Registration Form

Please use this form to enroll in the proficiency test (PT) program 2017/2018 of

the Institute for Interlaboratory Studies or use the electronic form at

Please return this form to:

Institute for Interlaboratory Studies

Attention Ing. R.J. Starink

P.O. Box 200, 3200 AE Spijkenisse, The Netherlands

email to: or fax to: +31 181 69 45 43


Proficiency testing scheme / Provisional Scope (*) / ID
Bitumen / The sample is for tests from the Paving Grade EN12591 profile and other tests. / iis17F02, iis18F02
Crude Oil / Acid Number, API gravity, BSW, Density, Kinematic Viscosity, Light Ends, Mercury, Molecular Mass, Pour Point, Salt as NaCl, Sediment (D473 & D4807), Sulphur, Water and Simdist. Additional sample for Hg. / iis17R01, iis18R01
Crude Oil Assay / Composition D2892 and D5236, Density, Nitrogen and Sulphur on all fractions. On light and heavy naphtha fraction: PIONA/PONA and Simdist. / iis17R02
Gascondensate / Colour Saybolt, Density, Distillation, Mercury, Methanol, Sulphur, Water and Simdist. / iis17R03, iis18R02
Naphtha / The main sample is for tests: Colour Saybolt, Copper Corrosion, Density, Distillation, Mercaptan Sulphur, Organic Chloride and Sulphur. Additional sample for individual Oxygenates and PIONA. Separate samples are available for Mercury (iis18N01Hg), Arsenic / Lead (iis18N01AsPb) and DVPE (iis18N01DVPE). / iis18N01, iis18N01Hg, iis18N01AsPb, iis18N01DVPE
Natural Gas (Methane) / Methane, Ethane, Propane, iso-Butane, n-Butane, Carbon dioxide, Nitrogen, Carbon content and Physical properties. / iis18S01M
Liquefied Butane / Propane, Propene, iso-Butane, n-Butane, 1-Butene, iso-Butene, trans/cis-Butene, 1,3-Butadiene, iso-Pentane and Physical properties. / iis18S02B
Liquefied Propane / Ethane, Propane, Propene, iso-Butane, n-Butane, 1-Butene, iso-Butene, n-Pentane and Physical properties. / iis17S03P, iis18S03P
Liquefied Propane / Low Sulphur / iis17S03S, iis18S03S

* To see the actual scopes of all previous PTs, you may be interested to download the available PT reports from the page ‘News and Reports’ on iis web site

Registration Form

Please use this form to enroll in the proficiency test (PT) program 2017/2018 of

the Institute for Interlaboratory Studies or use the electronic form at

Please return this form to:

Institute for Interlaboratory Studies

Attention Ing. R.J. Starink

P.O. Box 200, 3200 AE Spijkenisse, The Netherlands

email to: or fax to: +31 181 69 45 43


Tick to order participation / ID of PT / Sample dispatch date / Participation costs, excl. transport, etc (*) / Costs Certificate of Performance / Tick to order certificate / Price, sub total
○ / iis17S03P / 4 October 2017 / € 1460 / € 2200**) / € 15 / ○
○ / iis17S03S / 4 October 2017 / € 1460**) / € 15 / ○
○ / iis17R01 / 18 October 2017 / € 310 / € 15 / ○
○ / iis17R02 / 18 October 2017 / € 490 / € 15 / ○
○ / iis17R03 / 18 October 2017 / € 310 / € 15 / ○
○ / iis17F02 / 22 November 2017 / € 310 / € 15 / ○
○ / iis18S01M / 14 March 2018 / € 960 / € 15 / ○
○ / iis18N01 / 28 March 2018 / € 310 / € 400
€ 490
€ 580 / € 15 / ○
○ / iis18N01Hg / 28 March 2018 / € 310 / € 15 / ○
○ / iis18N01AsPb / 28 March 2018 / € 310 / € 15 / ○
○ / iis18N01DVPE / 28 March 2018 / € 310 / € 15 / ○
○ / iis18S02B / 30 May 2018 / € 1460 / € 15 / ○
○ / iis18S03P / 3 October 2018 / € 1460 / € 2200**) / € 15 / ○
○ / iis18S03S / 3 October 2018 / € 1460**) / € 15 / ○
○ / iis18R01 / 17 October 2018 / € 310 / € 15 / ○
○ / iis18R02 / 17 October 2018 / € 310 / € 15 / ○
○ / iis18F02 / 21 November 2018 / € 310 / € 15 / ○

(*) Besides transport costs, other costs may be applicable, see ‘Overview of costs”. All prices are in Euro and excluding VAT.

(**) When the cylinder is returned the next invoice to come will be decreased with 200 euro. This is only valid for the PT on Sulphur in LPG

The undersigned agrees with the corresponding fees (see overview of costs) and our General Terms and Conditions.

(documents available on request or via Please give all information

Company name (+ labcode):
City & Country: / Date:
Name of contact person: / Name and signature of authorized manager:

Please complete also the contact, delivery and invoice details on the extra page