National Survey on Pay and Conditions of Employment
in Community, Voluntary and Charitable Organisations, 2017
The following notes have been designed to assist you with completing the questionnaire.
- If your organisation has between 1 and 9 paid employees, please complete the questionnaire for small organisations. If your organisation has 10 or more paid employee, please complete the questionnaire for medium and large organisations.
- The person in the organisation completing the survey will need to have access to all of the pertinent data required for the survey.
- Depending on the size of your organisation, the survey may take you between 20 and 50 minutes to complete. You will need to have a lot of detail to hand, but, as this is an important survey, your time investment will prove worthwhile. All participants will automatically receive a complimentary copy of the survey results. If you are completing this on-line, please remember that you can temporarily save the questionnaire mid-way through completing it and return to finishing it at a later time.
- The pay positions to be surveyed are spread over seven job levels, which are differentiated by level of responsibility. You are being asked to complete only those levels and positions that are relevant to your organisation. You are also being asked to use your own judgement as to which of the seven responsibility levels you would place a particular position.
- Please note that the information asked for Levels 1 and 2 (Chief Executive and Heads of Function/Senior Managers) is different to that of the other levels. In addition to basic pay, you are asked to complete details on any other cash payments that are made (where applicable) to arrive at a Total Cash Value of Remuneration Package figure.This figure is equal to the sum of the annual rate of pay, the employer pension contribution (if applicable), and any other cash payments (if applicable, e.g. the value of anyemployer contribution to health insurance in the current year; any annual car allowance or cost of a company car for the current year; anyChristmas or other bonus payment at year end 2016, etc.).
- If you do not find job titles similar to the ones you use, please use the ‘other’ space at the end of each employee level to add your own titles.
- Please enter all pay data in annual terms. If an employee is paid weekly or monthly, please multiply the rate to give the appropriate annual rate.
- If an employee works part-time, please enter the annual part-time rate of pay, but do remember to enter the weekly hours worked as the rate will be converted to a full-time rate (by the research team) for analysis purposes.
- Do not include Community Employment Scheme (CE schemes)employees in the survey(other than stating the number of them in your organisation).
- Please return the completed questionnaire by 19th June, 2017. If you require any further explanation with regard to the survey, please contact Aoife DermodyofQuality Matters: / 01 8720030 / 087 7515230
Main Activity of Organisation Q1, page 1 / Please indicate the main activity of your organisation. Where there is more than one activity, please indicate the primary activity. The Social Services category includes community support organisations, community information services, employment services, family support services and other social support organisations. The Health category includes general and specialist health service providers, including drug and alcohol support services.
Definition of part-time work Q3, page 1 / The survey defines a part-time worker as any employee who works less than 30 hours per week, whether the employee works half days, a 2, 3, or 4 day week, or had personalised hours of less than 30 per week.
Section 1: Rates of Pay
Gender of job holder / Please enter the gender of the job holder (for management grades only)Minimum and Maximum Salary points- Rates of Pay @1st May 2017 / Please enter rates of pay as of the 1st May 2017.
In larger organisations, a salary scale may exist for a particular position. Employees may be paid the starting rate (or minimum point on the scale) when they commence employment with an organisation. They then move along the points on the scale, generally on a service or merit basis.
1: Where there is only one employee for a particular job title –please proceed as follows:
If a salary scale exists please enter the salaries at the minimum point and the maximum points on the scale.
a)2: If you have more than one employee for a particular job title- please proceed as follows: if a pay scale exists, enter the Minimum and Maximum Scale points for the position.
b) where there is no scale, enter the lowest rate for the job as the minimum rate and the highest rate for the job as the maximum rate.
Annual Rate of Pay for current job holder / Please enter the annual rate of pay for the current job holder.
1: Where there is only one employee for a particular job title – please enter the actual rate of pay under the Annual Rate of Pay heading.
2: If you have more than one employee for a particular job title- please enter the average actual rate of pay under the Annual Rate of Pay heading.
TotalContracted Weekly Hours of Work / Please enter the total weekly number of hours the employee is contracted to work (not necessarily the actual number of hours worked) i.e. excluding lunch hour.For example,if a person works from 9.00am to 5.00pm this is 35 hours per week.
Where there is more than one person in this position, please estimate the average contracted hours for full-time employees in this position
Additional Information Required for Levels 1 & 2 only
Employer Annual Pension Contribution€ / Please enter this information as a cash amount e.g. if the salary is €70,000 and the employer pension contribution is 10%, enter €7,000 under this headingTotalCash Value of Remuneration Package / Please enter this value = Annual salary + Employer Pension Contribution (where applicable) + any Other Cash Payment (if applicable e.g. the value of anyemployer contribution to health insurance in the current year; anyannual car allowance for the current year or the cost to the organisation of a company car for the current year; any Christmas or other bonus payment paid at year end, 2016, etc.).
Section 2: Conditions of Employment
This section of the questionnaire asks a series of questions about conditions of employment as they apply to the 7 different levels of responsibility (already outlined under the rates of pay section).
1. Pension Scheme / (i) This question concerns Occupational Pension Schemes only.3. Annual Leave / Please enter the basic annual leave that would be granted if the employee worked full-time.
When entering additional days for any service leave, leave granted for the Christmas & Easter breaks (excluding Public Holidays[1]), or any additional leave, please show leave that is granted over and above the basic leave entitlement only.
4. Public Service Sick Leave Scheme / The maximum length of time under the Public Service Sick Leave Scheme for which an individual may receive sick pay is as follows:
A maximum of 3 months on full pay followed by 3 months on half pay in a rolling 4 year period.
If your sick pay scheme is not the Public Service Sick Leave scheme – please provide details of payment and duration e.g. Full pay for 7 days; or 12 weeks in a rolling 12 months, or full pay for ‘x’ months/days followed by half pay for ‘x’ months/days, etc.
7. Maternity Leave /
Paternity Leave / (ii) Some organisations require an employee to have been in their employment for a specified period of time e.g. 6 months, before they will be entitled to maternity benefit over and above the statutory entitlement. If this is the case in your organisation, enter the duration of that specified service period. If there is no specified period, enter ‘N’ for none.
(iv) ThePaternity Leave and Benefit Act 2016provides for statutory paternity leave of 2 weeks. Employers are not obliged to pay employees who are on paternity leave (employees can claim Paternity Benefit if they have sufficient PRSI contributions), but may decide to do so. Please provide details of any payment made by your organisation for paternity leave, over and above the statutory entitlement.
11. Other Issues :Mileage Rate / You are asked to provide details here of your organisation’s mileage allowance. This is usually expressed as a rate per kilometre or rate per mile. The rate can vary related to the number of miles driven and to the engine capacity of the car
(ii) See below for Civil Service Mileage Rate - Rates per kilometre - Effective from 5 March 2009
Motor Travel Rates in a Calendar Year
Engine Capacity / Up to 1,200 cc / 1,201cc to 1,500 cc / 1,501cc and Over
Cent / Cent / Cent
Up to 6,437km / 39.12 / 46.25 / 59.07
6,438km and Over / 21.22 / 23.62 / 28.46
Source: Revenue Commissioners
11. Other Issues: Benefits / (iv) The purpose of this question is to allow you to enter details of any other benefits provided to employees in your organisation. Examples include: Christmas party; Broadband for staff working from home; annual health check-up, etc. Do not include subsistence or travel allowances here.
12: Funding, Income, Expenditure, Pay Policy / (i) Please enter the percentage from each source of funding for 2016. Please ensure that the total adds up to 100%. Donations & Bequests includes those from both individual and corporate sources. Fees include any charges for services provided e.g. training courses, etc. Please include membership fees under Membership.
[1] There are 9 public holidays in a year. They are as follows: New Year’s Day (1st January); St Patrick’s Day (17th March); Easter Monday; 1st Monday in May; 1st Monday in June; 1st Monday in August; Last Monday in October; Christmas Day (25thDecember); St Stephen’s Day (26th December)