
Regular City Council Meeting

City Council Chambers, Ephraim City Hall

5 South Main, Ephraim, Utah

November 15, 2017

6:00 pm

Call to Order

The Ephraim City Council convened in a Regular City Council Meeting on Wednesday, November 15, 2017, in the City Council Room. Mayor Squire called the meeting to order at 6:02 p.m.

Opening Ceremony

Councilmember Wheeler offered an invocation. Councilmember Lund led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.

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Roll Call

Members Present Richard Squire, Mayor

Margie Anderson, Mayor Pro Tem

Tyler Alder

John Scott

Alma Lund

Richard Wheeler

Staff Present

Brant Hanson, City Manager

Marcus Gilson, City Attorney

Bryan Kimball, Community Dev.

Leigh Ann Warnock, City Recorder

Steve Widmer, Financial Director

Chad Parry, Public Works Director

Cory Daniels, Power Director

Staff Excused

Phil Murray, Rec Director

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Public Comment

Richard Duncan wished to comment about some items regarding the airport and Councilmember Lund’s question during the work meeting about model aircraft and youth activity. The high school is no longer pushing that agenda. Gunnison, however, has become very active. The Fly-In brings outsiders in. The Model Aircraft Club in Sanpete County had asked to find out from FAA if they jeopardized airport funding by operating model aircraft in the area of the airport. We would like to have that answer.

Three people are now commercial drone pilots and if we don’t get authorization there, they would probably complain to the FAA that they are discriminated against. With the College promoting this profession, Ephraim needs someplace in this area for them to fly. We would like to construct a runway in Ephraim. It would need to be 600’ x 30’.

Ralph Derico commented he contacted Manti Telephone and they would be willing to release any information on the issue on Channel 3, and we could get information out with the City newsletter. Councilmember Scott asked Brant about the information Mr. Duncan had requested. Brant reported he had spoken with the FAA months ago and the feeling was that it is more complicated than saying yay or nay. They are dealing with issues in other areas of the state and changes are coming. It could jeopardize funding, but it really is up to each individual airport at this time.

Mr. Meikle agreed the model airplane and drone issue is huge; there is a lot of interest in it. He feels it is something worth pursuing and said conversation could be had about an area at the airport that could be used currently on the apron for model airplanes. Mr. Duncan replied that would be no problem for an experienced pilot, but not beginners because of the hangars on either side.

I. Presentations

A. Appreciation for 25 Years of Service

Mayor Squire recognized Len Gasser, Interim Ephraim Police Chief, for being with Ephraim City for 25 Years. He also mentioned the Council’s appreciation for the way he has taken over as Interim Chief and getting the Department through rough times.

B. Airport Update – Ted Meikle

Mr. Meikle made his report during the Work Meeting.

II. Motion Agenda

A. Approval of Warrant Register

The Council reviewed the Warrant Register of November 14, 2017.

Councilmember Anderson moved to approve the November 14, 2017 Warrant Register as presented. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Wheeler. A roll call vote was called. Voting yes: Councilmembers Scott, Lund, Wheeler, Anderson, and Alder. The vote was unanimous. The motion carried.

B. Approval of Minutes

The Council reviewed the minutes of the November 1, 2017 City Council Work Meeting.

The Council reviewed the minutes of the November 1, 2017 Regular City Council Meeting.

Councilmember Lund moved to approve the November 1, 2017 Council Work Meeting and Regular City Council Meeting Minutes as presented. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Alder. A roll call vote was called. Voting yes: Councilmembers Scott, Lund, Wheeler, Anderson, and Alder. The vote was unanimous. The motion carried.

III. Resolution Agenda

A. Resolution ECR 17-15: A Resolution Authorizing Disposal of Surplus Property

ECR 17- 15, a resolution authorizing the disposal of Fire Department pagers.

Chief Steck reported Spring City is in need of pagers and the surplus pagers owned by Ephraim City are functional, quality equipment which the Fire Department has already replaced. A donation was discussed rather than a sale. Brant clarified it is legal to do so.

Councilmember Wheeler moved to approve ECR 17-15, a resolution authorizing the disposal of 16 Motorola pagers from the Fire Department and that they be donated to Spring City’s Fire Department with appropriate language changes in the Resolution. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Anderson. A roll call vote was called. Voting yes: Councilmembers Scott, Lund, Wheeler, Anderson, and Alder. The vote was unanimous. The motion carried.

IV. APPOINTMENTS and Council Reports

Tyler Alder

Recreation Department – Nate Johnson, a member of the Rec Board was present and Councilmember Alder asked him to report. They would like to get on the agenda to present a need for a new rec facility. Currently there is no facility except the College rec center and they are usually busy with their own activities. The majority of people surveyed said they would be willing to pay a fee for a rec center. The Board will be touring other rec centers to gather information.

Richard Wheeler

Library Board – The Board met on the 9th. There has been a struggle to find a time when everyone can attend.

Senior Board – The Board met on the 19th and will meet again tomorrow morning. Senator Mike Lee will be there from 11:15 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. to speak to and take questions from the public. There will be no bingo in November or December because of the holidays. They have reviewed their finances and, as usual, are very solvent. Several Snow College students are working with seniors as community service work to help them shop and drive them to appointments.

Alma Lund

Fire Department – Three people are in training. Kerry is trying to locate an inspector class and they found a place that offers a week-long class. They are trying to get more people from the district to justify the class.

Co-op/Art Center-Community Garden – Gloria Winter needs help setting up tables for their Nativity Show.

John Scott

Airport Board – The apron is done and the PAPIs up and running.

Cemetery – The Board met at the Cemetery in 40 degree weather. There will be some expenditures coming before the Council regarding rebuilding the WWII monument. They would like to put some U-joints on the fence and put American flags up and down that fence.

Planning and Zoning – The 300 E. project is almost complete. There will be no more work on the water tunnel until next spring. They completed a little over 500’ this year.

V. Department Reports

No department reports were given.

VI. Summary of Current Events (City Manager)

No report was given by the City Manager.

VII. Closed Session

Councilmember Scott moved to go into a closed session pursuant to the provisions of the Utah State Code, Section 52-4-205(d) purchase, exchange, or lease of real property. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Wheeler. A roll call vote was called. Voting yes: Councilmembers Scott, Lund, Wheeler, Anderson, and Alder. The vote was unanimous. The motion carried.

The closed meeting began at 6:46.

At 7:36 p.m. Councilmember Anderson moved the Council adjourn the closed session and reopen the public meeting. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Wheeler. The vote was unanimous. The motion carried.


There being no further business to come before the Council for consideration, Councilmember Scott moved the Regular Council Meeting adjourn at 7:36 p.m. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Lund. The vote was unanimous. The motion carried.

The next regular City Council meeting is scheduled to be held on December 6, 2017, starting at 6:00 p.m. in the Ephraim City Council room.

Minutes Approved:


Mayor Date



City Recorder Date

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