
Service Management Solution (SMS)


Flyjac upholds value of “Customer Delight” thru providing innovative value additions to customers. Harman Professional India division was one of the premium customers of Flyjac and we offer logistics services freight forwarding, customs brokerage, warehousing, bonded operations and last mile distribution for last two years.

Harman Professional India were planning to setup customer care center and looking for experts to implement solution. Flyjac as a partner, without having any second thought offered a service management solution along with call center setup and were very confident to deliver even though it was a new service altogether.

Flyjac IT team could conceptually the design and configure the solution in existing work flow management system within 6 weeks of time and set up the call center in Bangalore, went live in October 2013.

Activity Detail:

LMERGE – Logistics Merge, an information visibility and collaboration portal for logistics services was launched in 2012 by Flyjac on Cloud. We were one of the few logistics companies who embraced cloud much earlier than others.

In early August 2013, Harman wanted to setup customer care center for their after sales service management solution and looking for experts in this field. Harman enquired whether we have any known sources to implement the concept and solution. Harman project plan was about 12 weeks. Without any hesitation, Flyjac team asked Harman whether we can take up this project and with lots of doubts they accepted since Flyjac did not have earlier experience or expertise on customer care solutions which are not logistics related services. Still they had faith on us due to earlier performances in logistics services and IT enabled operations.

Service Management solution business flow:

  • starts from receiving customer calls related to service, product related queries, sales enquiries
  • create work order in system and generate auto mail alerts to nearest service centers (engineers)
  • Service centers process the work order based on warranty data thru serial numbers
  • Service centers send engineers to field or request Flyjac to pick up the materials from customer place and bring it to service centers
  • Service centers repair the material and request Flyjac to dispatch the material to customer or request Flyjac to send new item from the inventory
  • Based on services carried out, service center send claim report to Harman HQ for their payments
  • Harman HQapproves the claims thru authorization process (two levels)
  • Various operations reports and monthly MIS are provided to customer on real time basis to enable quick decisions

Flyjac always believe there is always a beginning for everything and accepted the challenge. Flyjac formed two project teams for IT solution and infra setup. Within 4 weeks of time, we built customer care call center in Bangalore, trained 3 call center agents and configured the LMERGE for service management solution. Most challenging was to configure LMERGE which was originally developed for order management solution, track & trace, visibility solution and work flow solution. IT team configured LMERGE work flow solution intelligently to map service management flow without any major customization. In short span of time infra was setup by Supply Chain Solutions team in parallel.

Pilot run started in first week of September 2013 and run was successful. Harman also demonstrated the solution (HIPSMS – Harman India Professional Service Management Solution) with a theme of “One Call Does it all”in their annual customer event Sambandh in September to all their customers at Bangalore. Harman customers appreciated the initiative gave all their feedback and inputs.

Harman was truly delighted, since Flyjac could deliver the solution within 6 weeks and customer care solution was launched on 10thOctober 2013 in a big way at Mumbai. All Harman customers, media and press were been invited for solution launch and there was a LIVE demo given to all. Flyjac team were felicitated and got a special award during the event. It was really memorable and inspiring moment for Flyjac, we could uphold the values innovation, team work and creative thinking. News is available on

Harman China is now evaluating the solution to deploy in China region and Flyjac is confident in delivering solutions beyond Indian borders.

Flyjac will continue to inspire the world!!!!!