AFP Southeastern WisconsinChapter International Scholarship Application

International Conference on Philanthropy—New Orleans, LA, April 15-17, 2018

Application due by 5 p.m. Monday,January 8,2018

Recipients to be announced onThursday,January 25, 2018

Scholarship Options

Please select the scholarship you wish to apply for (one or both):

Chamberlain Scholarship (1 available)

  • Conference registration(minus a $10 processing fee) provided by AFP International Headquarters
  • Plus$1,200 from AFP Southeastern Wisconsin toward travel expenses
  • Candidate must have never attended an AFP/NSFRE International Conference on Fundraising
  • Diversity and financial need are considered, but not required.

Chapter Scholarship (2 available)

  • $2,000 provided by AFP Southeastern Wisconsin for registration and travel expenses

Demographic Information

Applicant’s Name

Employer Job Title

Business Address

City State Zip ______

Business Phone Number Home/Cell Phone Number

E-Mail Address Website URL

Agency annual budget $

Number of years in the development profession ______

Do you have your CFRE? ______Yes______No

Guidelines for the Chamberlain Scholarship ask us to consider diversity. What opportunities have you had working and collaborating in diverse, multicultural and inclusive settings? (For Chamberlain Scholars only.)




Association for Fundraising Professionals Participation

Are you a member of AFP? ______(You must be a member to qualify for a scholarship.)

How many years have you been a member of AFP? ______

How do you participate in AFP Southeastern Wisconsin? (Please list all activities and specify which group or committees.)


Have you attended an International AFP Conference in the past?______Yes______No

If yes, how many times and when? ______

Have you received an AFP scholarship in the past? ______Yes______No

If yes, for what and when?


Payment for the conference must be made upfront. AFP will reimburse you shortly after the conference. Are you able to pay up front? The scholarship may not cover the entire cost of your travel costs. Do you have another source to cover any additional funds needed? *Please note that if recipient is unable to attend for any reason, all conference and travel fees must be paid by recipient.




Fundraising and Development Experience

What information are you hoping to learn from the conference? How do you think this experience will benefit you and your organization?







What are your professional goals?




What AFP activities help you attain your professional goals?




How will you share your experience with others? (Please note: a presentation at an AFP educational session and an article for the chapter newsletter will be required within 9 months of the conference. How else will you share your conference experience with others?)______




Supervisor’s Signature: Date: ______

(or signature of an Executive Committee member on your organization’s board)

Shavonn Montgomery Brown

Scholarship CommitteeChair

Phone: 414-443-3923 (work)

(When emailing about this conference/scholarship, please use “2018 AFP International Scholarship”
in the subject line.)