SBA Meeting Agenda

Wednesday, February 22, 2017
12:00 PM

I.  Meeting Called to Order

a.  12:00

II.  Open Forum (3 minutes per speaker / 15 minute maximum)

a.  N/A

III.  Establishment of Quorum

a.  Quorum met.

b.  Ashley, Chelsea, Laina, Christy, Jeff, Roy, Joe, Lydia, Scott, Dexter, Lily, Taylor, Mackenzie

IV.  Approval of Agenda

a.  Approved.

V.  Approval of Minutes

a.  Approved.

VI.  Funding Request(s)

a.  Multi-cultural and Diversity Committee – panel discussion to improve inclusivity

b.  Food money – get estimate and email Ashley and Chelsea with price total

VII.  Officer Reports

a.  President’s Report (Ashley)

i.  Accommodation Policies

1.  Go to Dean K if you have questions

2.  Dean K will consider sending a more detailed email to school

ii.  Crosswalks

1.  Dean K will get back to Ashley about it

iii. LLM Students

1.  Ashley still waiting to talk to Mrs. Sizemore

iv.  Crisp Award

1.  Need to form committee

2.  More information to come

v.  Graduation Speaker

1.  Reception after graduation possibly?


1.  Barrister’s geotag

b.  Vice President’s Report (Lily)

i.  Barrister’s Ball


2.  Be responsible

c.  Treasurer’s Report (Chelsea)

d.  Secretary’s Report (Emily)

VIII.  Class Reports

a.  3L Class President Report (Dexter)

i.  Proposal for Campaign By-Laws – Approved unanimously

1.  Strike Rules 11.12 and 11.13

2.  Amend Rule 11.14

Rule 11.12

Remove this rule altogether.

Rule 11.13

Remove this rule altogether.

Rule 11.14

Amend this rule (the changes are italicized):

Post more than three posters (8.5” x 11”) in the Law School. These posters shall be placed within space provided on three (3) prominent bulletin boards in the main building of the Law School (theboard next to room5052, a designated board by the lockers, and the board between the cafeteria area and the library entrance).Campaign literature not affixed to a designated bulletin board may be placed on chairs and tables in the rotunda and cafeteria only. Candidates cannot place campaign literature in other areas of the law school, including, but not limited to, the library and classrooms. Campaign literature may also be distributed directly to students, including through the use of student mailboxes; however, candidates must make a good faith effort to ensure the distribution of theircampaign literatureremainsin the permitted areas of the law school, as designated by this rule.

11.14.1 At the Committee’s discretion, postersand/or campaign literaturemay be removed for failure to comply with By-Law specifications or for questionable content, without notifying candidates.

b.  3L Class Report (Mackenzie and Taylor)

i.  Bakesale

1.  Early next week

2.  Money towards Class Gift

c.  2L Class Report (Jeff, Laina, Roy)

i.  Crosswalk

1.  Roy says get it done

d.  1L Report (Scott, Lydia, Joe)

i.  Duke Tournament Event Change Discussion

1.  Push event to early September next semester

IX.  Announcements

Meeting adjourned at 12:47pm.