Sunday, August 23, 2009 12:00 – 4:00pm
Completed applications must be submitted with a $15 or $25 non-refundable fee (based on table rental) to the Illini Union Student Program and Activities Department, 284 Illini Union. Cash and check only, with checks made out to University of Illinois. Office hours are Monday–Friday, 8:30am–5:00 pm.
Applications will be accepted beginning April 6th
Name of organization, exactly as registered with the Office of Registered Organizations:
Please print legibly.
President/Staff Summer Contact Information:
Name ______Phone______
Net ID/Illinois email
Second Contact (The contact person may be a member of the organization who is coordinating Quad Day activities with the president.)
Name ______Net ID/Illinois email address ______
(The preceding two members will be the only members of your organization who will receive Quad Day correspondence via email.)
Table Rental □ Yes, our organization would like to rent a table for an additional $10 (Total registration fee-$25)
□ No, our organization will provide our own table. We understand no extra tables will be available
for rental on Quad Day (Total registration fee-$15)
For Creative, Performing and Martial Arts organizations:
Are you interested in performing for 15 minutes on the Anniversary Plaza stage or the Foellinger Lawn during Quad Day? (time and space permitting) q No q Yes-please complete a Quad Day performance form
Please indicate which category your organization is classified under in the Registered Organization directory
□Academic/Professional □Athletic/Recreation □Creative/Media/Performing Arts □Cultural/Ethnic
□International □Other Social □Political □Religious
□Rights/Freedom Issues □ROTC □ Service/Volunteer □Social Fraternity/Sorority
For Non-RSO applicants: □Academic/Administrative Department □Community Non-Profit Agency
I have read and agree to the rules and conditions of Quad Day 2009 listed with this application and on the receipt for payment that has been provided to me. I further understand that failure to abide by the terms of this contract or the Quad Day Rules and Procedures can result in the withdrawal of rights for my organization to participate in this or future Quad Days.
Signature of organization representative
Name (please type/print)
Please review the
Quad Day Rules & Procedures
included with this Application Form.
For office use only
Application #
q Cash q Check #
RSO Status
Assigned Booth #
Table Y N
For additional arrangements, special activities, or exhibits, contact the Illini Union Student Programs and Activities Department, 284 Illini Union. Quad Day inquiries may be directed to or (217) 244-2357
Sunday, August 23, 2009
The purpose of Quad Day is to expose students to the diverse opportunities available for becoming involved in the campus community, especially student organizations. This is one of the few opportunities student organizations have to introduce themselves to the campus. Because of this, registered organizations are given preference in assignment of space on Quad Day. However, appropriate space will be reserved for university departments and community non-profit agencies as these services are also of benefit to those who attend Quad Day. All organizations participating in Quad Day are given space for the purposes of providing the campus community with information concerning the group's purpose and, involvement opportunities.
1. Organizations must return the application with a $15 or $25 non-refundable fee (based on table rental) to 284 Illini Union from 8:30am - 5:00pm, Monday through Friday. Cash or checks accepted with checks made payable to the University of Illinois.
2. Completed applications will be accepted no earlier than April 6th – the first Monday in April. Applications will not be accepted after Tuesday, June 30, 2009. No exceptions will be granted.
3. Submission of an application does not guarantee a spot at Quad Day; space is granted on a first come-first serve basis pending the organization is registered and in good financial standing (no outstanding or delinquent financial obligations).
4. All organizations, including their members and displays must remain in their designated area during Quad Day – an 8x8 foot grid. Each organization is permitted only one assigned space. Members, nor displays, must not encroach upon another organization’s area or into traffic areas—any such displays will be taken down immediately and members will be asked to leave. No refunds will be given.
5. Organizations will be arranged categorically, based on how they are registered with the Office of Registered Organizations.
6. Tents will be permitted only if they are confined to the 8x8 foot grid assigned to your organization. Any organization that has a tent that exceeds the 8x8 foot grid will be asked to remove the structure. No stakes are permitted to anchor the tent into the ground. Please note that some locations may not support the use of tents due to light poles, fencing, shrubs, etc. The organization will not be notified of its location until check-in the morning of Quad Day. If the organization has a tent and it is obstructed by a permanent structure, the organization may not be able to utilize a tent.
7. Any booth set-up/plan other than the standard set-up (tablet/chair/tent) must be approved by the Quad Day Coordinator prior to June 30, 2009. Quad Day Coordinator can be reached in 284 Illini Union or at 244-2357.
8. Organizations must have checked in at the Quad Day Information Booth (located at the north end of the Quad – open at 10:00am) and be present at their booths prior to 11:45am on Quad Day. Organizations who have not done so will forfeit their space. Check in will begin at 10am.
9. Organizations are not allowed to solicit or exchange any funds or sell any items of any kind. No food or beverages can be distributed.
10. Organizational representatives must remain behind the tables. They may not place themselves in the flow of traffic to pass out information or for any other purpose. Organizations that violate this policy will be required to leave (see #14 below).
11. Organizations have the option to rent a table this year or provide their own. Please indicate your preference when you register. No additional tables will be available to rent on Quad Day. All organizations are responsible for bringing their own chairs.
12. No electricity will be provided to participating organizations. If the exhibit requires the use of power, please make alternate arrangements for the display.
13. Consistent with Building and Grounds policies, no stakes, poles, or tents may be driven into the ground and heavy equipment is prohibited on the Quad.
14. Failure to comply with any part of this contract or the Quad Day Rules and Procedures can result in the withdrawal of all rights to participate in this or future Quad Days.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Illini Union Student Programs and Activities Department,
Illini Union Room 284. Quad Day inquiries may be directed to or (217) 244-2357.
The Request for Performance Time on Stage must be submitted in conjunction with the organization’s Quad Day Application Form in order to be considered for performance time for Quad Day.
Applications may be submitted beginning April 6, 2009.
Deadline for the Quad Day application and the performance time application is June 30, 2009.
No requests for performance time on the day of Quad Day will be honored.
Name of organization, exactly as registered with the Office of Registered Organizations:
Summer Contact Person
Please print legibly.
Name ______Phone______
Net ID/Illinois email
This individual shall be either the President or the Contact Person as indicated on the Application Form and be available for contact this summer. The following member will be the only member of your organization who could receive Quad Day mailings and email confirmation from the Illini Union
Please provide a description of your performance: ______
The Anniversary Plaza stage on is 16’ x 32’. The Foellinger Lawn is a grassy area for athletic demonstrations.
A small PA system (12 channel with speakers; can play CDs and cassettes) and 6 microphones with stands are available for the Anniversary Plaza stage. Please list the equipment you will need:
q CD player q Cassette Player q Microphones (number needed: )
If you have any questions, please contact the Quad Day Coordinator at 244-2357 or