
Put yourself in the spotlight!


About the awards

Now in their 64th year, the prestigious Victorian Training Awards recognises and honours the outstanding achievements of vocational education and training students, teachers, training providers and employers.

Victoria is leading the way nationally in delivering a highquality training system, with our TAFEs, community andprivate providers giving all Victorians the opportunityto develop the skills they need – and the skillsemployers want.

The Awards generate pride and confidence in theVictorian training and TAFE system, showcasing the high quality skills of workers that meet industry needs.

The Awards bring together students, training providers and industry and are open to all Victorian students with a range of backgrounds, regardless of age or postcode.

By placing top achievers in the spotlight, this is a great chance to be recognised and rewarded for outstanding achievements and contribution to the Victorian training and TAFE system.


There are 15 categories in this year’s Victorian Training Awards; six individual categories, three training and four employer categories plus an Industry Collaboration Award and a Lynne Kosky Memorial Award for Lifetime Achievement.

The People’s Choice Awardwill be presented to a finalist from an individual category. The Victorian Community will have the opportunity via social media to vote, with the winner announced at the Awards ceremony.

Student award categories

• Apprentice of the Year

• Vocational Student of the Year

• Trainee of the Year

• Koorie Student of the Year

• School-based Apprentice/Trainee of the Year


During high school, Jeremy Connell was almost certain

he wanted to pursue a career in mechanical engineering, and a week of work experience at WangarattaEngineering left him with no doubt.

When Jeremy went back to Wangaratta Engineering toask if they would be his host employer under the School-Based Apprenticeship and Traineeship (SBAT) program,they said yes on the spot. Later the company offered hima full apprenticeship, but he wanted to finish Year 12, andthey held a position open for him.

Jeremy has completed Certificate III Engineering withGoulburn Ovens Institute of TAFE and is working as a fullyqualified fitter and machinist at Wangaratta Engineering.


The Awards are an opportunity for you to showcase your skills and journey within the training and TAFE system.

Students have the chance to meet and network with industry experts and employers from across the state to help build their careers.

Award winners will receive $5,000 prize money andbecome an Ambassador for the 2019 Victorian TrainingAwards and the training and TAFE system.

Winners go on to represent Victoria at the AustralianTraining Awards in Sydney on 15 November 2018


Awards are open to all students studying in the training

and TAFE System.

Students from a range of backgrounds, locations andages across Victoria including students undertakingschool-based apprenticeships are encouraged tonominate.


The 2018 Victorian Training Awards will be presented in

late August 2018.

The night is an opportunity to gather and network withother students, teachers, training providers, employersand industry representatives.

Be part of the excitement and celebrate the very best intraining.


To help prepare your nomination refer to our resources that includes:

• Victorian Training Awards Guide

• Nomination Guide

• Frequently Asked Questions

Follow these five easy steps to nominate:

  1. visit
  1. register on the Awards portal – a category and check your eligibility

  1. start building your nomination – address criteria

5. submit your nomination by midnight onMonday
2 April 2018.


December 2017 / Nominations open
2 April / Nominations close
April - June / Judging process
Late August / Awards ceremony
15 November / Australian Training Awards


Louise Nicholas’ love of the outdoors and passion for theenvironment meant a natural career in conservation andland management, the thing is: she didn’t know it.

While office work paid the bills, Louise felt her worklife lacked meaning and she was capable of muchmore. A redundancy got her thinking about her truepassions and she headed to the Gordon Institute ofTAFE, completing a Diploma of Conservation and LandManagement in 2016

She recalls her first year of study as a big learning curveas she hadn’t studied full-time since leaving high school.Now as a full-time Leading Hand of a Natural ResourceManagement Crew at Melbourne Water, Louise is reapingthe rewards of chasing her dream.

The opportunities available


Nominations are now open until midnight Monday 2 April

2018. Entering is easy, visit

For all enquires about the Victorian Training Awards:


orphone 03 9637 3962