
University of Northern Iowa – Spring 2014

Lecture & Lab:Tuesday and Thursday 9:30 to 10:45

Professors:Dr. Chad Heinzel

Office hours:Open

Office phone: 273-6168


Text: Geoarchaeology 2nd ed., by Rapp and Hill

Final Exam:

Learning objectives:

  1. Learn how to apply geologic tools and skills to understand the development and characterization of interactions between humans and their landscapes…
  2. Discover how geoarchaeology may help drive our understanding of sustainable living…

*We will have a 20 point quiz at the beginning of every Thursday class rather than the typical exams. These quizzes will be based on class discussions, the readings, and handouts.


Week 1Geoarchaeology: Applied Science and Civilizations1

1/13-17Minerals and Rocks

Week 2The Archaeological Record Soils and Sediments2


Week 3The Archaeological Record Soils and Sediments2


Week 4Anthropogenic landscapes 3


Week 5Paleoenvironmental reconstructions4


Week 6Natural resources and humanity5


Week 7Provenance studies 6


Week 8Chronologic determination at archaeological sites7


Week 9Geologic mapping and remote sensing 8


Week 10 Spring Break 2014

3/17-21No classes

Week 11Site preservation and conservation 9


Week 12Geoarchaeology, social geology, and sustainability handouts

3/31 4/4

Week 13The Neolithic and future of human subsistence handouts


Week 14Midwest geoarchaeology (Early)

4/14-18Field Trip 1- Friday- Saturday - Sunday

Week 15Midwest geoarchaeology (Transitional)

4/21-25Field Trip 2 – Friday - Saturday - Sunday

Week 16Midwest geoarchaeology (Late)

4/28 5/2

Week 17Finals Week


Grading procedure & policies A: X >93%, B: X >83%, C: X >73%, D: X >60%, F: X<60%

If you earn 90% of the total points you are guaranteed a grade of A-. The lower limit for each grade range will not move up. A curve will not be used in this class.

There will be no make-up quizzes after they are given. Should you have a scheduled conflict, please visit with us well before the exam date. An unexcused absence during an exam will lead to an automatic zero. Emergencies happen and will be dealt with on a case by case basis, if something does happen contact usasap!

Estimated point distribution

Weekly quizzes 13 * 20 points = 280

Research project (TBA)1 * 100= 100

In-class work ? * 10 = 50

Field trip report1 * 50= 50

Final exam1 * 100= 100

Participation= 20

TOTAL= 600

So to earn an A, you would need to obtain 560 out of 600.

Class attendance and participation

Test questions will reflect and cover: 1)lectures, 2) lecture discussions, 3) text readings, and 4) labs. Anything we say or you do is fair game. Attendance is mandatory.

Academic dishonesty- Is not tolerated on the UNI campus (the campus wide policy will be followed). In addition, you may be tarred and feathered = Do not cheat. You are at UNI to better yourself!

Special Needs: Any students who require special accommodations for learning please let me know (privately) as soon as possible.