With President Walt Smith on vacation, President Elect Tom McCrohan called the meeting to order at 12:15 at Franklin Steak House. There were 11 Rotarians in attendance.

Bob spoke about Camp Merry Heart. Yesterday Rotary visited the camp. Dorothy Huey, John Dinan, and Bob Peters were there. Kevin Majewski is the camper that we sponsor each year.

Kevin Majewski, John Dinan, and Dorothy Huey

Bob said the cabin we sponsor needs some renovation, he is suggesting a work day in the spring; the floor needs sanding. He will be looking for volunteers. He also brought up the UN Garden which is located by the gazebo. He said it is in a state of disrepair. He suggested this fall we work on bringing it back to a healthy condition.

Barbara reminded us that Civic Pride Day at the Farmers'Market

is Sunday, September 28. It is from 9 am to 2 pm. We would like Rotarians to be there for about an hour at a time to answer questions or pass out the Rotarian brochure. It is a way of getting new members.

NEXT THURSDAY IS AN EVENING MEETING. Joe Varol has again offered his restaurant, The Bosphorus, for the meeting. The restaurant is in the municipal parking lot across from the Nutley Diner. It is 6 pm; the cost is $20.

The Cody Foundation is having a fundraiser on August 19 at Jaret's Cupcakes.

Margit Rahill is working with Lyons' Hospital on a Veterans' Project (she made a presentation in September of last year). They need essentials for setting up apartments for veteans. Bob Peters will send out a list of possible items needed. If you are interested, bring your new items the day the District Governor will be visiting Nutley, October 13.

Tom reminded the Rotarians that we were looking for speakers. Rotarians were asked to be responsible for getting speakers for one of the months. We currently have volunteers through February. We need Rotarians to accept the responsibility for speakers for March - July. (If you feel that is too much of a commitment, speak with someone who has already signed up for a month and perhaps suggest a speaker or topic for that Rotarian's month).

John Dinan has volunteered to speak on Rotary on 8/25.

The library director, Maria LaBadia, is tentatively speaking on 9/1. Larry Ripley is tentatively speaking on 9/8.

$$Happy Dollars$$

Barbara Hirsch - Thank you to Bob, Dorothy, and John for going to Camp Merry Heart; thank you for all the get well wishes; glad John and Jane are back

Tom McCrohan - Thank you to Dorothy, Bob, and John for going to Camp Merry Heart Day

Ro Costa - For Camp Merry Heart for Kevin, for Jane and John, and the hot weather

Ben Costa - For seeing his "hair cut buddy," for the orange stories, and hopefully it will cool down soon

Bob Ciocco -For the question "Ben and Bob being one month apart in age but Ben's hair is dark and his isn't"

Ro Tangorra - For Barbara beginning to feel better, for Tom's return, and the great Dinan fruit stories

Jane Dinan - John and Jenn will be arriving this afternoon and for a great Paul McCartney concert

John Dinan - For his lovely wife being present today, for Barbara looking so good with her black eye

Joe Varol - For Barbara and for his friends attending Camp Merry Heart Day

Sal Rosamilia - Not happy but a good recovery by Barbara

Bob Peters - For the trip to Camp Merry Heart, for Dorothy who volunteered to be in Pt Pleasant today, for Jane's return, the bananas on his cereal this morning, and for Tom's return so he didn't have to do the Nutshell


Non-winners - Jane Dinan and Joe Varol