Reader’s Workshop: Soundtrack Project

This assignment will require you to pair your knowledge of the book you read with your love of music. You will create a soundtrack of six songs, an album cover, and an explanation for each. To do well on this task, you must prove to me that the songs you have chosen fit the characters, plot, setting, and themes of your book.You may use the template provided to complete the project as required. For you crafty or poor handwriting people, of course, you may type the work or create a more creative final product.

When explaining how each song fits the book, be sure to include as many specific details and quotes as possible. I will not have heard all the songs you choose. Therefore, it is crucial that you include specific lyrics from the song in your explanations. You must explain how those lyrics directly relate to a character, the plot, the climax of the story, etc.. It is your job to prove that the song and novel fit together.

Special Directions to Remember:

  1. Only one song per artist!
  1. The more variety in song choice/style the better.
  1. The cover must relate to the book in a meaningful, thoughtful way.
  1. The cover should NOT be a recreation of the original book cover.
  1. I am most interested in HOW THE SONGS MATCH THE TEXT. Since I have not read your book, you must prove that songs match text in a clear, mature way.
  1. Your written portion must be correctly written according to grammar, punctuation, capitalization, etc rules. Mature, interesting word choice will be rewarded as well.


Title of Text:Genre:


Paragraph explanation of how your CD cover relates to the text:



Explanation of song and its relation/connection to the text:


Explanation of song and its relation/connection to the text:

3. Artist:

Explanation of song and its relation/connection to the text:


Explanation of song and its relation/connection to the text:

5. Artist:

Explanation of song and its relation/connection to the text:

6. Artist:

Explanation of song and its relation/connection to the text:

7. Artist:

Explanation of song’s relation/connection to the text:


Explanation of song’s relation/connection to the text:


Explanation of song’s relation/connection to the text:

10. Artist:

Explanation of song’s relation/connection to the text: