
Faculty and Staff

Dr. Walajabad S. Sampath

Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering

Site director – NSF I/UCRC for Center Next Generation Photovoltaics

Education: B. Tech. 1980, Indian Institute of Technology – Mechanical Engineering

M. Engr. 1982, Arizona State University – Mechanical Engineering

Ph.D. 1985, Arizona State University – Mechanical Engineering

Research Interest:

Kurt Barth

Associate Director Colorado State University - Next Generation PV Center

Education: M.S. Colorado State University

Research Interest:

Kevan C. Cameron

Research Associate/Lab Manager

Education:US Navy Tech School including:

Radioman “A” School

Enlisted Basic Submarine School

Teletype Maintanance & Repair School

Satalline Communication (SATCOM) School

Submarine Damage Control School

Firefighting School

Aims Community College General Aviation Pilot Ground School

Red Rocks Community College – B.S. in Business Administration with Double Major in Management, University of Pheonix.

Research Interest: 30 years’ experience in vacuum technology and process including: Flight hardware Space Simulation Testing, Thin Film Lithium Battery R&D as well as RF, AC and DC power supply testing. Current interest mostly towards development in the field of alternate energy.

Jennifer Drayton

Current Graduate Students:

Jason Kepart

Education:B.S., Mechanical Engineering and Business Economics & Management, California Institute of Technology
M.S., Mechanical Engineering, Colorado State University

PhD Dissertation topic: My research focuses on optimizing the electronic and optical properties of the front contact of the solar cell as well as minimizing optical absorption in the substrate.

Drew Swanson

Amit Munshi

Education: Associate Degree, Automobile Engineering –Gujarat Technical Education Board, India

B.S. Automobile Engineering – Sardar Patel University, India

M.S. Mechanical Engineering – Colorado State University

MS thesis topic: Investigation of Gold as Material for Thermal Radiation Shielding

Current research subject: Development of better understanding of CdTe and CdMgTe thin film microstructure for photovoltaic applications. Currently the effects of process conditions on CdTe and CdMgTe thin films microstructure is not very well understood. My goal is to investigate and document effect of process conditions on film microstructure as well as define is effect of CdTe thin film photovoltaic device performance. For this purpose various tools including but not limited to SEM, TEM, EDS, XPS, XRD, FIB, EBSD, etc. are actively and proficiently used.

PhD Dissertation topic: Investigating microstructure of CdMgTe as an electron reflector in CdTe thin film photovoltaic devices.


Education: B.E. Mechanical Engineering, University of Mumbai

MS Mechanical Engineering, Colorado State University

MS thesis topic:Effect of Hail Impact on Thermally Tempered Glass Substrates Used for Processing CdTe PV Modules

Current research subject: Current working on Sputter Deposition of Cadmium Zinc Telluride Films.Cadmium Zinc Telluride (CZT) is a high band gap material. It has a potential for a top cell in a multi junction solar cell and also holds a promise to form an electron reflector when deposited on the back of CdTe devices.My focus is to carry out deposition of CZT films by RF sputtering on various devices structures. The structures are then characterized by using different tools and the performance is tested under standard conditions.


Anthony P. Nicholson

Education: B.S. Mechanical Engineering, Colorado State University

Current Research: Analyzing the close-space sublimationporcess for CdS and CdTe using computational fluid dynamics via ANSYS Fluent. The project’s current focus is on investigating and qualtifying the sticking coefficient of CdS and CdTe as a function of time, temperature and pressure. A deeper understanding on thin-fil growth by modeling CdS and CdTe deposition processes will lead to improved film uniformity and device efficiency while reducing cost in manufacturing.

VenkatAnirudhKarteekGummadala (Karteek GVA)

Education: B.E. Mechanical Engineering from Osmania University, Telangana, India.

Current Research: My research is based on the calculation of Emissivity of Graphite (G330 purified to <5ppm) when it is coated with the vapors of Cadmium Sulphide (CdS) and Cadmium Telluride (CdTe ) in the wavelength range of 2-10 microns and in the thickness range of 1-10 microns. Trying to check for the thermal changes (Emissivity vs. Thickness) that takes place when coatings (both thin and thick) are deposited on the Graphite using the Advanced Research Deposition System (ARDS) in the Photovoltaic Manufacturing Laboratory.

M.S. Thesis Topic: Study of the behavior of emissivity of graphite substrates inside the production machine when it is coated with the CdS and CdTe film vapors.

Recent Graduates:

Pavel (Paul) S. Kobyakov

Education: B.S. Mechanical EngineeringSyracuse University

M.S. Mechanical EngineeringColorado State University

PhD. Mechanical Engineering Colorado State University

MS thesis topic: Microstructural characterization of CdTe/CdS solar cells.

PhD dissertation topic: Development of Cd1-xMgxTe thin films for application as an electron reflector in CdS/CdTe solar cells.

Research summary: Developed a novel co-sublimation process to deposit the ternary alloy Cd1-xMgxTe (CMT) thin films. The higher band gap CMT films were then used as an electron reflector at the rear of the CdS/CdTe device to reduce back-surface recombination and thus improve performance of the device.

Current status: Development Engineer at Avago Technologies in Fort Collins, CO

Keegan Corey Barricklow

Education: B.S. Mechanical Engineering, Colorado State University

M.S. Mechanical Engineering, Colorado State University

MS Thesis: Advanced Research Deposition System (ARDS) for processing CdTe Solar Cells.

Research Summary: While studying at CSU my interests were in manufacturing and renewable energies. Primarily for developing manufacturing techniques and systems for next generation thin film Photovoltaic structures and applying advanced characterization methods to develop process to performance correlations. While completing my MSME,

Current Status: I worked as an R&D Engineer with Abound Solar to develop the process and equipment necessary for high throughput volume manufacturing. I am currently an Instructor for Introduction to Manufacturing in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Colorado State University.

Mohammed Tashkandi

Davis Hemenway

Education: B.S. + M.S. Mechanical Engineering - Colorado State University

MS thesis topic: "Computational modeling of cadmium sulfide deposition in the CdS/CdTe solar cell manufacturing process"

Research summary:In 2011, Davis R. Hemenway began work on monumental task of revolutionizing the photovoltaic manufacturing paradigm through the use of well-defined Computational Fluid Dynamics research tools. The vision was to understand and optimize solar cell manufacturing for efficiency and reproducible quality. In the past years, Mr. Hemenway has investigated and eliminated obstacles to the mass production of thin-film Photovoltaics. His accomplishments include:

(i)A comprehensive sublimation, fluid transport, and film growth model of Cadmium Sulphide on TCO coated glass substrates in the Close-Space Sublimation process

(ii)Using predictive film growth models to increase film uniformity

(iii)A method for modeling the thermal response of finished PV modules in varying wind and solar conditions."

Current status: Staff Engineer - Direct Solar

Kevin Walters

M.S.Mechanical Engineering, Colorado State University

M.S. Research: Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Modeling for CdTe Solar Cell Manufacturing Analysis of the thermal uniformity of CdTe solar cell manufacturing equipment.

Current Status: I have been working for thin film coating and aerospace industries.


MS Mechanical Engineer (Materials)

Thesis: Analysis of advanced vapor source for Cadmium Telluride solar cell manufacturing.

Current Status: Mechanical Design and Test Engineer (GE Healthcare)

Undergraduate Staff:

Christina Moffett

3rd Year, B.S. Mechanical Engineering

Responsibilities: Finishing cells(painting, blasting, JV testing), SolidWorks and occasionally running process on the ARDS

Academic Goals:I hope to finish both my bachelors and masters in Mechanical Engineering at CSU. I would like to continue working in the alternative energy field as I continue on in my engineering career.

James Morgante

Senior, B.S. Mechanical Engineering

Responsibilities: Including but not limited to fabrication and machining, CAD, process tool maintenance and operation, cell finishing, cell finishing equipment maintenance, cell characterization, and general lab maintenance.

Zakary Greathouse

Senior, B.S. Mechanical Engineering/Concurrently pursuing M.S. Mechanical Engineering

Responsibilities - Zakary is currently finishing his B.S. in Mechanical Engineering at Colorado State University. He also is working towards a M.S. Degree concurrently. For his research curriculum as part of Research Experience for Undergraduate (REU) program he is presently working on designing the dispersion head for the Metal Organic Chemical Deposition process to be implemented into the Colorado State University’s Next Generation Photovoltaics Center.

Marina D'Ambrosio

3rd Year, B.S. Mechanical Engineering

Responsibilities - Finishing cells (painting, blasting, soldering Indium circles, JV testing), run process on ARDS, and hazardous waste management.I plan on getting my bachelors from CSU in Mechanical Engineering. I am also part of Formula Society of Automotive Engineers (FSAE) and I hope to work in the automotive industry helping design and engineer ECO friendly cars.

Jimmie Nold

B.S. Senior Mechanical Engineering

Responsibilities: Small area measurement tool, blasting, indium contacts etc.

Academic Goals: Future research interests in advanced materials and high temperature applications.