Spanish I II III Syllabus

Sr. BickmoreRoom #943ArroyoGrandeHigh School

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Course Objectives:

We learn our first language to communicate with other people, and the reason for learning a second language is the same. The foreign language student also learns to perceive the world from different perspectives and ultimately becomes more sensitive to other cultures, people, and issues. Spanish is the language of Spain, Mexico, and of most countries in Central America, South America, and the Caribbean, and it is rapidly becoming the second language of the United States. If you are pursuing a career in business, health care, government, or social services, learning and knowing Spanish will open the doors to manyopportunities and will aid you in your search for employment. Asyou continuelearningSpanish during the year, please take advantage of every moment to experience the Spanish language and culture to the fullest.

Course Description:

Spanish I, II and III are comprehensive courses which include instruction and practice in all four language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. By the end the course, you will be able to use Spanish in several contexts, including spontaneous conversation, reading, and writing, and you will have begun to cultivate an awareness of the culture and civilization of the Spanish-speaking world. The class is conducted primarily in Spanish.


We will be using the En Español textbook with the accompanying Más Práctica Cuaderno workbook. Do not write in either of them because they both must be returned to the library at the end of the school year. Both the textbook and workbook can be left at home because we will have a class set to use at school.

You need to have a 3 ringed binder for this class. It may be shared with another class. You will also need a composition book.

In order to make the class more interesting, I use many supplemental materials, some teacher generated and others from other sources. I also use flashcards, the computer lab, music, pictures, games, videos, short stories, and acting out the words with gestures. Overwhelming research has shown that acting out the words (“total physical response”) is the best method to learn and retain new vocabulary.


We will probably have homework about four times a week. It is usually written work. Homework is due the following day, or the next day you are at school. I do not accept late homework unless the student had an excused absence or cleared it with me. If a student is absent, it is his/her responsibility to find out what he/she needs to make up and what previous work needs to be turned in.


Grades are based on homework, tests and quizzes, and participation. I plan on having quizzes more frequently this year. Many of these will be short quizzes. I also plan on speaking individually with each student as well as having written tests which include reading, listening, grammar, vocabulary and translation sections.

How to Improve Your Grades:

You definitely should know all of the vocabulary well. Making flashcards with Spanish on one side and English on the other works for most students. (Be sure to study from Spanish to English and then from English to Spanish.) The websites listed below have flashcard as well as other activities. Study the vocabulary every night in addition to any homework. This is a bare minimum. You also need to learn the verb conjugations and putting sentences together. Don’t wait until the end of the semester is start working hard. Go to the websites for more practice. Don’t wait until the night before a test to study!

Helpful websites: Go go my website at AGHS eagles and I will have links to the following websites: (“quizlet” also has a phone App)

Elma Eagles (go through google to get there if the link on my website doesn’t work)


I will usually have lunch time tutoring on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.


Turn off your cell phones and electronic devices before class and don’t have them on your desk or your lap. I will be turning them into the office if I see them. Put them away!

Work and study Spanish only during class time. If you finish your work early, you can study your vocabulary sheet or textbook or read some supplementary Spanish materials. Don’t do homework or study for other classes, write notes to friends, or be a distraction.