Lochmaben Action Group, Wednesday 20th. May, 7.30pm. in Portacabin
Present- Jim Davidson---Doreen Davidson---Mary Ross---Eleanor Kennedy---Alec Smith---Jenny Agnew---Stephen Thompson---Helen Middleton
Apologies---Kenelma McCrae---Madiha Gemi---Sue Coulthard
Minutes of last meeting- Proposed by Eleanor and seconded by Doreen
Matters arising- We are to find out how much paint is required for the inside of the portacabin to be freshened up.
Treasurers report- As attached
Fun day and Tai-chi- We have four men who regularly come to join the women for a cheerful couple of hours. The Tai-chi has four men now coming to relax with the
movements we learn with Sandra each week.
Correspondence- We had a recent CHUBB fire inspection done and after a replacement of one emergency light bulb a certificate was issued.
The community payback scheme will send someone out to estimate the amount of paint required, before the job is done.
Lunch club- As attached
Friendship group- As attached
Friends of the hospital- Sister Gemmell is retiring in June and the new windows are installed. the next meeting will be Tuesday 9th. June at 6.15pm..
Councillors report- Stephen has received an e-mail to inform us that a new handrail will be put up outside the playground door of the portacabin.
The Friendship group has been awarded a grant of £300.
The council has appointed a new director to deal with community groups.
An extra dog-dirt bin to be put in at the Barony Gate area.
It was pointed out to the councillor that the road between the golf club and Ballcastle flats is bad with pot-holes, and it will be used a lot for the Gala parade.
The “Men’s shed” group are looking at places in Lockerbie, one is the old guide hut behind Dryfesdale Church, meantime they are meeting in the portacabin for an hour on a Friday, to try and get new members.
Health and safety- A new bigger tea-urn has been purchased for the kitchen. The new cold water tap in the kitchen still drips so Helen to report it.
An enquiry to be made into the cost of having a wheely bin provided at the portacabin.
Any other comp. business- Isobel Gow has enquired about hiring our portacabin for use with the Art class.
The Free Church continuing group will be moving to premises in Lockerbie from July.
Date of next meeting- Wednesday 1st. July at 7.30pm in portacabin
Helen Middleton, secretary