A Meeting of Cherry Willingham Parish Council was held in the Millennium Hall on Monday 15 March 2010 at 7.30 p.m.

Present: Cllrs Jones, Beattie, Callingham, Cutler, Deeley, Pearson, Rowan, Robinson, Trevor and Wright

Also Present: Alex Bridgwood – Youth Member

Apologies: Cllrs Andrews, Hutchison, Parrott and Welburn and County Cllr Fleetwood

The meeting started at 8.50 as it followed the Annual Parish meeting



There were none given

2010/24 MINUTES

It was resolved that the minutes of the meeting held on 15 February be confirmed and signed as a true record.


2010/13 item 1 – soil test on the pond area fine and soil had been taken to a local farm. Complaints had also been received that the dumpers were speeding up Lady Meers Road but it was noted that they had a maximum speed of 25 mph.

item 4 – Cllr Trevor had looked at the computer and felt it should be left for about six months due to the present cost of computer memory.

2010/15 – Cllr Trevor who had not been at the previous meeting said he was disappointed to read that there had been further issues with employee terms and conditions which he felt was getting completely out of hand.

There was a short heated discussion about this matter before the Chairman moved the business forward.

2010/21 item 3 – The Clerk reported that Cllr Andrews had spoken to the garage owner and he would be pleased to see the verge concreted over.


The following items were on the table for members to look at:

a. Langworth Local and Sudbrooke News

b. WLDC Parish Matters

c. Pension Scheme Banded contributions for 2010/11

d. Play equipment flyers

e. WLDC Minutes

f. Changes to Lincolnshire County Council mobile library service to schools

g. Election nomination forms for residents wishing to stand on the Council from


h. Mr Pitt’s playing field inspection sheets

i. Code of Conduct guides

j. Glasdon leaflets

k. CPRE Best Kept Village entry forms

l. Energy Savings Trust information

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1. Ian Gerrard, Facilities Manager, Nettleham Parish Council had written stating

that they had budgeted for security patrols on their playing field for the

summer. He would report back in September as to its success.

2. PC Donna Thompson had stated that there were 8 villages involved with the

Simple Sid purchase and the cost would be approximately £350 each. There

was still the insurance situation to sort out as some villages still wanted it.

3. Mr & Mrs Metcalf who run dances at the Village Hall requested somebody to

judge the Easter Bonnet Parade. Cllr Wright agreed

4. 2 members agreed to attend the WLDC Parish Town and District Council

assembly on 12 April at the Guildhall, Gainsborough.

5. A request from Victim Support for a donation was read out but they were to be

told that it is the Council’s policy to only support village organisations.

6. Cllrs Robinson and Callingham agreed to attend the Community Lincs

Playground Inspection Training on 9 June at a cost of £25 each.

7. From Noel Robinson stating that he would monitor the verge on the slip road

at the bottom of Church Lane and he has arranged for repairs to damaged

verges in the Elm Avenue/Laburnum Drive area and the blocked gully at 2

Larkin Avenue. He is currently waiting for results of a land search for the

entrance to The Parade and will investigate the potential legal transfer of the

land after that.

2010/27 FINANCE

Balance at 15 March £25,981 (£8,425 to only be spent on capital projects) and £19,030 for the Lady Meers Pond area. Total £45,011

Accounts paid during the month

Uniworld Communications – monthly phone line rental and calls 15.65

Multi Data – monthly office broadband 23.21

Eon – Hall electricity 23.00

Accounts to be paid

Staff salaries plus expenses 1069.07

Inland Revenue – tax and NI 198.71

Lincolnshire County Council pension fund payments for March 371.64

Veolia ES (UK) Ltd – February bill 68.82

D Maddison – donation towards Parade litter picking 45.50

Petty Cash 30.00

Community Lincs – Playing field course for 2 members 50.00

Signs Express – gold lettering for Chairman’s and Stead boards 41.13

Total 1874.87

It was resolved that the accounts be paid. The Receipts and Payments book was available for members to look at

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Payments in

Hall rentals 114.00

Draper Memorials – headstone fee 24.00

Co-op Funeral Department – burial fees for 3 persons 129.00

HSBC interest on deposit account 5.10

CW News advertisers 23.00

Total 295.10

2010/28 PLANNING

During the month the committee considered 5 applications

125414 -19 affordable homes on land behind Jubilee Close. The Committee were happy with the designs but felt there should be more parking spaces provided.

125423 – Alterations to plots 6e and 7 Mayfair Close – no objections.

125569 – change of use to accommodate childminding business at 11 Elm Avenue. The Committee had no particular view on the application but accepted the need for childcare in the village but they understood that the local residents had reservations over the noise and parking at the property.

125328 – a side and rear extension to 7 Croft Lane – no objections

02685 – an application to prune a beech with a preservation order on at 7 Waterford Lane – no objections.

Planning permission

125348 – retrospective application for a dormer extension to 71 Minster Drive


Cllr Cutler discussed a report which had been circulated regarding a meeting of the Highways Committee with Noel Robinson the previous week. It was noted that very little work was likely to be done and only the large deep potholes caused by the long spell of icy weather would be repaired. It was also noted that if a pothole had been reported and a driver damaged his car on it afterwards then he could take action against the County Council.

Cllr Trevor asked if it would be prudent to put double yellow lines opposite the primary school but other members said they didn’t like to see them in villages and people would be parking there in the day time when the Children’s Centre was fully operational.


Cllr Wright had done this for 10 years but was not standing for Council election in May. Cllr Callingham agreed to take it over.


It was agreed to discuss the provision of a bus shelter near The Parade at the April meeting.

It was noted that the resident of a property on Elm Avenue was not happy about the Planning Committee’s objections to his application for a prefabricated double garage in his front garden but members agreed that it was not appropriate.

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Cllr Robinson said that a Playing Field Committee meeting should be arranged for an evening after the clocks changed and members were asked to email the Clerk with dates they were available.

It was noted that church members would gather at the circle on The Parade and walk to Church on Good Friday.

Cllr Rowan stated that the Youth Workers report on the Youth Club was available for any member wishing to read it.

Cllr Beattie asked when the drainage was put in at the Playing Field.

The Clerk handed in her resignation to the Chairman and left the meeting. The chairman read out the clerks resignation to the meeting.

The chairman then stopped the meeting.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 10.10p.m.

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