SPC 217

Non-Emergency Ventilation in Enclosed Road, Rail and Mass Transit Facilities



January31, 2017

These draft minutes are not the official minutes until approved by this committee.


1.Call to Order and Introductions

2.Chairman’s Report

3.Approval of Prior Meeting Minutes


5.Chapter Status

6.Review of Chapter 7 - System, Equipment and Components

7.Review of Other Chapters

8.Next Steps


SPC 217Meeting Minutes1January 31, 2017

standards To Be Reviewed by Staff For public review / Standards Projected
To Undergo
public review
In the Near Future
Starts 01/05/18 / Standards Currently
Public Review / Committee Presently Addressing Comments / Standards In
Process of
Reaffirmation / Standards Being
Reviewed by Staff
For Publication / Standards

1.Call to Order and Introductions

Call to Order

The Chair, Igor Maevski, called the meeting to order onTuesday,January 31, 2017at 7:30 AM PST.


The Chair greeted members and guests.

Voting Members
Igor Maevski, Chair(IM)
David Newman, Secretary (DN)
Jane Miller (JM)
Bill Lampkin (BL)
Robert Smith (RS)
Kevin Chang, Vice Chair (KC)
Ahmad Kashef (AK)
Non-Voting Members
Andrew Louie (AL) / Guests / Voting Members Absent
Mark Colino (MC)
Sean Cassady (SD)
Elias Papadopoulos (EP)
Non-Voting Members Absent
Yunlong (Jason) Liu (JL)
Yuan Li, Webmaster (YL)

2.Chairman’s Report

  1. General information about attendees, apologies etc.

3.Approval of Prior Meeting Minutes

  1. Prior meeting minutes from the St Louismeeting on 6/28/16 were reviewed and were approved by the committee as written.


  1. YL was not present and no website update was provided.

5.Chapter Status

  1. Chapter 3 has been voted on. Chapter 4 was voted on during summer meeting. Chapter 5 and 6 are still behind and will need a renewed focus led my MC and AL. Chapter 7 will be discussed today. Chapter 8 is in draft form but will also require more work. Chapter 9 will be discussed during today’s meeting,time permitting, and is believed to be in reasonable shape; except for appendices which need to be coordinated with Chapter 8. Definitions, references etc. remain a work in progress.

6.Review of Chapter 7 - System, Equipment and Components

  1. Chapter 7 was reviewed and minor edits were made per the attached redline. The Committee voted on accepting each page at the conclusion of the page’s review/editing. The voting is summarized below:
  2. Section 7.1 – Motion to ‘Approve in Principal’ made by AK, seconded by BL. Committee vote: 7 in favor, 0 against, 0 abstentions. Motion PASSED.
  3. Sections 7.2.1 and 7.2.2– Motion to ‘Approve in Principal’ made by DN, seconded by AK. Committee vote: 7 in favor, 0 against, 0 abstentions. Motion PASSED.
  4. Section 7.2.3 – Motion to ‘Approve in Principal’ made by AK, seconded by JM. Committee vote: 7 in favor, 0 against, 0 abstentions. Motion PASSED.
  5. Section 7.2.4– Motion to ‘Approve in Principal’ made by RS, seconded by AK. Committee vote: 7 in favor, 0 against, 0 abstentions. Motion PASSED.
  6. Section 7.3.1 – Motion to ‘Approve in Principal’ made by DN, seconded by BL. Committee vote: 7 in favor, 0 against, 0 abstentions. Motion PASSED.
  7. Section 7.3.2 – Motion to ‘Approve in Principal’ made by DN, seconded by BL. Committee vote: 7 in favor, 0 against, 0 abstentions. Motion PASSED.
  8. Section 7.3.3 – Motion to ‘Approve in Principal’ made by DN, seconded by BL. Committee vote: 7 in favor, 0 against, 0 abstentions. Motion PASSED.
  9. Section 7.3.4 – Motion to ‘Approve in Principal’ made by AK, seconded by DN. Committee vote: 7 in favor, 0 against, 0 abstentions. Motion PASSED.
  10. Items requiring further discussion/action:
  11. Review stopped at Section 7.3.5.

7.Review of Other Chapters

  1. No other chapters were reviewed during the meeting

8.Next Steps

  1. Chapter 7 review will resume with a conference call. Chapter 5 review will also commence with a conference call. Dates and times to be confirmed.


The Chair adjourned the meeting atapprox.12:10pmCST.

SPC 217Meeting Minutes1January 31, 2017