I, ______, (referred to in this agreement as “I”, “me”, or “my”, or Permitee, or words of similar meaning), have requested permission to access Boat Rack Space number _____ currently licensed to ______, from you, the STRATFORD WATERFRONT & HARBOR MANAGEMENT COMMISSION (referred to in this agreement as “you”, “your”, or “WHMC”, or words of similar meaning), for the ______boating season at the Small Boat Rack at the Stratford Boat Launch ramp, located at the foot of Birdseye Street, Stratford, Connecticut ("Boat Rack Site") and you agree to allow me access to such space.

1. I have read the LICENSE AGREEMENT FOR SMALL BOAT RACK SPACE between ______and you and I agree to comply with all provisions of said agreement (a copy of which is attached) to the extent applicable to me.

2. RISK OF LOSS: This agreement constitutes merely permission to access the abovereferenced Boat Rack Space and does not create a lease, property interest, bailment or other relationship under which the WHMC, the Town of Stratford, or any other person or entity undertakes any obligation to guard or protect any of my property from theft, vandalism, or damage by persons, animals, events, acts of God or nature, and/or any other cause, act, omission or occurrence. I hereby assume all risks associated with my access to the Boat Rack Site or any adjacent area. I understand that it is my responsibility to provide insurance for any boat or other equipment I may own and for my use or operation of same. I understand that the neither the Town of Stratford, nor WHMC will provide any type of insurance or other coverage in the event of damage to my boat, or other property owned or used by me, or to the person or property of others and that I am responsible for same.

3. NO LIABILITY OF THE TOWN OF STRATFORD OR WHMC: The Town of Stratford and the Stratford Waterfront & Harbor Management Commission (WHMC) shall have no responsibility for: loss or damage to any of my property including my boat or any property stored or used by me or those claiming by, through or under me, at the Boat Rack Site, or on property owned, leased, or licensed by the Town of Stratford or the WHMC in connection with this agreement by reason of fire, lightning, water, wind storm, tornado, hail, ice, other elements, explosion, theft, malicious mischief, vandalism, theft or otherwise; nor for any loss or injury to any person or persons in or about the Boat Rack Site, the adjacent premises or my boat or any boat or vessel which I may use or operate.

I hereby release the Town of Stratford and the Stratford Waterfront & Harbor Management Commission, and their respective employees, agents, and contractors from any and all any liability or responsibility for same to the extent permitted by law and hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Town of Stratford and the Stratford Waterfront & Harbor Management Commission from any claim, including reasonable attorney's fees and costs, by anyone for loss or injury to person or property arising out of, or relating to, my use of the Boat Rack Site, adjacent premises, any boat or vessel which I may use or operate, or any other boat or vessel.

This release and indemnity from liability shall specifically include, but not be limited to; any loss or damage caused me, or those claiming by or through me, by any obstructions in or under the surface of the waters.



Name: Name:

Date: Its duly authorized ______
