Metropolitan Community College Student Nurses’ Association
Amended (Date)
We, students of nursing, believe there is a common need to organize, to represent ourselves to the consumer and other health disciplines, and to assume our rightful place in the profession of nursing.
We believe every human has a right to the highest quality of healthcare.
We believe in the development of the whole person toward his/her professional role as a nurse with its rights, responsibilities, and ideals.
Students have a right to and a responsibility for:
- Having a quality, interactive education opportunity;
- Having the highest quality practitioner-instructors;
- Providing input and feedback into curriculum planning;
- Achieving self-directed learning;
- Achieving equal participation in all areas of clinical practice;
- Participating in interdisciplinary activities;
- Due process;
- Insuring peer review and self-evaluation;
- The privileges of internal governance;
- Organizing and participating in an organization focused on achieving professional goals;
- Facilitating improvement in health care delivery;
- Assembling and exploring fundamental and current professional issues and concerns at both a local and national level;
- Organizing in an accessible and flexible structure to encompass and represent the diversities within nursing;
- Fostering a better correlation between nursing education and nursing practice.
This organization shall be named the Student Nurses’ Association (SNA) of Metropolitan Community College. (This organization may also be known as MCC Foundation-SNA).
Section 1. The purpose of the MCC SNA is:
i)To contribute to nursing education in a manner that promotes the highest quality of health care to all individuals.
ii)To provide programs that educate, enhance, and develop nursing students into the ever-changing professional role of the nurse.
iii)To be a positive image of the nursing student for the community and to bridge the gap between nursing education and nursing practice.
Section 2. The function of the MCC SNA shall include the following:
i)To have direct input and feedback into the standards of nursing education and influence the educational process at Metropolitan Community College.
ii)To influence health care, nursing education, and practice through legislative activities as appropriate.
iii)To promote and encourage participation in community projects towards improved health care and the resolution of related social issues in the communities of Douglas, Sarpy, Washington counties of Nebraska and Pottawattamie county in Iowa.
iv)To represent nursing students to the consumer, to institutions, and other organizations.
v)To provide and encourage students’ participation in interdisciplinary programs.
vi)To promote and encourage recruitment efforts, participation in student activities, and education/professional opportunities to every person, regardless of race, gender, color, creed, national origin, ethnicity, age, marital status, lifestyle, disability, or economic status.
vii)To promote and encourage collaborative relationships with nursing faculty, practitioners, the Nebraska State Student Nurses’ Association, the NSNA, as well as other nursing and related health organizations.
Section 1. Membership
i)Membership shall not be denied (nor will discrimination be tolerated within the organization) based upon sex, race, sexual orientation, creed, religion, age, color, disability, marital status, national and ethnic origin, income or socio-economic status.
ii)Membership shall be open to any current student who has formally been accepted into either the Practical Nursing or Registered Nursing levels of the Metropolitan Community College Nursing Education Program.
iii)Exclusions: Students that are unsuccessful in the program must reapply for membership upon reentry to the program.
iv)Students that successfully completed the PN program will retain membership in the MCC SNA during the interim until the RN program begins.
Section 2. Membership Requirements
i)A formal application including membership dues must be submitted to either a Class Chairperson or to a faculty advisor.
ii)To retain membership in the MCC SNA a member must attend at least 50% of all scheduled meetings, as well as projects and activities voted on by the SNA members.
Section 3. Dues
i)National and state dues shall be payable directly to NSNA. NANSA shall remit to each state constituent the dues received on behalf of the constituent. NSNA shall not collect nor remit school chapter dues.
ii)Chapter dues shall be $10; membership shall be a period of 12 consecutive months.
iii)Dues and membership application are payable to MCC Foundation-SNA.
iv)Any member who fails to pay current dues shall forfeit all privileges of membership.
v)Dues will be nonrefundable.
Officers, Chairpersons, and Class Representatives
Section 1. Class Representation
i)Each individual class shall be represented by one elected Chairperson, and two (2) elected Class Representatives.
ii)Each class shall vote by secret ballot, consisting of one line upon which the name of one candidate shall be written.
iii)The person who has his/her name written the most times shall be the Chairperson of that class. The two individuals with the second and third most votes will each receive the role of Class Representative.
iv)These three individuals will be responsible for voting on or otherwise deciding which events, projects, functions, etc. that their individual class will participate in. These individuals are also responsible for receiving input and feedback from the class; as well as acting as a communication point between the MCC SNA, students, and faculty.
Section 2. Role of the Class Chairperson
i)The Class Chairperson shall be responsible for collection of membership dues, t-shirt orders, or other such monies that it may be necessary to collect within the association from his/her own class.
ii)The Class Chairperson shall then be responsible for delivering said funds to the elected Treasurer.
iii)The Class Chairperson shall act as official liaison between his/ her class and the Board of Officers.
iv)The Class Chairperson shall preside over all individual class meetings, and shall have the authority to call such meetings within his/her own class.
v)The Class Chairperson shall oversee all other MCC SNA functions and responsibilities for his/her respective class not otherwise defined by these bylaws.
vi)The Class Chairperson shall delegate to the other elected representatives any official business the Chair cannot be responsible for due to scheduling conflicts, class workload, etc.
vii)The Class Chairperson shall oversee any necessary committees for pinning ceremonies or programs specific to that class. Or he/she shall make an appropriate nomination to head of said committee.
Section 3. The Role of Class Representatives
i)Class Representatives answer to the Class Chairperson.
ii)Class Representatives share equal power regardless of who received more votes.
iii)Class Representatives assist the Class Chairperson in collection of dues, fundraising, membership roster keeping, and all other official SNA business as designated by the Chairperson.
iv)Class Representatives may oversee committees for their individual class, or for the association as a whole if so approved by the Board of Officers.
Section 4. Removal of a Class Chairperson or Class Representative
i)A person seeking to resign from the position of either Class Chairperson or Class Representative shall inform both of the other representatives within their class by some clear means of communication.
ii)A person who has not met the reasonable expectations of his/her peers as a Class Representative may be removed by simple majority vote of all SNA members within his/her class.
(1)The vote must be made public to the class prior to the voting.
(2)The individual who is to be removed shall be given notice that a vote in imminent.
(3)The vote shall be conducted in the presence of a member of the nursing faculty.
iii)Once the person has stepped down or has been removed from his/her class positions, the class shall hold a special election to appoint a replacement.
iv)The replacement shall finish the term of the original representative, and shall be required to again become a candidate for that position should the original term of office expire and the replacement representative desire to continue to hold the position.
v)The Class Representative or Class Chairperson who fails to pass all of his/her nursing courses while representing his//her class shall automatically lose his/her position.
vi)Any Class Chairperson or Class Representative who commits a felony shall automatically lose his/her position.
Section5. Board of Officers
i)There shall be 5 officers on the board. They shall be named President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and Publicity Manager.
ii)There shall be only one officer per position selected from the pool of currently and actively serving class chairpersons/ representatives.
iii)Each position shall be filled by simple majority vote amongst the currently elected and actively serving class chairpersons/ representatives.
iv)If an officer position is vacated by the current officer for any reason (not currently in class, voluntarily resigns, etc.) then the vacant position shall be filled by election amongst the currently elected and actively serving class chairpersons/ representatives.
Section 6. Election of Officers
i)Elections will take place during a meeting of the currently elected and actively serving chairpersons/ representatives where at least 2/3 of said chairpersons/ representatives are present.
ii)All elections shall be open, preceded by discussion, and conducted by show of hands.
iii)In the event of a tie, a revote shall be held following more debate as needed.
Section 7. Eligibility of Officers
i)Only active members of the SNA shall be eligible for any office.
ii)Only currently elected and actively serving chairpersons and class representatives shall be eligible to hold an officer position.
iii)Officers must become members of both national and state SNA 30 days after election.
iv)Only members in good academic standing shall be eligible for active duty as an officer.
(1)Any officer who fails to achieve “good” academic status---defined as passing all nursing classes---at the end of each quarter shall lose his/her seat as an officer.
Section 8. Terms of Office
i)Elected officers can serve no more than 2 terms in his/her respective office.
ii)Officers will serve their term from point of entry in the nursing program until that portion of the program is over.
(1)Example: The term of an elected officer who is a PN level student will have completed his/her term upon completion of the PN level classes.
Section 9. Removal of an Officer from the Board
i)Officer resignation must be submitted in written form to the secretary or vice president no less than one month prior to resignation.
ii)Any officer can be removed from office provided
(1)Documented evidence has been presented at a scheduled meeting showing that said officer has neglected to perform his/her role as defined by this Constitution.
(2)The accused officer shall have an opportunity to rebuff the accusations.
(3)The officer may be removed by no less than a 2/3 vote of currently elected chairpersons/ class representatives.
(4)Any officer convicted of a felony while holding office will automatically lose his/her seat as an officer.
iii)An officer who seeks to resign his or her position on the board shall retain the right to hold his/her title as Class Chairperson or Class Representative.
(1)Refer to Section 4 of Article IV titled “Removal of a Class Chairperson or Class Representative” should the officer either seek, or otherwise be qualified for, dismissal from his/her class position.
Duties of Officers
Section 1. President
i)Preside over all SNA meetings.
ii)Represent the SNA in all matters relating to the association, and shall perform all other duties pertaining to the office.
iii)Enforce the bylaws to decide questions of order.
iv)Reserve the right to delegate his/her authority within the boundaries of these bylaws.
v)Have access to all SNA accounts, rosters, etc. as appropriate and necessary.
vi)Seek the advice of the faculty sponsor for resolution of conflicts.
vii)Be the liaison between faculty sponsors and officers.
viii)Become a member of state and national SNA.
ix)Become familiar with Parliamentary Procedure according to Robert’s Rules of Order.
Section 2. Vice President
i)Assume the duties of the president in the absence or disability of the President.
ii)Represent the association in staff members.
iii)Perform all other duties as assigned by the President.
iv)Act as coordinator between the separate classes for planning of joint events.
v)Become a member of state and national SNA.
vi)Become familiar with Parliamentary Procedure according to Robert’s Rules of Order.
Section 3. Secretary
i)Prepare the minutes for all SNA meetings.
ii)Represent the association in staff meetings.
iii)Perform other duties as needed in order to maintain the integrity of the association.
iv)Become a member of state and national SNA.
v)Responsible for maintaining membership roster and contact list.
vi)Become familiar with Parliamentary Procedure according to Robert’s Rules of Order.
Section 4. Treasurer
i)Handle the collection of funds for event fees, fundraising, etc.
ii)Decide on association-wide expenditures, costs, and income with the help of a faculty representative.
iii)Be responsible for the collection of dues.
iv)Keep record of members of who have paid dues within his/her class, and forward applications to corresponding secretary.
v)Handle the distribution of funds to vendors as needed.
vi)Represent the SNA in staff meetings.
vii)Be responsible for payment of speaker fees.
viii)Become a member of state and national SNA.
ix)Become familiar with Parliamentary Procedure according to Robert’s Rules of Order.
Section 5. Publicity Manager
i)Be responsible to promote the SNA in a positive manner via radio, television, internet, bulletin, flyer, etc.
ii)Be responsible for promoting upcoming class meetings.
iii)Be responsible for promoting association-wide meetings and events.
iv)Represent the SNA in staff meetings.
v)Become a member of state and national SNA.
vi)Become familiar with Parliamentary Procedure according to Robert’s Rules of Order.
Faculty/ Staff Sponsor
Section 1. Sponsor
i)Shall be an active member of the MCC nursing staff.
ii)Shall relinquish his/her role to another qualified staff member should he/she be unable to perform the duties of sponsor due to extended illness, leave of absence, reduction in work hours, or other appropriate reasons.
iii)Shall be available for SNA meetings.
iv)Shall provide a mentoring role for officers concerning association decisions.
v)Shall be available for conflict resolution and officer inquiries.
vi)Shall not be expected to perform any role that has been neglected by an officer.
Organizational Meetings
Section 1. Individual Class Meetings
i)Can be called by either the Class Chairperson or Class Representative.
ii)Can be used for planning of events specific to their class.
iii)A quorum (half plus one) of active association members within a class must be in attendance for it to be an official class meeting.
Section 2. Association-wide Meetings
i)Shall be held at South Omaha Campus, with the exception of closed officer meetings which can be scheduled and held when and where best fits the officers attending.
ii)Shall be attended by at least one faculty representative.
iii)Shall require the attendance of at least 3 officers elected by the Class Chairpersons/Representatives.
Fundraisers, Projects, Speakers, and Events
Section 1. Fundraiser Regulations
i)Fundraisers must be association wide and cannot be limited to individual classes.
ii)Fundraisers must be agreed to by a simple majority officer vote in order to be presented to all serving representative members for a vote.
iii)A simple majority by active serving representative members present at the meeting will allow the fundraiser to proceed once it has obtained simple majority approval by the officers.
iv)All fundraisers shall be in compliance with MCC regulations and standards as interpreted by the SNA faculty sponsor.
v)Only those classes who have participated in at least one fundraiser may benefit from any fund distribution for official/ professional business relating to the SNA.
vi)Fundraiser ideas can be submitted to any officer/ representative by any active member of the SNA.
Section 2. Project Guidelines
i)Projects can be either association wide or limited to the PN or RN class.
ii)Projects can be proposed by any active member of the SNA.
iii)Projects should support the goals of SNA towards involvement within the local community for the betterment of the community.
iv)Projects should reflect positively on the SNA and the MCC Nursing Program.
v)Individual class projects must be approved by unanimous decision by the Chairperson and lass Representatives.
vi)Individual class projects must be approved by simple majority vote among active SNA members within that class.
vii)Association wide projects shall be approved by simple majority of officers, and a simple majority of all active members present at the meeting when it is voted on.
Section 3. Speaker Invitations
i)Any active member can recommend a speaker to the association.
ii)Any speaking engagement shall be open to all active members for attendance.
iii)Speakers must be of professional nature, and must serve the purpose of education for, or motivation of SNA members.
iv)Speaker fees must be unanimously approved by the treasurer and are subject to a simple majority vote from the elected officers.
Section 4. Events
i)Events are separate from projects in that they are not necessarily connected to community betterment.
ii)Events shall be open to all members in good standing within the SNA.
iii)Certain events may also be open to the public.
iv)Events should be in good taste, reflecting the professionalism of the student nurse.
v)Events may be proposed by any SNA member in active standing.
vi)Events must receive simple majority of officer support by vote before they can be represented for an open SNA vote.
vii)A simple majority of SNA active members must approve the event once it has received simple majority officer approval.
Amending the Bylaws
Section 1.
i)Any active member may propose additions, deletions, or modification to the SNA Bylaws.
ii)Any proposed change to the SNA Bylaws must be approved by 2/3 majority vote of all SNA members in active standing.