Information Services Group

Minutes of the National Committee meeting held on 13th February 2015 at CILIP

Present: Claire Back, Lynsey Blandford, Amanda Duffy, Helen Edwards, Ruth Hayes, Andrew Hutchinson, Elizabeth Melrose, John Owston, David Smith, Jane Weller

Apologies: Gary Archer, Andrew Coburn and Fay Owston

David welcomed Lynsey and Andrew to the meeting, and congratulated Claire on obtaining her Chartership.

1Minutes of the Previous Meeting on 8th October 2014

These were agreed as a correct record

2Matters arising

Item 6:Form isup on our website

Item 14:The date of the autumn meeting is now 11th November.

3Business Plan

David had circulated the latest Business Plan, but it needs to go into the of the new CILIP template. Action: David

Various points were raised in relation to the Business Plan:

  • ‘wordpress’ should read ‘Wordpress’
  • the next issue of Refer will be March 2015
  • Claire will track down the person at CILIP who will help with designing a logo

Action: Claire

  • Updating the web pages will be on the agenda for the June meeting
  • Amanda reported briefly on the Member Network Forum meeting held in November 2014. The main issues had been the rules for networks which will come into force in January 2015, guidance notes will be issued shortly. There was a long discussion on the length of service for committee members; some networks had no problems getting new committee members, others had considerable trouble. The proposed financing model was discussed and what constitutesRestricted Funds and Designated Funds was explained. The new CILIP board will come into operation in April 2015. Policy, Resources, Finance, Risk and Disciplinary Committeeswill then be established. DNM for Forum is 15th April.
  • the Body of Professional Knowledge will be on our agenda for the November meeting. Action: David & Claire
  • Claire will send round information on our twitter account. Gary and Lynsey will look at this and there will be a discussion at the June meeting. Action: Gary & Lynsey
  • an additional item to be added to the Priorities - No 9.Examine the financial sustainabilityof the Group. Action: Gary & Andrew

Financial Matters. Gary submitted the following to be included in the minutes:


Income £2054.03 - of which £1634 is capitation
Expenditure £4200.22 - committee £1635.75, Refer £805.84, Ref awards £632.45
Balance in accounts now £10980.02
CILIP have a new process for financing called the Central Fund for projects.

N.B. Information on this is included in Apendices 1 & 2 at the end of the minutes (after the Action List)

4London and South East Section Report

There were Committee meetings on 12th November 2014 and 28th January 2015.

Anne Hayward’s draft guide to course design and presentation was thought excellent. There was discussion on how to promote the work as ISG no longer published hard copy items.

It was suggested that the ISG London and SE course for 2015 be on ‘Health Informatics’. It could consist of two half-day courses and might include topics such as public health, health websites and charities, health walks and the NHS. The whole project needs more detailedconsideration but dates in October were suggested.

Finances. As of November 2014 there was £572 in the current account and £473 in the deposit account.

Visits. To everyone’s great regret, Alan Power has had to give up his role of ProgrammeSecretary. However it is hoped that Alan’s advice and experience could be drawn upon for the organization of future visits; and that he might produce some guidelines for the management of such visits. The Chair thought it best for responsibility for future visits to be devolved onto different individual members of the committee.

As things stand, visits for 2015 have been proposed for the Wellcome Institute Library, the Law Society Library, the Docklands Museum, and in November, to the Women’s Library.

5East of England Section Report

EoE has been struggling of late to find time to organise meetings. Our latest plan is to share a meeting with UKeiG on deep web searching and forensic information searching in Cambridge in late Spring.

We have recently lost 3 members of the committee, including our Treasurer, and so are actively trying to find new people undergoing CPD who might be interested.

6Reference Awards

There had been a brief report on the 2014 Awards Day in November issue of Update.

The timetable for the 2015 Awards was agreed as:

Mid-MarchCall for nominations issued via Communicator, Refer and Update Action: Claire & Helen

30th JuneClosing date for Reference Award nominations

31st JulyClosing date for Walford nominations

11th SeptemberJudging day

11th NovemberAwards ceremony

The special topic for 2015 is ‘Information Resources for Young People’. Jonas Heriot from YLG has been Helen’s contact and Amanda will liaise with him. We need to find out the number of people YLG would like involved and whether they would like to join the judging committee for the whole day on 11th September, or just come for the afternoon just to look at the special topic. It is to be hoped that YLG might offer some financial support. Amanda will ask if they could suggest a guest speaker for the Awards ceremony, and perhaps a possible sponsor from the publishing world. Action: Amanda


19 proposals have been received in response to the Section’s call for papers for 2015 IFLA Conference in Cape Town. These are now being evaluated and 6 will be selected to be presented at the Section’s session. There are some new members on the Reference and Information Services Section Committee, including two from USA and one from Botswana (the onlymale member of the Committee). Plans for the pre-conference in Botswana are going well.

8Umbrella/CILIP Conference

Everyone was impressed by the quality of the keynote speakers announced.

The Group has one bursary place to allocate. It was agreed to advertise this via Communicator and in Refer and then select by picking a name out of a hat. Action: Claire & Helen

There will be a SIG area in the exhibition hall, and it was agreed that ISG should have a presence. Claire and Helen are both going and so will look after this. They will have copies of recent issues of Refer and nomination forms for the Referernce Awards. Anything else must wait until we have a new logo. Action: Claire & Helen


SCOOP met on 12thFebruaryand Andrew supplied the following notes:

We had a presentation at the meeting from Steven about the Public Library Universal Information Offer (PLUIO) training. Jacqueline May from CILIP Policy Department sat in on this. One of the things that came up is that if this is part of the government attempt to bridge the digital divide, then libraries need to have the tools to do the job. This means staff, training and time to do the training – with adequate IT provision. I imagine that other ISG committee members will have experience of the PLUIO training so will have an idea of what I am talking about. Someone asked if volunteers (in volunteer led or managed libraries) will be doing the PLUIO work. To which the answer is that we don’t know but it seems like a stretch to imagine that they will have the time to get trained along with everything else. Ensuring these resources for this would be an indication of a government (party’s) commitment to public libraries in society and their role in democratic involvement

Other things that came up:

The chaos of government publishing – there is no central handle on it and despite and the efforts of TNA you may still get material published in all sorts of ways making discovery next to impossible

We had a good discussion on the need to digitise and/ or catalogue older government documents -especially departmental as opposed to parliamentary ones. Otherwise the danger is that they will be discarded because nobody realises their worth. There is no certain source of money to preserve this part of the nation’s heritage.

The Public Library Subsidy is now of ever-reducing value as material goes digital. The PLS does not apply to electronic products. If it did maybe more public libraries would be able to subscribe and make government information more readily available.

N.B. A more detailed report can be found in the spring issue of Refer.


As of 13th February, the ISG web site front page is now updated with working links, but we still don’t have a logo.

Jane will add Andrew and Lynsey to the committeeand the personal committee pages. Action: Jane

Everyone must look at their own personal committee page and send Jane some information plus a picture (this need not be an actual photo of yourself, but some kind of image). Action: ALL

The Committee will go through amending or adding to our web pages at the next meeting (which will now start at 1 pm). In the meantime, everyone should have a look through so they come ready with suggestions, amendments, etc. Action: ALL

11Publications –Refer

The annual report from Wordpress had been circulated and everyone found it extremely interesting. Helen said there had been over 2,000 clicks on Wordpress for Refer, she did not know the number on the CILIP app.

The topic for the next issue of Refer, due out in March, is ‘Discovery and Discoverability’. Future themes are ‘Government Publications’ in the autumn 2015 issue and ‘Health Informatics’ in February 2016.


Claire will send out an item very shortly about the next issue of Refer, and then in mid-March one mentioning the CILIP Conference bursary and the Reference Award nomination dates. Action: Claire

13Professional Issues

Ruth drew the committee’s attention to two serious and unsettling proposals – the possible closure of the Library and other resources at the Imperial War Museum, London and the cutbacks at the Library of Birmingham where the staff may be cut by 50% and the opening hours drastically reduced.

Although it now seems that the situation at IWM will not be as bad as first thought, there is still an attempt to make a charge for researchers, both professional and amateur, using the library.


Andrew Hutchinson is willing to become our new Treasurer. He will liaise with Gary. The Committee expressed their sincere thanks to Andrew.

15Dates of Next Meetings

Friday 12th June – starting at 1 pm

Wednesday 11th November – to include AGM and Reference Awards ceremony.

Action List

ALL Committee Members

Item 10Everyone to look at their own personal committee page on our website and send Jane some additional information plus a picture

Item 10Look through our web pages before next meeting and bring any amendments, suggestions, etc. to the meeting


Item 6Work with Jonas Heriot from YLG on the Reference Awards


Item 3Liaise with Garyon adding an additional item to the list of priorities - ‘examine the financial sustainabilityof the Group’.


Item 3Track down the person at CILIP who will help with designing a logo

Item 3Put ‘Body of Professional Knowledge’on the agenda for the November meeting

Item 6Mid-March - put out call for nominations for Reference and Walford Awards via Communicator and Update

Item 8Advertise our bursary for the CILIP Conference via Communicator and select by picking a name out of a hat.

Item 8Look after the ISG display at the Conference and include nominations forms for Reference Awards


Item 3Put Business Plan into the format of the new CILIP template.

Item 3Obtain a copy of the Body of Professional Knowledge for the November meeting.


Item3Gary Lynsey to look at our twitter account for a discussion at the June meeting. Item 3 Liaise with Andrew on adding an additional item to the list of priorities - ‘examine the financial sustainabilityof the Group’.


Item 6Put call for nominations for Reference and Walford Awards in Spring issue of Refer

Item 8Advertise our bursary for the CILIP Conference in Refer

Item 8Look after the ISG display at the CILIP Conference and include copies of previous issues of Refer


Item 6Add Andrew and Lynsey to the committeeand the personal committee pages


Item 3Gary Lynsey to look at our twitter account for a discussion at the June meeting

Appendix 1

The Central Fund: Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the central fund?
The Central Fund is a small ring-fenced budget to which Member Networks can apply for additional specific activity funding.

2. What’s the purpose of the central fund?

To enable those Member Networks with limited funds to undertake activities that meet their members’ needs that they would otherwise not be able to provide.

3. What can Member Networks apply for?

Member Networks can apply for funding for specific activities/projects/events that they wish to undertake. The exact criteria are set out in guidance accompanying the application form.

  1. Who administers the central fund?
    The Head of Member Services has overall responsibility for the Central Fund and administers it with the Development Officer (Member Networks).

The awarding panel are the Director of Professional Services, a member of Finance & Risk Group and a member of CILIP Council.

5. What are the criteria?

The awarding panel will use the following criteria to assess each application. Each application will be considered on its merits against each criteria using information given in the application form. Successful applications will satisfy one or more of the criteria.

  • Engagement and reach: how many members is this likely to effect? And will it engage members?
  • Member growth: will this attract new members?
  • Benefit: will this open up a new member benefit or expand an existing one?
  • Innovation: is this a new development for this Member Network? Or a first that all Member Networks can learn from?
  • Partnership: is this likely to attract new partnership opportunities?

6. What is the application process?

1. Complete the application form, ensuring that you meet the eligibility and have addressed the awarding criteria .

2. Send to

3. You will hear whether or not you have been successful within 5 weeks of the closing date.

Appendix 2

Application Form for Funding from

CILIP’s Member Networks Central Fund

1. Name of Special Interest Group or Regional Member Network

[if joint application provide details of both Member Networks]

2. Date of application

3. Amount of funding applied for

4. What is the funding for? (max300 words)

5. Explain how this funding would benefit members of your Special Interest Group or Regional Member Network. Please refer to the awarding criteria set out in the guidance notes (max 500 words)

6. Provide financial details demonstrating why an application to the Central Fund is required and cannot be met from current funds.

Once completed please email to:

Guidance Notes

  1. Criteria

The awarding panel will use the following criteria to assess each application. Each application will be considered on its merits against each criteria. Successful applications will satisfy one or more of the criteria.

2.1.Engagement and reach: how many members is this likely to effect? And will it engage members?

2.2.Member growth: will this attract new members?

2.3.Benefit: will this open up a new member benefit or expand an existing one?

2.4.Innovation: is this a new development for this Member Network? Or a first that all Member Networks can learn from?

2.5.Partnership: is this likely to attract new partnership opportunities?

  1. Eligibility
  2. Applications must be made by the closing date each year. The closing date in 2015 is 29 May 2015
  3. All applications must:
  4. State the amount of grant required.
  5. Provide a short description of what it will be used for (maximum 300 words).
  6. Demonstrate that the funds requested will be used for the benefit of members of the Regional Member Network or Special Interest Group (maximum 500 words).
  7. Provide financial details demonstrating why an application to the Central Fund is required and cannot be met from current funds.
  8. Applications must be for a grant not over £750 and not under £50. The minimum and maximum awards are subject to change at the end of each financial year.
  9. Applications must be for part or full funding for the following types of activities (these are examples) that are one-off/irregular and cannot be covered within the annual budget:
  10. To put on one-off events, including workshops, training, visits, day schools
  11. Production of printed or online resources for Member Networks and the wider membership to support CPD
  12. To produce specific marketing materials that will have a direct impact on the growth of the Member Network and/or membership
  13. To cover catering and venue expenses for one-off events not covered by the annual budget
  14. Member Networks can apply for funds on behalf of their sub-Groups/regional committees/sub-Regions as long as financial information is provided on both the sub and main Member Network.
  15. Member Networks cannot make an application to coverexpenses related to committee meetings.
  16. Successful applicants will be expected to report on how the funding was used as part of the annual business plan report.
  17. Once a Member Network has had a successful application in a financial year, that Member Network will not be awarded another in that year.
  18. Process
  19. A Member Network completes the questions on the application form and emails it to the Development Officer (Member Networks) at CILIP.
  20. If an application is incomplete, it will be returned to the Member Network for completion. If an application is received outside the application window, it will be returned to the Member Network.
  21. Completed application forms are considered against the criteria by the awarding panel.
  22. The awarding panel is comprised the Director of Professional Services, a Member of the Finance & Risk Group and a member of CILIP Council (normally the Member Networks rep). The Development Officer (Member Networks) and Head of Member Networks provide administrative support but are not part of the Panel.
  23. A decision will be made within five weeks of the closing date. Notification of the decision is by email to the named contact on the application form. Reasons will be given to unsuccessful applicants.
  24. CILIP’s Head of Finance will credit the Unity Trust Bank account of successful applications on the next scheduled payment run.

Written: February 2015