
系所:英語學系 科目:英美文學史 組別:甲組

☆☆請在答案紙上作答☆☆ 第 3 頁,共 4 頁

Part I: English Literature (60%)

I.  Identify the authors and titles of the verse lines. (20%)

1.  Whan that April with his showres soote

The droughte of March hath perced to the roote

And bathed every veine in swich licour,

Of which vertu engendred is the flowr;

2.  Ingratitude, thou marble-hearted fiend,

More hideous when thou show’st thee in a child

Than the sea-monster!

3.  All the earth and air

With thy voice is loud,

As when Night is bare

From one lonely cloud

The Moon rains out her beams—and Heaven is overflowed.

4.  If they be two, they are two so

As stiff twin compasses are two;

Thy soul, the fixed foot, makes no show

To move, but doth, if th’ other do.

5.  The land’s sharp features seemed to be

The Century’s corpse outleant,

His crypt the cloudy canopy,

The wind his death-lament.

6.  Though nothing can bring back the hour

Of splendour in the grass, of glory in the flower;

We will grieve not, rather find

Strength in what remains behind;

7. [Man] Who trusted God was love indeed

And love Creation’s final law—

Though Nature, red in tooth and claw

With ravine, shrieked against his creed—

8. O sages standing in God’s holy fire

As in the gold mosaic of a wall,

Come from the holy fire, perne in a gyre,

And be the singing-masters of my soul.

9. In the deserts of the heart

Let the healing fountain start,

In the prison of his days

Teach the free man how to praise.

10.  My poor scapegoat,

I almost love you

But would have cast, I know,

The stones of silence.

II.  Answer any FOUR of the questions, each in one short paragraph. (20%)

1.  In Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe, why does the leading character, Okonkwo, kill himself at the end?

2.  Describe the multiple perspectives used in Nadine Gordmer’s The Moment Before the Gun Went Off.

3.  Discuss the epiphany in one short story either by D. H. Lawrence or by James Joyce.

4.  What is it that characterize the medieval morality play Everyman as an allegory?

5.  How does John Milton’s Paradise Lost end? What spirit of Christian humanism is implied in the ending?

6.  Describe the major technique of satire in Jonathan Swift’s A Modest Proposal.

7. Discuss one of Shakespeare’s protagonists as a tragic hero.

III.  Answer each of the questions in the form of an essay. (20%)

1.  Discuss the Promethean figure in two texts, each by one writer of the Romantic period, relating it to the spirit of Romanticism.

2.  Choose two authors writing between the late eighteenth century and the early twentieth century to compare the ways in which they deal with one of the topics—feminism,

colonialism, man-woman relationships, social classes, religious faith, and education.

Part II: American Literature (40%)

A)  Identify the authors and titles of the following passages. (14%)

1.  Make mine Affections Thy Swift Flyers neat

And make my Soul Thy holy Spool to be

My conversation make to be Thy Reel

And reel the yarn thereon spun of Thy Wheel.

2.  The whisky on your breath

Could make a small boy dizzy;

But I hung on like death:

Such waltzing was not easy.

3.  Do I contradict myself?

Very well then I contradict myself,

(I am large, I contain multitudes.)

4. Still veiled, they laid him in his coffin, and a veiled corpse they bore him to the grave. The grass of many years has sprung up and withered on that grave, the burial-stone is moss-grown, and good Mr. Hooper’s face is dust.

5. Our age is retrospective. It builds the sepulchers of the fathers. It writes biographies, histories, and criticism. The foregoing generations beheld God and nature face to face; we, through their eyes.

6. in Just-

spring when the world is mud-

luscious the little

lame balloonman

whistles far and wee

7. But I reckon I got to light out for the Territory ahead of the rest, because Aunt Sally she’s going to adopt me and sivilize me and I can’t stand it. I been there before.

B)  Essay questions. (26%)

1. Discuss TWO of American women writers in terms of their works, themes, language, cultural backgrounds . . . etc. (10%)

2.  Discuss the significance of any FOUR of the following works: (16%)

Crevecoeur’s Letters from an American Farmer

Edgar Allan Poe’s “Philosophy of Composition”

Henry James’ s “Daisy Miller”

Stephen Crane’s “The Open Boat”

F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby

Tennessee Williams’ s A Streetcar Named Desire

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