Sections Membership Form:

ONLY members of the Society can become a member of any Section.

When you have completed the form please return it to:

British Psychological Society

PO Box 87, Oakengates DO, TF3 3WT

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does the application process take?

Correctly completed applications will take no longer than 1 week.

Can I email the form to the Society?

No. Applicants must sign or sent payment with the form.

Contact Details- Please complete using BLOCK CAPITALS and black ink

Title / Previous surname (if applicable)
Surname / Date of Birth
Forenames / BPS Membership Number (if known)
Contact Address
Email address
Daytime telephone / Mobile telephone


Members will automatically be assigned the relevant level of membership as according to their Society Membership – see Categories of Membership for details.

Categories of Membership:

Full fee – is open to all Society Members and Subscribers.

Student fee – is open to Society Student grade only.

Section Subscription Fees:(Only Members or Subscribers of the Society may join)Please indicate which Section/s you wish to join – tick all that apply. NB Sub = Subscriber.

Cognitive Psychology Section / Full/Sub £15
Student £5 / Psychology of Education Section / Full/Sub £10
Student £2
Community Psychology Section / Full/Sub £10
Student £5 / Psychology of Women Section / Full/Sub £15
Student £5
Consciousness and Experiential Psychology Section / Full/Sub £10
Student £5 / Psychology of Sexualities Section / Full/Sub £10
Student £5
Developmental Psychology Section / Full/SubFREE
Student FREE / Psychotherapy Section / Full/Sub £15
Student £7.50
Crisis, Disaster and Trauma Section / Full/Sub £10
Student £5 / Qualitative Methods in Psychology Section / Full/Sub £10
Student £5
History and Philosophy of Psychology Section / Full/Sub £12
Student £3 / Social Psychology Section / Full/Sub £15
Student £5
Mathematical, Statistical & Computing Section / Full/Sub £10
Student £6 / Transpersonal Psychology Section / Full/Sub £10
Student £3
Psychobiology Section / Full/Sub £10
Student £5

For information on the individual Sections, please visit the Society’s website:


Due to the administrative costs involved, the Society will only process applications where the full payment has been made. This can be by cheque, card (unfortunately we cannot accept Visa Electron or Solo cards) or postal order. We cannot run Direct Debit payments for applications. Applicants not eligible for membership will be given the opportunity to receive a refund of their subscription.

Please include a cheque for the relevant fees made payable to The British Psychological Society or confirm the amount and give your debit/credit card details below.
I enclose a cheque for £_____or Please charge my Credit/Debit Card £_____
Name of Cardholder: ______
Cardholder’s signature: ______
Card Issuer (please circle) Visa Amex MasterCard Delta Switch/Maestro
Card Number
Valid From: ____/____ Expiry Date: ____/____ Issue No (switch only): ____
Please enter the three/four digit CVV number:
Visa, MasterCard, and Maestro, the code is the last three-digit number located on the back of your card on or above your signature line. American Express, it is the four-digit number on the front.

When you have completed the form please return it to:

British Psychological Society

PO Box 87, Oakengates DO, TF3 3WT

If you have any queries regarding your application:


telephone: 0116 252 9537