Meeting of the Board of Directors, held at the home of Tony Grace,

Calgary, Alberta on Wednesday, February 2, 2011 at 7:00 PM.


Tony Grace President

Jim Hutchens Past President

Paul Kane Secretary

Bruce Gordon Treasurer

Mark Rowe Club Steward

Vacant Entertainment


Brian Lunan 1st Vice-President

Bill Lawson 2nd Vice-President

Colin Pinkerton Communications

1.  Call to Order

·  President, Tony Grace called the meeting to order at 7:15 PM.

2.  Regrets were received from:

·  See above.

3.  Additions to and approval of the Agenda

·  Moved by Paul Kane and seconded by Jim Hutchens that the agenda be approved as circulated. Carried

4.  Minutes of January 5, 2011 Meeting

·  Moved by Paul Kane and seconded by Jim Hutchens that the minutes be approved as circulated. Carried

5.  Business Arising from the January 5, 2011 Minutes

·  To be covered under agenda items.

6.  Correspondence – Colin Pinkerton

·  Colin could not attend this evening’s meeting.

7.  International – Colin Pinkerton

·  Paul reported that fraternal greetings had been received from several Burns Clubs in Scotland.

8.  Finance Report – Bruce Gordon

·  Bruce reported the various club account balances as follows:

§  Bank account $ 88,974

§  Savings account $ 907

§  Term Deposit $ 31,745

Total $ 121,526

·  Bruce also reported that approximately $10k had still to be paid for dinner related expenses; expected surplus on the dinner is in the region of $29k.

9.  Steward’s Report – Mark Rowe

·  Mark reported that some whisky and glasses were left over from the dinner. The executive agreed that 6 bottles will be set aside for Club events and that the remaining whisky should be offered for sale to the members at $35 per bottle.

10.  Membership Report – Jim Hutchens

·  Jim reported that there are currently 37 Ordinary Members, 13 Life Members, 3 Honorary Members and 14 Associate Members.

11.  Entertainment Report – Vacant

·  Tony Grace reported that Jim Little has agreed to organize the entertainment portion of the February members meeting. The March meeting arrangements are still being negotiated and Ron Budd is in charge of the March meeting.

12.  Kiwanis Festival – Jim Hutchens

·  Jim reported that he had emailed Mary Ross; as yet there is no further information and no schedule of events.

13.  2nd Vice-President’s Report – Bill Lawson

·  Bill could not attend this evening’s meeting.

14.  1st Vice-President’s Report – Brian Lunan

·  Brian could not attend this evening’s meeting. Tony Grace reported that a dinner de-brief for all members is scheduled to take place at Kensington Legion on Saturday February 12 at 12:00 noon, immediately after the singers’ weekly practice.

15.  President’s Report – Tony Grace

·  Tony reported that Ron Pratt has received a quote in the sum of $1,832.97 to produce another 500 copies of the singers’ 2nd CD. Tony Grace moved and seconded by Mark Rowe that it is recommended to the membership to proceed with the purchase of the 500 CDs. Carried

16.  New Business

·  Jim Hutchens suggested that as 2014 has been designated as a Homecoming Year in Scotland to celebrate the 700th anniversary of the Battle of Bannockburn, that the Club should investigate the feasibility of a statue/bust of Robert Burns to stand adjacent to the Wallace statue at the Jubilee Auditorium. Jim agreed to explore this further.

·  Bruce Gordon suggested that in light of the extra funds generated from the dinner, that the Club should consider moving some money from the ordinary account into some form of investment account. Bruce to explore options.

17.  Next Meeting

·  Wednesday, March 2, 2011 at 7:00 PM.

18.  Adjournment

·  The meeting was adjourned at 8:33 PM.