Proprietary and Confidential Information

This Document DRAFT is not intended for Public and Customer Use

Dan Evans, Datapath, Inc

Linkway Operations and Maintenance Manual is included with every TrackX. DataPath MRT Training Material also contains additional information.

Dan's MRT Package/TrackX Quick Reference to launch TDMA network:

1. Obtain Network Architecture designating unit's names, bootfile extensions, IP addresses, PVCs.

2. Obtain Freq Cut-Sheet designating Satellite name, location, and carriers' Tx/Rx frequencies, modulation, and FEC.

3. Obtain accurate latitude and longitude of all TDMA sites

4. Place, ground, and power-on MRT package in designated TrackX, Do not connect RF cables at this time.

5. Login to NCC as Linkway:datapath1 and start the NCC processes % ncc_start; Ensure the ANCC's NCC processes are stop % ncc_stop; The ANCC will not be utilized until the network is properly operating and balanced.

6. From a laptop, login to NMS as linkway: linkway

7. Select Configuration, Space Segment Configurations, Satellite Parameters (designated on Freq Cut-Sheet) ie:

Name: Horizon 1, Nominal Longitude: 233.0 East, and IF Loop: No

8. Select Configuration, Site Configuration, Site Details, (delete all old terminals, then all old sites; except Site ID 120) Change in 120 Site Details ie: Longitude(negative ACU's GPS), Latitude:(ACU's GPS) and in Terminal Details ie: TX Power: -15

9. Select Configuration, Add Sites ie: Linkway:2100, Control Group: 0, Site Type:(AMRT or Traffic Terminal Site), Site Id:(desiginated bootfile extension), Site Name:(designated military units name), Longitude: ACU's GPS), Latitude:(ACU's GPS), Type:Unknown, M&C Link Type:RS232, Tx14350000, Rx12050000, (DO NOT SELECT Spec. Inv., BUC Power, LNB Power), Redundancy Primary:(designated bootfile extension);

Complete for all sites.

10. Select Configuration, Site Details, Add Terminal ie: TxPower :-15;

Complete for all terminals.

11. Select Configuration, Protocol/Services Configuration IP, Add ie: Add Logical Interface:2 and IP Interface Configuration (designated IP address and Subnet Mask), Routing Protocol:None.

Complete for all terminals.

12. Select Configuration, Protocol/Services Configuration IP, PVCs ie: select (designated Source Site and designated Destination Site as designated in Network Architecture) Also, create PVC's from 120 to every terminal with CIR Forward CIR:64 and Backward CIR:64 for power balancing later.

13. OnNCC, % ncc_stop, and open /home/linkway/etc.datapath/etc/dbnew/carrier.tdb. Under Carrier 0, edit 4 text lines (designated on Frequency Cut-Sheet for Carrier 0) ie:

5 MSym is 5000000,

Tx Freq in kHz, (XXXXXXXXXXX)

RxFreq in kHz, (XXXXXXXXXXX) and,

FEC 1 is 1/2, 2 is 2/3,3 is 3/4, and 4 is 7/8.

Select File, Save needed.

14. On NCC, % ncc_start, login to NMS, and select Configuration, Space Segment Configurations, Carrier Administration (Delete all old carriers), select add (designated on Frequency Cut-Sheet).

15. Select Diagnostics Tests ie: command:makeboot,

To Terminal:NCC, Send

16. On laptop, create a bootfile directory, open a command prompt window, change directory to new bootfile directory and ie: % ftp and login as linkway, % cd /home/linkway/etc.datapath/etclbootdb, % ASCII, % mget boot* and type “y” for each bootfile.

17. On laptop, open Hyper Terminal and send text file (designated booffiles) to MRT & AMRT.

18. On Spectrum Analyzer, ensure CW space is available on satellite. On NCC, % ncc_stop. Connect RF Tx cable from MRT package to MRT Tx port on Spectrum Analyzer patch panel. Contact satellite operator to check polarity. In Hyper Terminal for MRT ie: % cw -freq (designated CW freq) -power -25 when instructed to transmit % hw to stop transmitting.


19. Disconnect RF Tx cable and on NCC, % ncc_start. On Spectrum Analyzer, ensure all TDMA carrier space is available on satellite, prior to connecting both RF Tx/Rx cables.

20. Connect both RF Tx/Rx cables and load bootfiles in all designated traffic terminals.

21. Login on NMS and observe the red dots turn to green; observe the TDMA carrier 0 on the Spectrum Analyzer.

22. After the linkway terminals are SAT sync, on the NMS, select Diagnostic Tests, % rbtp (receive burst time plan), followed by % rb (receive burst) to Terminal: 120;Adjust the Tx power on each linkway to match burst 1 ; Repeat as necessary until all linkways arenearly match to burst 1 ; This process will level off the TDMA carriers.

23. Next, % show_ber, (desired BER is 10E-04) Raise or lower the MRT, AMRT, and ALL TRAFFIC TERMINALS ie: raise Tx power on ALL linkways +1dB from current Tx level to achieve better BER 10E-05.

24. Delete any and all PVCs to MRT 120 and AMRT 140.

25. On the NMS, select Diagnostic Tests, % Rx to every terminal and document RxAttn level ; ( Any linkway with a smaller number from the typical level of the majority indicates an antenna pointing, or cable loss problem at that site).

26. On the NCC, navigate and open /home/linkway/etc.datapath/etc/dbnew/termconf.tdb ; document Tx power level of every terminal ; (Any linkway with a higher number from the typical level of the majority indicates an antenna pointing, or cable loss problem at that site).

27. Login on ANCC as linkway:datapath1; put in trash ncc.previous file ; and start the ncc processes % ncc_start.

Dan Evans, DataPath Inc

(678)-429-2699 mobile