Future Business Leaders of America—Middle Level

What is FBLA?

FBLA is a national vocational student organization for students in high schools and middle schools. FBLA provides business leaders of tomorrow with the necessary skills to successfully compete in the job market, pursue postsecondary education, or manage personal skills.


FBLA participates in many activities such as:

·  Fall Leadership Conference

·  Arkansas Children’s Hospital, March of Dimes and Pop Tabs for Ronald McDonald House

·  Wade Knox Foundation

·  Spring Leadership Conference if you are competing for events

·  Fundraisers

·  Other activities that meet the goals of FBLA

Officer Elections

Officer elections are held at the beginning of each school year. Any student who has paid their dues and turned in forms by September 5 is eligible to run for office. The offices available are:

President-8th grade only

Vice President-8th or 7th grade

Secretary-8th grade only

Treasurer- 8th or 7th grade

Reporter- 8th or 7th grade

If you would like to run for an office look on your FBLA Membership Form and check which office you would like to run for. Descriptions about what each officer does is on the back of this page. Remember to see which grades are able to run for each office.

How do I Join?

Membership in the middle level division is open to all students grades 7th and 8th. Membership Form is attached. Dues are $6 ($4.00 national and $2.00 state= $6 Total) and are

non-refundable. Dues and forms must be turned in at the same time.

Dues and all forms must be turned in by September 12 if you want to become a member and attend Fall Leadership Conference in October.

Fall Leadership Conference

If you want to attend the Fall Leadership Conference, you must be a FBLA member to attend. The conference will be held at UCA (University of Conway). Must have the Fall Conference permission slip by:
