Sunday April 2, 2017 “Am I Persuaded?”
1. I Was Almost Persuaded, Acts 26:28
- The word is Almost
- Almost is an adverb which means a little less than or nearly; it means to fall short of the mark
- We use the word often to make failure look like victory
- Our team 'almost' won the game
- A 'B+' on our report card is 'almost' an 'A'
- Jason and I 'almost' won the trophy for men's horseshoes…because I 'almost' threw lots of ringers!
- However, the context we find in this word isn't about games or grade
- It is about a man's soul who was lost for eternity, because he fell short of the mark
- The word is Persuaded
- It is a verb that means 'to convince' or 'to move to a position of confidence or trust'
- This word illustrates the responsibility of every believer here
- We are to do our best to convince others to come to a place of confidence and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ
- That is what witnessing is all about
- It is the Holy Spirit who must bring conviction and regeneration, but God has chosen to use us to present the Gospel message to others that they might believe (Mark 16:15; Romans 10:13-14, 17)
- The word is Christian
- As an adjective, it means to be 'Christ-like'
- As a noun, it refers to one who has, by faith, placed their trust in Jesus Christ for salvation
- There are many things that we might be, and not be a Christian
- We might be born in a 'Christian' country like America…but that doesn't make us a Christian!
- We might be brought up by godly parents who love the Lord… but that doesn't make us a Christian!
- We might be educated in a Christian fashion…through Sunday school, Christian school, or even Bible college…but that doesn't make us a Christian!
- We might have been baptized or be on the membership roll of this or another church…but that doesn't make us a Christian!
- So to be a Christian is to receive Christ by grace through faith in the shed blood of Jesus on Calvary as the complete atonement for our sin.
2. I am Persuaded, 2Timothy 1:12
- The Apostle Paul knew whom he believed in
- Paul encountered Jesus Christ on the road (Acts 26:14-18)
- Paul had his eyes opened to Jesus
- He was turned from the power of Satan to God
- Paul received forgiveness from sins
- Paul now has an inheritance in heaven
- The Apostle Paul was Persuaded
- Paul was convinced that Jesus whom he persecuted was the Christ
- He was convinced that Jesus was who He claimed to be (King of Kings)
- He was convinced that there is Hope in Jesus for the Resurrection
- He was convinced in his heart, mind and soul that he received complete salvation
- The Apostle Paul trusted Jesus
- To keep what he committed to Him
- Committed to follow when and where Jesus may lead
- Committed to surrender all to Jesus
- Committed his heart, soul and mind to Christ
- Paul knew Jesus was able follow through until the end
4. Conclusion
- There are many people today that are Almost Persuaded
- Examples of being Almost Persuaded
- Felix, a type of the procrastinator who says, not now, but one of these days (Acts 24:24-25)
- He knew the convicting power of the Holy Spirit, but resisted Him.
- He chose to put off the most important decision that we can make in our lives.
- We have no record that he ever found the time to come to Christ.
- 2Corinthians 6:2b "…Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation."
- King Agrippa, a type of one who believes in God, but rejects Jesus Christ. (Ac 26:27)
- Paul was convinced that Agrippa believed the message of God's prophets, but he would not accept Jesus Christ!
- Many today will freely admit, "I believe in God," but they will put their faith in Jesus Christ…they are lost! (John 14:1)
- Belief in God will not save anyone! (James 2:19)
- We must place our faith in His Son, Jesus Christ! (John 14:6)
- Have you placed your trust in Jesus Christ for your salvation? If not, why not?