LKS2 Topic: Adventure in SPACE - same coloured sessions in each Theme are blocked


Our Planet

[Geography / Science] /
Blast Off!
[D & T / ICT] /


Moon Landing
[History / Science] /


Out In Space

[Creative Arts/Science]
1 / Plan 1
Myths & Legends / Planet Earth – Key FactsEarth & the Universe (Geog) / Oxford First Book of Space Balloon rocket experiments(Eng/Sci)[2] / Plan 5
Poetry / I Took the Moon for a Walk (poem) Study day & night(Sci/Eng) [2] / Elton John’s Rocket ManWrite in 1st person as astronauts(Mus/Eng)
2 / Planet Earth scapes using prints Satellite images(Art/Geog) / Space Rockets -locate &extract info & present it
(D&T/Eng) / I Took the Moon for a WalkMoon facts, phases of the moon(Sci/Eng) / ‘Blast Off’ Musical Composition. Instruments & pitch(Mus)
3 / Finding your way around our planetWorld maps & globes (Geog) / Create own Space Rockets – construction & diagrams (D&T) / History of Space Race &
Chronology Lunar Timelines (His)[2] / Copland – Fanfare For The Common Man
Music Appraisal (Mus)
4 / Planet Record Breakers!Highest, longest, deepest, etc (Geog/ICT) / Design own Space Rocket. List materials and equipment req’d (D&T) / Plan 6
Moon landing & other space missions / Moon Landing: TV footage. Creating news report (His/Eng) [2] / Copland - respond then plan dance sequence(Mus/PE)
5 / Day and Night: Find & study explanations -
Demonstrations(Sci) / Evaluating detachable features for rocket model(D&T) / Famous astronauts Astronaut passports (His/Eng) / Plan 9
Planets / The Solar System.
Solar System Mobiles (Sci/D&T)
6 / Years, Months, Seasons
Use Simulation Website
(Sci/ICT) / Construct/ appraise/ improve Space Rockets
(D&T) / Moon Landing memories Interview someone alive in 1969 (His/Eng) / Planet Top Trumps!Collect info in chart
7 / Plan 2
Volcanoes, rocks, etc / Structure of Planet Earth Journey to the Core (Sci/Geog) [2] / NASA web research Launch commentaries(ICT/Eng) [2] / Plan 7
Instructions / Shadows
Practical tests (Sci) / Research into Venus.
Recreate painted image.
8 / Field study - rocks. Describe, group & test(Sci)[2] / Plan 4
Shape poems / What Shape is a Poem?Shape poems- Rockets & Space Themes (Eng)[2] / Light and Shadows - does light travel thro materials?(Sci) / Visit to Mars – is there life?Write Captain’s Log Entry(Sci/ICT)
9 / Field study - soils. Describe, separate, experiment (Sci)[2] / Making animated Space Movie Cartoons. Simulations(ICT) / Moon Landing, Playscripts, use shadow puppets(Sci/His/Eng) [2] / Study giant JupiterListen to Holst, Marble paintings(Sci/Art/Mus)
10 / Threats to environmentand planet. Present info(Geog/Sci) / Astronaut training. Create job advert for NASA (ICT/Eng) / Moon maps, photos, sat images.Create own moon image (Art/Geog) / Study Saturn’s Rings
Create comb paintings(Art/Sci)
11 / Plan 3
Clarice Bean / What Planet Are You From Clarice Bean?
(Geog/Art) / The Space Station – 3D simulation @ Bristol IMAX website(ICT) / Plan 8
Imaginary worlds / Man on the Moon(A Day in the Life of Bob)
Fact & fiction(Sci/Eng) / Uranus: Space postcards History of its discovery(Sci/Eng/His)[2]
12 / Protecting our planet
‘Doing Your Bit’ (ICT/Geog) / Living in Space. Write own information reports (Eng/ICT) / Man on the MoonDesign
Lunar Souvenirs Guided Tour(Eng/Sci/D&T) [2] / Out on the edge – planets Neptune & PlutoCreate Ice Art! (Sci/Art)

Curriculum Areas

English: Black
Mathematics: Blue
Science: Orange / Humanities: Purple(History/Geography)
Creative Arts: Pink (Art/Music/PE)
Technologies: Green (D & T/ICT)

Literacy Plans linked to LKS2 Topics – Space

Below is a list of the English plans linked to this topic and the objectives covered by them. The Topic Theme Chart shows which theme and sessions each plan is linked to.

Autumn Term / Description
Space: Narrative: Plan 1 Myths & legends (2 weeks) / Study the features of myths & legends using various stories about the creation of the Earth, Moon, Sun & stars. Investigate the use of paragraphs. Chn retell one myth using cartoon strips & then role play, before writing their own creation myth.
Space: Non-fiction: Plan 2 Explanation (2 weeks) / Chn read one fun narrative & several more serious non-fiction explanation texts & identify features used. They explore an animated text & write an explanatory text with hyperlinks. Study the part played by paragraphs, suffixes, connectives & pictures.
Space: Narrative: Plan 3 Clarice Bean (2 weeks) / Study two books about Clarice Bean by Lauren Child. Look at the layout of text & her use of collage in illustrations. Chn draw a poster, create their own character & write a story in which the character helps the environment in the LC style.
Space: Poetry: Plan 4 Shape poems (1 weeks) / Study calligrams & concrete poems about space. Chn write their own single word calligram & a shape poem about an aspect of space. Concentrate on planning the layout of these texts carefully. Also investigate irregular verb past tenses.
Space: Poetry: Plan 5 Creating images - moon (2 weeks) / Use a range of poetry to look at rhyme & the use of similes by poets. Chn learn a poem to recite & perform with drama &/or mime response. Look at structured forms of poetry. Chn write simile & structured poems & finish by creating a fun univocalic poem.
Space: Non-fiction: Plan 6 Reports (2 weeks) / Analyse 1st/3rd person non-fiction texts; chronological & non-chronological; past & present tenses. Read Dr Xargle's Earthlets. Read & write 1st/3rd person recounts; revise & improve language & sentence structure, after hotseating & freeze framing.
Space: Non-fiction: Plan 7 Instructions (2 weeks) / Study examples of instructions & note their features. Develop knowledge of word classes, especially imperative verbs. Explore connectives for chronological texts. Plan & write instructions for shadow puppets then write & perform a space-themed playscript.
Space: Narrative: Plan 8 Science fiction (2 weeks) / Use The Sea of Tranquility to explore verb tenses, (fronted) adverbials, paragraphs, verb person, book covers & illustrations. Investigate /shun/ & /zhun/ suffixes & bi-, tri- & astro- prefixes. Chn retell TSoT using freeze frames & write a similar story.
Space: Non-fiction: Plan 9 Information (2 weeks) / Chn look at the structure of information texts & write an entry about an alien creature suitable for a chn’s encyclopaedia. They then look at conjunctions & research a planet in order to write an information booklet for future visitors to that planet.
Year 3/4 – Year 3
Objectives/Units / SP
N Plan 1 / SP
N_F Plan 2 / SP
N Plan 3 / SP
P Plan 4 / SP
P Plan 5 / SP
N_F Plan 6 / SP
N_F Plan 7 / SP
N Plan 8 / SP
N_F Plan 9
1. Speaking / Choose and prepare poems or stories for performance, identifying appropriate expression, tone, volume and use of voices and other sounds / X / X
Explain process or present information, ensuring that items are clearly sequenced, relevant details are included and accounts are ended effectively / X
Sustain conversation, explain or give reasons for their views or choices / X / X / X / X / X / X
Develop and use specific vocabulary in different contexts
2. Listening & responding / Follow up others' points and show whether they agree or disagree in whole-class discussion / X
Identify the presentational features used to communicate the main points in a broadcast
Identify key sections of an informative broadcast, noting how the language used signals changes or transitions in focus / X / X
Objectives/Units / SP
N Plan 1 / SP
N_F Plan 2 / SP
N Plan 3 / SP
P Plan 4 / SP
P Plan 5 / SP
N_F Plan 6 / SP
N_F Plan 7 / SP
N Plan 8 / SP
N_F Plan 9
3. Group discussion and interaction / Use talk to organise roles and action / X / X / X / X / X
Actively include and respond to all members of the group / X / X / X
Use the language of possibility to investigate and reflect on feelings, behaviour or relationships / X
4. Drama / Present events and characters through dialogue to engage the interest of an audience / X / X / X
Use some drama strategies to explore stories or issues / X / X / X / X / X / X
Identify and discuss qualities of others' performances, including gesture, action and costume / X / X / X / X
6. Word structure & spelling / Spell high and medium frequency words / X / X / X / X / X / X / X
Recognise a range of prefixes and suffixes, understanding how they modify meaning and spelling, and how they assist in decoding long complex words / X / X / X / X / X
Objectives/Units / SP
N Plan 1 / SP
N_F Plan 2 / SP
N Plan 3 / SP
P Plan 4 / SP
P Plan 5 / SP
N_F Plan 6 / SP
N_F Plan 7 / SP
N Plan 8 / SP
N_F Plan 9
Spell unfamiliar words using known conventions including grapheme-phoneme correspondences and morphological rules / X / X
7. Understanding & interpreting texts / Identify and make notes of the main points of section(s) of text / X / X / X
Infer characters' feelings in fiction and consequences in logical explanations / X / X / X / X / X
Identify how different texts are organised, including reference texts, magazines and leaflets, on paper and on screen / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X
Use syntax, context and word structure to build their store of vocabulary as they read for meaning / X / X / X / X
Explore how different texts appeal to readers using varied sentence structures and descriptive language / X / X / X / X
Objectives/Units / SP
N Plan 1 / SP
N_F Plan 2 / SP
N Plan 3 / SP
P Plan 4 / SP
P Plan 5 / SP
N_F Plan 6 / SP
N_F Plan 7 / SP
N Plan 8 / SP
N_F Plan 9
8. Engaging with & responding to texts / Share and compare reasons for reading preferences, extending the range of books read / X / X
Empathise with characters and debate moral dilemmas portrayed in texts / X / X / X / X / X
Identify features that writers use to provoke readers' reactions / X / X / X / X / X
9. Creating & shaping texts / Make decisions about form and purpose, identify success criteria and use them to evaluate their writing / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X
Use beginning, middle and end to write narratives in which events are sequenced logically and conflicts resolved / X / X / X / X
Write non-narrative texts using structures of different text-types / X / X / X / X / X / X
Select and use a range of technical and descriptive vocabulary / X / X / X / X / X
Use layout, format graphics and illustrations for different purposes / X / X / X / X / X / X / X
Objectives/Units / SP
N Plan 1 / SP
N_F Plan 2 / SP
N Plan 3 / SP
P Plan 4 / SP
P Plan 5 / SP
N_F Plan 6 / SP
N_F Plan 7 / SP
N Plan 8 / SP
N_F Plan 9
10. Text structure & organisation / Signal sequence, place and time to give coherence / X / X / X / X
Group related material into paragraphs / X / X / X / X
11. Sentence structure & punctuation / Show relationships of time, reason and cause through subordination and connectives / X / X / X / X / X
Compose sentences using adjectives, verbs and nouns for precision, clarity and impact / X / X / X / X / X / X
Clarify meaning through the use of exclamation marks and speech marks
12. Presentation / Write with consistency in the size and proportion of letters and spacing within and between words, using the correct formation of handwriting joins / X / X / X / X
Develop accuracy and speed when using keyboard skills to type, edit and re-draft / X / X / X / X / X / X

© Original resource copyright Hamilton Trust, 2013 who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users. Y3/4 Space English Plans Linked to Topics

Year 3/4 – Year 4
Objectives/Units / SP
N Plan 1 / SP
N_F Plan 2 / SP
N Plan 3 / SP
P Plan 4 / SP
P Plan 5 / SP
N_F Plan 6 / SP
N_F Plan 7 / SP
N Plan 8 / SP
N_F Plan 9
1. Speaking / Offer reasons and evidence for their views, considering alternative opinions / X / X / X / X / X / X
Respond appropriately to the contributions of others in the light of differing viewpoints / X / X
Tell stories effectively and convey detailed information coherently for listeners / X
Use and reflect on some ground rules for sustaining talk and interactions
2. Listening & responding / Listen to a speaker, make notes on the talk and use notes to develop a role-play
Compare the different contributions of music, words and images in short extracts from TV programmes / X / X
Identify how talk varies with age, familiarity, gender and purpose
Objectives/Units / SP
N Plan 1 / SP
N_F Plan 2 / SP
N Plan 3 / SP
P Plan 4 / SP
P Plan 5 / SP
N_F Plan 6 / SP
N_F Plan 7 / SP
N Plan 8 / SP
N_F Plan 9
3. Group discussion and interaction / Take different roles in groups and use the language appropriate to them, including the roles of leader, reporter, scribe and mentor / X
Use time, resources and group members efficiently by distributing tasks, checking progress and making back-up plans / X / X / X / X
Identify the main points of each speaker, compare their arguments and how they are presented / X
4. Drama / Create roles showing how behaviour can be interpreted from different viewpoints / X / X / X / X / X
Develop scripts based on improvisation / X / X / X / X
Comment constructively on plays and performances, discussing effects and how they are achieved / X / X / X / X
6. Word structure & spelling / Use knowledge of phonics, morphology and etymology to spell new and unfamiliar words / X / X / X / X
Distinguish the spelling and meaning of common homophones
Know and apply common spelling rules / X / X / X / X / X / X / X
Objectives/Units / SP
N Plan 1 / SP
N_F Plan 2 / SP
N Plan 3 / SP
P Plan 4 / SP
P Plan 5 / SP
N_F Plan 6 / SP
N_F Plan 7 / SP
N Plan 8 / SP
N_F Plan 9
Develop a range of personal strategies for learning new and irregular words / X / X / X
7. Understanding & interpreting texts / Identify and summarise evidence from a text to support a hypothesis / X / X / X / X / X
Deduce characters' reasons for behaviour from their actions and explain how ideas are developed in non-fiction texts / X / X / X / X
Use knowledge of different organisational features of texts to find information effectively / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X
Use knowledge of word structures and origins to develop their understanding of word meanings / X / X / X / X
Explain how writers use figurative and expressive language to create images and atmosphere / X / X / X / X
Read extensively favourite authors or genres and experiment with other types of text / X
Objectives/Units / SP
N Plan 1 / SP
N_F Plan 2 / SP
N Plan 3 / SP
P Plan 4 / SP
P Plan 5 / SP
N_F Plan 6 / SP
N_F Plan 7 / SP
N Plan 8 / SP
N_F Plan 9
8. Engaging with & responding to texts / Interrogate texts to deepen and clarify understanding and response / X / X / X / X / X
Explore why and how writers write, including through face-to-face and online contact with authors / X / X / X
9. Creating & shaping texts / Develop and refine ideas in writing using planning and problem-solving strategies / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X
Use settings and characterisation to engage readers' interest / X / X / X / X
Summarise and shape material and ideas from different sources to write convincing and informative non-narrative texts / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X
Show imagination through the language used to create emphasis, humour, atmosphere or suspense / X / X / X / X / X
Choose and combine words, images and other features for particular effects / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X
Objectives/Units / SP
N Plan 1 / SP
N_F Plan 2 / SP
N Plan 3 / SP
P Plan 4 / SP
P Plan 5 / SP
N_F Plan 6 / SP
N_F Plan 7 / SP
N Plan 8 / SP
N_F Plan 9
10. Text structure & organisation / Organise text into paragraphs to distinguish between different information, events or processes / X / X / X / X / X
Use adverbs and conjunctions to establish cohesion within paragraphs / X / X / X / X
11. Sentence structure & punctuation / Clarify meaning and point of view by using varied sentence structure (phrases, clauses and adverbials) / X / X / X / X / X / X
Use commas to mark clauses, and use the apostrophe for possession / X / X / X / X
12. Presentation / Write consistently with neat, legible and joined handwriting / X / X / X / X
Use word processing packages to present written work and continue to increase speed and accuracy in typing / X / X / X / X / X / X

© Hamilton Trust 2006 This sheet may be adapted for use by individual teachers. It may not be reproduced for any other purpose.

Topic sessions planning sheet: Block title:

Day and time of session / Subjects covered / Key objectives / Session title/description / Resources including websites
Write day/time of session here. Because some sessions are long, you may want to write two times (e.g. Tues 1:30 – 3:00 and Wed: 11:00 – 12:00) / Write the subjects covered – highlight according to whether each is ‘skills’ or ‘content’ / Write/paste (from session-plans) the key objectives here – sometimes these are ‘skills-based’ (e.g. create pencil or charcoal drawings of old clocks…) and sometimes these are ‘content-based’ (e.g. put old clocks in order on a timeline). / Either write your own, very slightly expanded, session title that makes it clear what this session is basically about, or you can (if the school insists!) copy and paste the description from the word document of Themesession descriptions. / Write/paste ALL the resources you need here – you can copy and paste from the Hamilton Topic Resources document which is provided in WORD format).
You should highlight anything important about the session that you need to remember. E.g. ‘Ask some parents to help with this…’ or ‘Needs the computer room…’ Also highlight any texts required, e.g. needs Hamilton Animated Tale Time Machine Mark III.

© Hamilton Trust 2006 This sheet may be adapted for use by individual teachers. It may not be reproduced for any other purpose.