Chapter 5

Cell Respiration and Metabolism


l  Cellular respiration: glucose is broken down to form ______

–  Requires oxygen =

–  Lack of oxygen =

•  Forms ______as the end product


l  Divided into 2 categories:

–  Catabolic:

•  ______.
•  Breakdown larger organic molecules into smaller molecules.
•  Serve as primary sources of energy for synthesis of ______

–  Anabolic:

•  Require ______of energy.
•  Synthesis of large energy-storage molecules.

Glycolysis = ______

l  Metabolic pathway by which glucose is converted to ______molecules of ______.

l  Glucose must be ______first before energy can be obtained.

–  ______consumed at the beginning of glycolysis.

l  Net gain of 2 ATP, 2 NADH, + 2 H+.

Lactic Acid Pathway

l  Metabolic pathway by which glucose is converted to lactic ______

–  Oxygen is ______used in the process.

l  Produce ______molecule.

Lactic Acid Pathway (continued)

l  Some tissues better adapt to anaerobic conditions:

–  ______do not contain mitochondria and ______use the lactic acid pathway.

–  Occurs in ______and ______when ratio of oxygen supply to oxygen need falls below critical level.

•  Skeletal muscle:
–  Normal daily occurrence.
–  Does not harm muscle tissue.
•  Cardiac muscle normally respires ______:
–  ______occurs under anaerobic conditions.

Glycogenesis and Glycogenolysis

l  Cells cannot store many ______molecules.

l  Increased intracellular ______increases ______pressure, drawing ______into the cell.

l  Many organs must store ______in form of ______.

–  Glycogenesis: ______

–  Glycogenolysis: ______

Glycogenesis and Glycogenolysis (continued)

l  ______cannot leak out of the cell.

l  ______generate glucose-6-phosphate for own glycolytic needs.

l  Liver contains the enzyme ______that can remove the phosphate group and produce free glucose.

Aerobic Respiration

l  The ______formed by glycolysis enters interior of ______

l  Converted by ______to 2 molecules of ______

l  Acetyl CoA serves as substrate for mitochondrial enzymes in the aerobic pathway.

Krebs Cycle (Citric Acid Cycle)

l  Acetyl CoA subunit combines with oxaloacetic acid to form ______

l  Citric acid enters the ______.

–  Through a series of reactions, citric acid is converted to ______to complete the pathway.

l  Produces:

l  1 GTP, 3 NADH, and 1 FADH2

–  NADH and FADH2 transport ______to Electron Transport System (ETC).

Krebs Cycle (Citric Acid Cycle) (continued)

Electron Transport and Oxidative Phosphorylation

l  Cristae of inner ______membrane contain molecules that serve as an electron transport system during aerobic respiration.

–  Electron transport chain consists of ______), coenzyme Q, and cytochromes.

–  Each ______transfers electron pairs from NADH and FADH2 to next cytochrome.

•  Oxidized NAD and FAD are regenerated and shuttle electrons from the ______Cycle to the ETC.

l  Cytochrome receives a pair of ______.

–  ______reduced, then oxidized as electrons are transferred.

Electron Transport

l  Cytochrome a3 transfers electrons to O2 (final electron acceptor).

l  Oxidative phosphorylation occurs:

–  Energy derived is used to ______to ATP.

ATP Balance Sheet

l  Direct substrate phosphorylation (glycolysis):

–  Net gain of ______.

l  Oxidative phosphorylation:

–  2.5 ATP produced for pair of electrons each NADH donates.

–  1.5 ATP produced for each pair of electrons FADH2 donates (activates 2nd and 3rd proton pumps).

–  Net of ______ATP produced.

Lipid Metabolism

l  When more energy is taken into the body faster than consumed, ______

l  Glucose converted into ______..


l  Formation of ______

l  ______subunits from acetyl CoA converted into various lipids.

l  Occurs mainly in ______

Lipid Metabolism

l  Lipolysis:

–  ______

l  Triglycerides:______

l  ______serve as blood-borne energy carriers.

–  Free fatty acids serve as the ______source derived from triglycerides.

Breakdown of Fat: Beta-Oxidation

l  Enzymes remove ______acetic acid molecules from acid end of fatty acid chain.

–  Forms ______

l  Acetyl CoA enters ______.

–  ______

Brown Fat

l  Amount of brown fat ______.

l  Major site for ______in the newborn.

l  Brown fat produces an uncoupling protein, ______to leak out of inner mitochondrial membrane.

–  Less ______produced, causes electron transport system to be more active.

Ketone Bodies

l  ______in adipose tissue broken down and resynthesized.

–  Ensure the blood will contain sufficient levels of ______for aerobic respiration.

•  May be hydrolyzed to ______.

l  If ______sufficient, acetyl CoA channeled into alternate pathway.

–  Converted to ______bodies.

Amino Acid Metabolism

l  Nitrogen is ingested primarily as ______

l  Excess nitrogen is excreted mainly as ______.

l  Nitrogen balance:

–  ______

l  ______N balance:

–  Amount of nitrogen ingested more than amount excreted.

l  ______N balance:

–  Amount of nitrogen excreted greater than ingested.

l  In healthy adults the amount of nitrogen excreted = amount ingested.


l  Adequate amounts of ______are required for ______and repair. A new amino acid can be obtained by ______.

l  N = ingested as proteins via ______

l  N = excreted mainly as ______

l  Excess ______: body takes off N, uses C skeleton for energy/fat

l  See figure 5.16

Essential vs Nonessential AA

l  Essential Nonessential

l  1. Arginine 1. Alanine

l  2. Histidine 2. Asparagine

l  3. Isoleucine 3. Aspartic Acid

l  4. Leucine 4. Glutamic Acid

l  5. Methionine 5. Glutamine

l  6. Phenylalanine 6. Glycine

l  7. Threonine 7. Proline

l  8. Tryptophan 8. Cysteine

l  9. Valine 9. Serine

l  10. Lysine 10. Tyrosine

Uses of Different Energy Sources

l  Not all cells can use ______as the energy source.

l  Blood contains a variety of energy sources:

–  ______

l  Brain uses ______as its major source of energy.

–  Blood [glucose] maintained as many organs spare glucose.

Uses of Different Energy Sources (continued)