CNM Task Force Meeting 1/5/15 8p ET
Discussion / Presenter / PlanUpdate – how we got started / Robin Center / Continue going forward!
Update – Affiliate meeting with Commissioner Sharon Clark regarding insurance reimbursement for CNMs / Deborah Karsnitz / Debi, Sheila and Sue will meet with the Commissioner. Debi will report back to this group, Affiliate and ACNM
Need to continue researching, gathering data
Volunteers: Mandy, Sue, Damara / Robin Centner
Sheila Schuster / Divide up work between committee member
Use library resources - FNU, UL
Key Words to be established:
Barriers to practice – CNM
Birth Centers – Safety, financial
Share documents in one place
Consider DNP, MSN student involvement
Stakeholders / Leila Faucette / Continue to work on list
Involve all members
Ongoing consideration will increase list, facilitate buy-in
Need contact information – will work on getting some members to do this work – Debi will take to Affiliate members, present at meeting in April
Release white papers / Leila Faucette / Leila will post white papers from the CNM task force, ACNM and AABC.
Leila will release a synopsis of the meeting with the Cabinet
We can share this information with other groups.
Debi has already shared with the CA Affiliate.
Review CON Responses / Sheila Schuster / We need to divide responses, review, address certain aspects:
Relevancy, opposition, Allies
Sheila will send out list.
Press Coverage / Leila Faucette/Deborah Karsnitz / We will hold on this a bit, but garner more data and support from stakeholders. Call for volunteers, review ACNM material materials.
Supportive Documents from external stakeholders – moms/families / Sheila Schuster/Leila Faucette / Debi will take this information to the Affiliate members and we will ask CNMs to collect supportive documents from their clientele.
Sheila will work on a form that allows us to utilize the info.
Launching a Campaign…..
CNM Awareness / All / Continue to promote/educate at all meetings/encounters
Discuss credentials, CNM Facts, differences from CPMs
Consider publicity, using ACNM agenda and other local functions across the state.
Watch for opportunities
Face to Face meeting / Robin Centner
Deborah Karsnitz
Leila Faucette / Will have a meeting with a larger group of CNMs at the KCNPNM’s Annual Conference in April during the annual CNM luncheon. The luncheon is free to Affiliate members
Leila will put together a Flyer to promote attendance
Debi will announce multiple times to Affiliate members in conjunction to promoting the Conference
Meeting Focus : Overview of group work, Stakeholder outreach, raising awareness of midwifery input of membership re: access to care