week
  • Nominating the SU for NUS Scotland Awards for Campaign of the Year and Officer Team of the Year
  • QMU Court Nominations Committee – ensures student influence on the QMU governing body and campaigning for increased diversity on Court


  • QMU Round 2 made it a very busy week.
  • Elected Students Forum on Friday at Heriot Watt to meet with other Sports Presidents and VP’s.
  • Nicola from SSS is trying to find someone to talk on nutrition/eating disorders in sport as part of Eating Disorders week
  • Doing some research on implementing a disciplinary code for S&S
  • Campus Life Forum surveyed students on smoking at QMU and received over 40 responses. Will work with Cecile on this as part of Healthy Body Healthy Mind as Cecile also met with the Lothian Health Smoking Cessation service. Information gathered will also be used to give student feedback and opinion to QMU. HV gave background on QMU’s smoking policy.
  • Sapphire’s showcase is tomorrow and Dance Society are in competition on Saturday
  1. Officers’ Reports


  • QMU Round 2 – helped at lots of events
  • Collating blog posts for ED week and has received 6 with lots of support for this
  • Posters are being designed for EB week
  • Spilling the Beans – CAPS Advocacy short film will be shown as part of ED week
  • BEAT to send out more info for the stall in 1875


  • QMU Round 2 and placement have taken up lots of time
  • Time is very limited this semester but would like to help any other Officers’ where possible


  • Booked a date in Maggie’s for an event in March
  • Will arrange to meet with Cecile to discuss possible campaigns


  • QMU Round 2 – helped at lots of events
  • Supporting Podiatry Society quiz and Cheerleading showcase


  • Fully focused on QMU Round 2 – particularly Not So Tough Mudder and Ceilidh
  1. Proposal to host an EGM

Following the Officers’ residential and the recommendation to review and change some officer roles it has been suggested that we try to change the officer roles prior to the elections in order that the SU will have new officer roles for academic year 2017/18. This would require an EGM to be called at short notice and is therefore appropriate that Officers’ give their support.

HV asked Officers’ to discuss whether to hold an EGM or wait until the AGM in March.

MR presented the case for having an EGM and implementing new roles for the next academic year. In particular the appointment of separate sports and societies officers would support the expanding sports teams and societies and the VP role. The other changes makes the Officer roles more accessible to students and could potentially attract more students to the role.

AB in agreement with MR, particularly in relation to the S&S Officers posts. Can it be done well in the time we have? KB highlighted that it can be done but that support will be required to ensure the EGM is quorate.

FF asked about other constitutional changes. HV clarified that the only changes taken to the EGM would be in relation to the Officer roles and any other changes would be taken to the AGM

In favour of EGM = 6

In favour of AGM = 1

Officers’ agreed to all contribute to the success of the EGM by encouraging as many students as possible to attend.

HV talked Officers through the changes that will require to be made to the constitution at the EGM.

There was a discussion about changing the Postgraduate Officer to a Postgraduate and Mature Student Officer and it was agreed to keep the Postgraduate Officer post but make more use of the option to invite specific students to contribute to the work of the Officers’ Committee as required, particularly in relation to mature student issues.

It was agreed to change the level for quoracy to 5 or 50%.

Wording on the role of Student VP requires to be clearer and more relevant to the actual role.

Wording on Communities Officer requires to be clearer and more relevant to the actual role.

PR terms should be reviewed in the Student Engagement Officer remit.

SU Working Groups – agreed that a list of examples isn’t necessary.

All proposed changes were approved. HV said there may be minor changes to language which Officers’ will be able to see but none of the essence of the changes will be different.

EGM will be held on 10th February 2017 at 1.30pm with free food.

  1. QMU Round 2
  • Very successful overall but some events more than others.
  • Offered something for everyone – very inclusive.
  • Marketing focused on NSTM and Ceilidh
  • Perhaps do less in future and do it well as we have quite a limited audience
  • Feedback from ceilidh was really positive.
  • Observations on the night of the ceilidh were positive interactions, lots of dancing, great enthusiasm for the event and lots of students who don’t usually engage with students.
  • Asked for money for ceilidh tickets and NSTM so it could be an expensive week.

KB said well done and thanks to everybody for all their hard work, particularly Stewart for the ceilidh.

  1. Representation Events Updates

E&D Forum last week – minutes are on the website and Facebook. Lots of good conversations with students. This included trying to restart the LGBT+ Society. Next E&D Forum will be on 21st February and will be around SU elections to promote diversity.

Academic Council is on 9th February

S&S Committee is on 14th February

Next Campus Life is on 2nd March with a focus on Wednesday afternoons.

  1. Student engagement project – Elections

-Update on progress


JS has submitted her information which is on the website and will be circulated tomorrow on social media.

MR asked for any pictures or videos to include in her video.

  1. Students’ Union Business
  • Cristina is back at work this week following her surgery.
  • Kelly Hynd will start this week as part-time Events Co-ordinator on a 3 month contract
  • Dave will be working 5 extra hours per week during February to help streamline Sports & Societies processes and guidance.
  • Maggie’s has been awarded Gold in Police Scotland Best Bar None Awards and has been nominated for a national award.
  • Work continues on rolling out the new Student Experience Strategy and KB would like to bring some information about this to a future meeting for discussion
  • KB will be working away from the office all of the week beginning 13th February to catch up on outstanding tasks.
  1. Any other competent business

The Lockhearts – approved as a suitable band for Grand Ball

HV requires an Elections Committee and Elections Complaints Committee. FF and JS have already agreed to help. No other Officers’ are available as they are running for positions. HV will ask Class Reps to fill spaces.

SS received an e-mail from someone offering to help out on a Freshers’ Ball/other event. Agreed that we can provide this for ourselves in-house so SS will politely decline the offer.

  1. Date of Next Meeting

Tuesday 21st at 4.30pm

Action Points

All:Attend EGM and bring as many students as possible along

KB:Investigate how to implement a Pay it Forward Coffee & Breakfast Roll scheme for Maggie’s

Update OC on the S&S partnership with Children’s University

MR:Bring information on the Student Experience Strategy to Officers’ Committee

HV:Appoint class reps to Elections Committee and Elections Complaints Committee